Lessons In New Jersey

I found mine...


Me and Frank sat on the brick wall in front of the FAC just talking and laughing. I was back at school and Frank was out of ISS. There was alot of rumors when I got back and plenty of whispers to. But I could care less.

"So I forgot to tell you. But we're actually having our first show this weekend," he replied to me while putting his arm around me.

"Oooh really...fun." I replied with a laugh. "What time?"

"like 7 I think, I'll have to ask Gerard again." he replied. We heard the bell ring signaling the start of the 5 minute passing to get to class.

"Oh yay class time," I replied, Frank just laughed at me.

We were walking to class when Chris' friends came up to us.

"Well well little Frankie boy, It's been awhile since we seen you." Steven said to him.

"Fuck off," Frank replied.

"Not such kind words from someone so small," he replied to him grabbing him and shoving him against the locker.

"Stop it!" I yelled to them.

"Stop what? I'm only trying to make a real man out of your boy." he replied.

"Steven! lay off!." I heard Chris yell while running up to him.

"It's only Frank." he replied.

"I don't care, back off." he said to them again I just looked back and forth between them. Steven looked at him then scoffed and let go, he gave him one last look and walked away.

"Thanks," Frank replied rubbing his arms.

"Don't worry about it, just let me know if they mess with you again." he replied back.

"Okay, hey you coming to the show this weekend." Frank replied.

"Yea Gerard was telling me about that," Chris replied as we started walking again.

We continued talking as we walked to class. Getting all sorts of funny looks from people. But eh who cares.