Lessons In New Jersey

If life aint a joke then why are we laughing....

I woke with the lack of air in my lungs do to Gerard sitting on me.

"Look its awake" I heard him say as the others laughed.

"Your. cutting. off. my air. supply" I managed to say. He laughed and got off.

"Do you know how long I've been sitting on you" he replied back.

"Do I even want to know why you sitting on me?" I questioned back

"Probably not" he replied and laughed.

"Thank you." I sat up and looked at the guys who were fully dressed in different clothing. Unlike me. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I looked at Frank who was wearing a uniform. "Dear jeebus...Frank what are you wearing" I questioned him.

"My school clothes. You didn't know. We have to wear uniforms" he replied and fixed his tie.

"I thought my mom was joking with me. That sucks" it was still dark outside so I assumed it was still probably 6 in the morning. I usually didnt wake up till 7 to go to school.

"Why is it still dark?" I questioned.

"Because it's six" Mikey replied.

"okay see thats what I thought. I hate monday's" I replied and yawned.

"Don't we all...Now get up you gotta register, get your schedule, and your uniform. Up up up" Frank pulled me off the couch. Why he again was being nice I don't know.

"ew uniform" I simply muttered. "Why me?"

"Have fun" I heard Gerard say as we were walking to the door.