Lessons In New Jersey

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs


Two days later after the whole ordeal Frank was at school in the ISS room while I walked the town not knowing what to do with my spare time. I had decided to visit the library and check out a book. After spending an hour there I decided to walk to the little ice cream shop where was actually the official Hang out for kids. I sat at a table eating my Ice cream and read 'Guitar Girl' a book I had gotten at the library.

"Hey," I heard someone say as they sat down across from me.

I looked up to see Chris sitting there. What he was doing I don't know.

"Hey, is there something you need?" I questioned him.

"No, What I can't just sit here?" he questioned back.

"Uh Well, you can...But what about Kelsie?" I questioned back.

"What about her?" he replied.

"Well we're not friends anymore, don't you think she'll have a bitch fit." I replied closing my book.

"I don't really care, I'm not her robot." He replied back.

"Okay," I looked around.

"School's not out yet, Why aren't you in school?" I questioned him.

"Didn't feel like going? and actually your the only thing they talk about at school. Its annoying." He replied looking at his watch.

"Wow thats a nice comment, Its fun to know that the subject of me is very annoying." I replied and stood up.

"Thats not what I meant, I mean, I like you, your cool but all they do is trash talk." he followed me.

"What do they say?" I questioned him.

"Just the you know, blah blahs." he replied as we walked up on a hill.

"Ah I see. your pretty cool yourself by the way." I looked around again and zipped up my jacket.

"Why thank you." He replied with a laugh and hugged me.

"Trouble Maker!" I heard someone shout I turned to see Gerard run up to us followed Ray and Mikey. I wasn't really able to react as Gerard picked me up and swung me around.

"Down Geetard!" I replied while getting dizzy.

"Hi, Who are you?" Ray questioned Chris.

"I'm Chris." He replied, Gerard put me down as I stumbled a little.

"Yea, whoa, this is Chris a friend of mine." I replied trying to stay standing.

"Friend? Since when did you have friends?" Mikey replied.

"Shut up." I replied "He lurves me. Yes he does." I replied hugging Chris while laughing.

"Nobody loves me." Ray then said, I laughed at him.

"Hey Chris." more people walked up, and yes it was Kelsie, Piper, and Monique.

"Hey look, Maddie does get around." Piper replied hinting towards Gerard, Mikey, and Ray.

"Screw you Piper." I replied letting go of Chris.

"Chris what are you doing?" Kelsie questioned him.

"I'm talking to Maddie and her friends." He replied back. I could tell Kelsie wasn't liking this.

"I can see that. But why?" she questioned again.

"Because I want to." He replied I smiled and crossed my arms.

"Chris, lets go I don't want you talking to her. or her freaky friends." Kelsie replied and tried to grab his hand but he pulled away.

"Hey, she called us freaky...how nice." Gerard replied and we laughed.

"Kelsie one, You don't own me, two your a complete bitch and I don't like you anymore. You were cool at first but you let all the popularity get to your head...thats probably why its so big." He replied I covered my mouth trying to hide my laughing.

"Fuck you then." She replied and walked away.

"It's okay Kelsie. We'll take good care of him." I yelled to her squeezing him. She just glared and continued to walk.

"Welcome to the darkside kiddo. We have cookies." Gerard replied. We all laughed and walked away.