Lessons In New Jersey

Don't let go of that one...


I couldn't believe it. But there she was Magdelena. I turned and saw Maddie looking at her with Gerard's arm around her. I thought it was best to maybe speak with Magdelena alone.

"I'll be right back," I said to the guys and Maddie and directed Magdelena outside.

We walked into the back alley.

"Magdelena, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Colorado." I questioned her.

"I was, but then my dad took his job again back here. So here I am, we moved back. I was going to tell you but I thought I'd might surprise you...surprise," she replied back.

I wasn't sure on what I should or even could say back. This sure was a surprise but not just for me it looked like it was sure as hell of a shocker to Maddie as well.

"Oh, Mags I..." I trailed of not knowing how I could tell her.

"Frank, Judging by that only girl in the group there you found someone. But I just thought I'd let you know that...I really missed you Frank, there wasn't a day that gone by that I didn't think of you." she replied back.


Maddie's POV

I sat in the back with the guys not entirely comfortable with the fact that Frank's ex-girlfriend was here and that they were alone together. I just sat in a chair and stared at the floor listening to the guys talking.

"So, how did Magde- whatever, become Frank's Ex?" I questioned Gerard.

"She moved, they tried the whole long distance relationship thing but yea didn't work out." he replied back. I was actually hoping it would of been because he dumped her or she dumped him. Would be easier on the mind instead of them probably still being together if she hadn't of moved. "Don't worry love, it'll be fine." Gerard replied while holding my hand. I just gave him a little smile.

"Yea, um you know I'll call you later, I have some homework I have to do." I replied and stood up.

"But it's a friday." he replied back.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I walked out.

"Wait, I'll give you a ride." Chris replied and followed me.

We walked out to his car in silence, his car beeped letting us know that it was now open. Once we were in the car he started it and we drove off.

"Are you okay?" he questioned me.

"Yea I'm fine," I replied back.

"Its cause of Frank and Magdelena huh?" he questioned again.

"Do you think since she's back they'll get together again," I questioned him.

"I don't think so, I see the way he looks at you. It's like there's nothing else he sees." Chris replied back.

"Thats sweet. I hope your right." I looked out the window and sang to myself "its to late now and i'll show you how put that guitar down put,"

"What are you singing?" Chris questioned me.

"Huh? oh...I don't know it just came out." I replied. He just looked at me and continued driving. He dropped me off and told me he would talk to me tomorrow. I waved and went inside. It was dark so everyone was asleep. I closed the door to my room and turned my light on. I pulled out my notebook and started singing and writing at the same time.

"Time oh time it slips so fine it kills me about everytime. I decide that time has come figure I'll go get me some that's not what your supposed to do don't dare go back the failures too
Maybe I'm a failure too so lets get on with it don't you ever play what you feel inside
No baby I ain't got the time to figure out what makes you smile or makes you tend to lie
It's too late now and I'll show you how put that guitar down."

I stayed up till 3 writing till I finally passed out with papers scattered around me and my acoustic laying next to me.