Lessons In New Jersey

Our Time is Never up...We Pay for Everything...


We drove back to the house I completely ignored my mom as she yelled at me.

"Well?" I heard her say. I snapped out of my trance and looked at her.

"I uh." I replied.

"What were you thinking?" she questioned.

"I don't know okay!" I replied back.

"I raised you better than this." she replied.

"I'm sorry okay, you just don't know what its like okay. You don't know what they were saying to and about me." I replied and looked out the window.

"I went to high school I've been through all the name calling and all that." she replied.

"Mom high schools changed since the 70's or whenever." I replied as we pulled up to the driveway.

"I don't care," she sighed and turned off the car "they suspended you for a week," she replied.

"I don't care," I replied back.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do with you," she replied and got out of the car as I got out too.

We walked up to the house in silence once we walked in Jeremy was there sitting on the couch watching TV. I walked up the stairs to my room closing the door and turning my stereo on. I changed out of my uniform into my comfort clothes, which of course was some PJ bottoms and a wife-beater, I pulled my hair up and laid on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

[Hour later]

I turned in my sleep as I heard tapping noises I sat up a little confused, I looked around and thinking to myself I'm on the second floor how could someone be tapping on my window I looked out and saw Frank he waved at me and I waved back. I opened my window.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered to him.

"I wanted to see you...as cheesy as it may of sounded." he replied I laughed a little.

"My mom is going to kill you if she sees you." I replied.

"Ah death is good to avoid." he replied and made me laugh.

"Is the light on downstairs?" I questioned him.

"Only in the living room." I nodded and knew that my mom was probably still up watching TV, so going out the back door was out of the question. I did the only thing I thought would work. I climbed out my window and scooted along the side of the house to the roof of shed and climbed down. I straighted my shirt and ran over to Frank knocking him on the ground as I jumped on him giving him a kiss.

"Thank god I'm still young and care free to have a heart attack." He replied with a smile.

"Carefree, ha sounds about right," I replied.

I stood up helping him up as well.

"So what did your mom say?" I questioned him.

"Well I'm apparently grounded and I have 3 days of ISS, What about you?" He questioned back.

"Suspended for a week, my mom didn't say anything else." I replied and shrugged. It all of a sudden got noticeably bright as the kitchen light turned on. Frank grabbed my hand we took off running. "Where are we going?" I questioned him.

"To Gerard's." He replied. We ran to Gerard's house and knocked on his window. He opened his curtain and looked at us then opened his window.

"Why hello you crazy kids...what do you want?" he questioned us.

"Just somewhere to crash." Frank replied.

"What am I a hotel? I should start charging you guys." He replied.

"Yea just put it on our tab." Frank replied I laughed at him.

"Fine." Gerard replied and left the window.

"Where'd he go?" I questioned Frank.

"Come on you hoodlums." We heard Gerard say as he opened the back door.

"Thank you dahling." I replied poking Gerard in the stomache.

"Hey no pokey me." He replied which made us laugh.

We walked to Gerard's room making sure not to be too loud. When we walked in we saw nothing but paper scattered everywhere.

"Wow, I see your redecorating." I replied standing next to Frank.

"Ha ha funny, I'm in full drawing mode, but thanks to you guys I think I've lost my groove now." he replied.

"oops meh bad." Frank replied. He sat down pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me. Gerard returned to his desk to continue drawing.

"So I heard about the fight at the your school." Gerard said while drawing.

"How'd you find out?" Frank questioned him.

"Its a small town, news travels fast." He replied.

"I guess it does." I replied and looked at Frank who smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

Gerard turned around and looked at us. "Is there something I should know about?" he questioned.

"Do you want details." Frank replied.

"ew no." Gerard replied back and turned around. We laughed at him.

We stayed up talking and joking, Then some how moved onto playing cards. Till we all fell asleep...which was on the floor cause of Gerard's pictures on the bed.