Lessons In New Jersey

Where do i go from here

Frank said nothing more to me. After awhile the guys got tired and one by one all fell asleep. It was in my best interest , and the guys as well, to sleep in the living room. I wasn't to sleepy so I ended up staying up some more. To read and write. Writing as anyone can say was a way of expression. In which I had alot to express. After the arguement with my mom about our former situation I decided to work on a past poem I had been writing. Right in the middle of my writers block I saw Frank come out of Gerard's room and lay on one of the couches in the living room.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him still a bit irritated at his attitude.

"Gerard snores. I can't sleep." he replied back and stared at the ceiling.

"Okaay" I turned my attention back to the paper.

"What are you doing?" he questioned me. It confused me a little because he was actually being nice.

"Writing" I simply replied back and stared at my paper.

"About what" he questioned again.

"about stuff. go to sleep" finally a phrase popped into my head. I decided to place it somewhere in the middle of the whole poem.

"can I read it?" this time he sat up.

"um" I hesitated for a moment. I usually never let anyone read any of my poems. But deciding to let him read it. Was the first time. "sure"

I handed him the wrinkled paper. That had a whole bunch of crossed out words, and had various doodles on it.

He then started to read it out loud...

His little whispers.
Love Me. Love Me.
That's all I ask for.
Love Me. Love Me.
He battered his tiny fists to feel something.
Wondered what it's like to touch and feel something.
How should I feel?
Creatures lie here.
Looking through the window...
That night he caged her.
Bruised and broke her.
He struggled closer.
Then he stole her.
Violet wrists and then her ankles.
Silent Pain.
Then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams.
How should I feel?
Creatures lie here.
Looking through the windows.
I will.
Hear their voices.
I'm a glass child.
I am Hannah's regrets.
How should I feel?
Turn the sheets down.
Murder ears with pillow lace.
There's bath tubs.
Full of glow flies.
Bathe in kerosene.
Their words tattoed in his veins.

when he was finished he just looked at me.

"That was deep" he simply said and handed it back to me. "Do you have anymore?"

"No I left them at my house" I looked at the paper, folded it and put it in my pocket.

"Oh. So do you know what classes your taking yet" he questioned me.

"No not yet. Maybe choir and photojournalism if they have it. the others are probably just basics" I replied and looked around. For some reason I couldnt look at people when I talked maybe just a little glance but not a full face to face talk conversation.

"Oh they have photojournalism. So I think your set there" he said while running his hand through his hair.

"your hair looks baby soft" I replied back with a laugh.

"Uh thanks" he laughed back and smiled.

"Your welcome." I smiled and laid down. After a few minutes of silence I turned off the light and we both fell asleep.