Lessons In New Jersey

Your Everything I Never Knew...


We arrived at the mall and met some more people in the process.

"Hey Chris. This is Madeline." she introduced us. But remembering back. We had already met.

"Yea...We've met." I replied back. He just gave me a smirk.

"And this is Monique." She replied pointing to some black girl who I never met. "And so now that you met almost everyone lets go shopping." she said with a smile and put her arm around me and we all started walking. We walked into the Forever 21 store. Usually I wouldn't be caught dead going into that store but with them it was something different.

"Oh this would be so cute. Here try this on." She gave me a pink spagetti strap dress. I looked at it for a moment then took it into the dressing room and tried it on. I looked at myself in the mirror and quickly thought 'this isn't me'. "Maddie lets see." I heard Kelsie say I sighed and stepped out. "That looks so good on you. Come on we so have to take a picture." she replied and pulled me over to her and Chris giving Monique the camera. It was funny to me how she was acting so there was no way I couldn't laugh.


She snapped the picture and pushed me back in the stall to try on more clothes. We tried on alot of ensembles. In the end we bought the pink dress and some other shirts, skirts, and pants. Kelsie made me wear the dress out of the store. Since my hair was already in some what curls it wasn't that hard for Kelsie to do my hair.

"Maddie! the camera loves you." I heard Chris say to me as I turned around to pose for another picture.


I laughed and we continued walking. We talked about alot of things. Mainly I stayed away from mentioning Gerard and his band. And other such things that would throw them off. We walked past the Hottopic in which I so wanted to go inside. I then recognized a familiar face. It was Mikey.

"Hey I'll meet you guys in the food court okay I just wanna say hi to someone." I replied to them. They just looked at me.

"Okay. Hurry though. Cause were gonna go to FYE after okay." Kelsie replied I nodded. I walked away making it seem like I was gonna go into the K9 Lives store. The store for pets. Once they were a good distance I ran into the hottopic. I got alot of wierd looks. I could almost hear them saying 'what is she doing in here?' if only knew.

"Hey sexy." I replied to Mikey as I walked up behind him. He spun around and looked at me. His eyes widen as he looked me up and down.

"Maddie!? Wow. You look. Just wow." he replied as he hugged me.

"Why thank you. Are you here alone?" I questioned.

"Uh no well. I'm here with..." he trailed off for a moment as Frank turned the corner looking at me. He didn't say anything he just kept looking at me in the pink dress I was wearing.

"Oh. Hi Frank." I quietly said to him.

"Hi Maddie." he replied. He was holding a shirt that he was I guess debating on getting. "By the way. Thanks for the ride this morning." he looked down. I looked down to. Looking at the shoes I was wearing. Clear looking Stilettos.

One of the workers who worked at hottopic came up to us.

"Can I help you with something?" She questioned. Morely directing at me. I then realized how out of place I was in the store. Only a few days ago I was welcomed without a care. Now it was different.

"Oh...No I was just saying hi to a friend." I replied and looked back at Frank who was looking at my dress. "I should probably go. Now Kelsie's waiting for me." I replied and gave Mikey one last hug and walked away. I turned back around "Frank, You should get that shirt. It'll look good on you." I replied and he gave me a little smile and I walked away to the food court.