Lessons In New Jersey

When you go will you have the guts to say...

I couldn't be more happier than ever to be able to go to geometry class. Sure your probably thinking "ew geometry" which is what I always say whenever someone mentions it. But Frank was the only person I knew. First of all the only person I knew in this dreaded school and that class. I read the numbers beside the door to the class rooms when I finally got to room B118. I stood there hesitating for a moment and looking at all the people walking around me. Most of them giving me death defying looks. None which really scared me but made me laugh a little cause they looked rediculous

"Oh so you found it" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned around to see frank standing there.

"FRANK!" I practically yelled kind of catching him off guard for a moment I jumped and gave him a hug. "finally I sees you. Don't leave me please"

"Uh...okay. I'm guessing by this sudden move of what I hope was an involuntary action...Your glad to see me" he replied back.

"Involuntary action? No, Happy to see you? Hell yea" I replied and let go. "I feel like such a freak in this stupid outfit"

"Yea. you look like one to" he replied back with a laugh.

"Shut up. So tell me. How's the geometry class" I questioned him.

"Its not that bad. I'm learning it so it can't all be so unfortunate" he replied and led me through the door.

"Good afternoon Mr. Iero. Did you do your homework" the teacher questioned him.

"I always do my homework" frank replied back.

"i know you do. Just making sure you didn't slack off this time and not do your homework" he replied back and wrote the date on the board.

Frank's POV

We watched as Mr. Modesty wrote the date on the board.

"Uh Mr. Modesty. We have a new student" I said to him taking Maddie's schedule and handing it to him.

"Ah so we do. Welcome Madeline" He said to her shaking her hand.

"I'd prefer if you just called me Maddie" she replied to him. He just shook his head understanding her.

"Alright then Maddie. Well theres and an empty seat beside Frank so if you chose you can sit next to him" I just shook my head at him and showed Maddie where I sat.

We sat there talking waiting for everyone to get to class and for Mr. Modesty to start the lesson. As soon as he started I could tell out the corner of my eye that Maddie was lost from the second he started to the very second he ended.

"Ok so now that you know that. Work on your homework" I looked at Maddie who stared at her worksheet in confusion.

"I have. No idea how the hell he just did that" she said to me. I just kind of laughed at her. "shut up. I know we didn't get this far at my last school"

"It's not that hard. Look they already give you this arc which is 40 degrees and that arc there is a 90 degree angle now just add those and subtract it from 180" I explained it to her. Looked like she got it.

"Now what" she questioned me.

"now what? that means your done just fill in the blanks" I replied back and went back to working on my homework.

"What. I don't get this shit" she replied back.

I couldn't help laugh at her again "I'll show you after school"

She just nodded and started doodling little pictures on the side of the worksheet.

Class was soon over with and it times for our other classes away from each other.