Status: completed


I Was Played

Sometimes you make me feel so special, like you really do care. Other times you make me cry because of the things I hear. I know you're only using me, you told me you want to get in my pants, but something about you wants me to think otherwise. I always denied your constant begging and you "I love you" pleads, well you'd be happy to know that today I was going to agree. I was going to give you what you waited for so such a long time. Unfortunately for you, I heard something today that made me change my mind. When were you going to tell me about her? How long did you really think you could keep her a secret? Well now it all makes much more sense.. The laughs, the teases, and all the wonderful compliments..Those were all to throw me off track, so I wouldn't assume anything. Now the secret has been spilt, and Im starting to thing about how stupid I am for almost giving you what you wanted. But now all I can give you is a BIG THUMBS UP for playing this game so good.

Something That Could Have Been
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I wrote this to get my feelings out.. My english teacher said it was really good...What do yall think?