Lessons In New Jersey

Now she can taste it. It took her away...

I ran as fast as I could to get to Gerard's house I knew I was late and Gerard would be pissed. He was so dedicated sometimes. Which reminds me if he took his meds today. As I got closer I was starting my excuse I would have to tell him why I was so late. But Something made me slow down. When I heard the music coming from the garage. And someone playing my part. I knew it couldn't be Toro. I walked up to the garage and saw them rehearsing. With some chick in my spot. They stopped when they saw me.

"Frank man where have you been" I heard Gerard question me.

"Sorry had a case of house arrest when my mom wanted me to clean my room...whose this" I questioned him this time while pointing to the girl that was standing in my spot.

"Oh" he turned to her "This is...well we suspect Maddie. But were not entirely sure"

"You suspect. Okaaaay...what is she doing" I questioned again.

"She was filling in for you till you got here." Ray replied this time.

"Oh...again sorry for that. but I'm here now sooo" I trailed off hoping they would get the hint.

They weren't exactly picking up on it though. But she did.

"Okay then. I'm gonna go now. See you later Gerard" I heard her say and she handed me the guitar.

"Wait. You don't have to go why don't you just stay and watch." I heard Gerard say to her. She looked at me then back at him.

"Um okay then" she replied back and walked off to the side.

"oh and show him that note change in the middle of the song okay" when he said that I was a bit confused.

"What note change?" I questioned him.

"The one she came up with. We thought it sounded a bit better" he told me.

"Right...a girl thought of a better note" I replied back.

"Excuse me. What are you trying to say. That a girl can't be just as good as a guy at playing guitar" she gave a look that could kill. But I wasn't gonna be intimidated by a girl. None the less somewhat an inch and a half shorter than me.

"I guess if thats what it sounds like yea" I replied back and put the guitar strap over my shoulder.

The guys just watched us.

"Yea sure. bastard." she said to me and turned to Gerard "Gerard I'm just gonna go. Call me later"

"Bye Maddie" I said to her in a mocking tone. She just flipped me off and picked up a guitar case. Not seeing it before I assumed it was hers.

We watched her leave.

"Geez frank she was just helping. No need to get hostile" I heard Mikey tell me.

"Want me to show you hostile" I replied to him.

"No I'm fine" he replied and stepped away.

"No one's being hostile...anymore. Lets just practice okay" Gerard replied back and stood by the mic. I just nodded and returned to my position.