Lessons In New Jersey

Well I thought I heard You Say I Like You


Frank's POV


So it was Friday and I could still remember how Maddie looked in that dress on Wednesday. She looked different. I walked into my geomtrey. And there she was sitting with her new friends Chris and Piper. It really annoyed me how she could be friends with him considering how he was before. She was wearing a turquoise long sleeved shirt and some jeans her hair was parted on the side and in semi-curls. Fridays was casual day. We didn't have to wear our uniforms. I watched her as she laughed at something Piper must have said. I just sat in the back.

"How do you do this problem?" I heard her questioned Chris.

"I don't know. I never know." he replied.

"Obviously." she replied with a laugh I sat there looking at the problem on my notebook and quickly did it.

"Hey Frank." I heard her say as she came up to me.

"Hi." I replied and went back to working on my homework.

Maddie's POV

Afte realizing how Chris really didn't know anything about our homework I decided to turn to the person who actually knew. I looked at Piper. Another friend of Kelsie then back at Frank.

"Hey I'll be right back." I said them they just nodded.

I walked over to Frank's desk looking at him solve the problem I had so much trouble with.

"Hey Frank." I greeted him and he just looked up at me.

"Hi." he replied and returned to look at his paper. I looked around and pulled a chair up and sat across from him. "You need something?" he questioned me.

"Yea I was wondering if you can show me how to do this problem. Its overly confusing me." I replied with a smile. He just lookied at me.

"Its easy just plug in the numbers into the formula 120 over 360 times 2 times the radius...3. Leave pi in there and you have your answer." He explained to me. Which made me feel more like a ditz something so simple like that I couldn't get.

"Oh...can I use your calculator?" I questioned him.

"Sure." he replied and continued doing his work. I simply plugged in the numbers and got the answer which was 2 pi units. "Thanks." I replied and handed him his calculator. I just sat there for a moment.

"You need anything else?" He questioned me.

"No." I replied and looked around. I looked at Chris and Piper who were watching me. I turned back to Frank. "So are you guys having band practice today?" I questioned.

"Yea, Why?" he replied and put his pencil down.

"Just wondering. I haven't seen you guy's practice in awhile. You have any new songs?" I questioned him.

"Maddie hurry up!" I heard Chris say I turned and waved at them telling them just a moment.

"Just go back to your friends. You don't care about the band." He replied.

"I do to care. It's just. I've been busy. Tell me...Do you guys have any new songs?" I questioned him again. He just nodded.

"Yea. We're working on one called 'Honey, This mirror isn't big enough for the two of us'." He replied and closed his notebook.

"Sounds good. I'll come by later." I replied then heard the bell ring for lunch. I stood up and he did to.

"It's probably better if you don't." He replied and walked past me. Chris and Piper waved me over. I just waved back telling them to hold on.

"Better for you. Or better for the guys...None of them bare a grudge against me. Only you." I replied.

"Just...Leave me alone please." He replied and walked away.

I just stood there as the classroom emptied. Letting a tear escape from my eye.