Lessons In New Jersey

Learned a little more than I thought I would...


We sat at a coffee table with our cups of coffee, Gerard was already bouncing off the wall.

"More coffee," one of the waitresses asked.

"Decaf for him." I pointed to Gerard. He just laughed at me.

"Do you wanna know why I love you so." He replied pulling my chair closer as my eye's widen looking at Ray and Mikey who were laughing.

"I'm scared." I replied back.

"I'll tell you why, because your not like other girls at all your totally and completely one of the guys," he finished.

"Wow I'm a guy I feel special, now let go of me." I replied and pulled away. Ray and Mikey were cracking up.

"Next up is, Maddie with a song she wrote called Lessons In New Jersey," I choked on my sip of coffee.

"What?!" I looked at the guys as they tried to look away avoiding me "You guys signed me up! I told you not to!" I replied to them.

"It was Gerard's idea," Mikey exclaimed.

"No it wasn't it was Ray's," Gerard replied back.

"Dude it was totally yours," Ray replied back.

"Ugh fine you know what, your coming with me." I grabbed Gerard and pulled him out of his chair.

"What? thats not fare," He replied I pulled him on stage.

"Uh, Hi I'm Maddie and this is my friend Gerard he's going to assist me, yea." I pushed him in the chair and sat next him with a guitar. "remember the snap," he nodded and we started the song.


Frank's POV

I walked around the town thinking about what happened before. I touched my eye and flinched, I couldn't believe Ray hit me. I didn't think he would do that he didn't seem like he would. I walked over to the coffee place where we all used to hang out, I just remembered it was show night. When I walked in I heard a familiar voice singing.

"So I met a guy. He's from New Jersey learned a little more than I thought I would. Love Me, love me, love me, love me," I saw Maddie on the stage with Gerard, everyone loved her song she stood up and hugged Gerard giving him a kiss...on the lips. When she turned back she saw me and her face when straight. Handing Gerard the guitar she ran off the stage and out of one of the other doors. I went out the door I just came through and after her. I caught up to her as soon as she turned the corner.

"Maddie stop it!" I pulled her back. "talk to me," I asked of her as she tried to struggle away.

"Let go of me, I don't want to see you again." she yelled to me trying to get away.

"Just talk to me," I begged.

"No Frank! You messed up, were over now let go," she struggled again and once she got loose she hit me, harder than last time. "You really hurt me, why." she questioned me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," I replied back putting my hand to my face.

"You don't know!" she yelled back. I heard the rest of the guys run up behind me.

"I'm sorry I'll never do it again." I replied back.

"You sure as hell won't, don't come around me anymore don't attempt it." she replied and ran off.