Status: completed


You Changed

I've known you since the day I was born. We laughed, crawled, and walked together.. Our families were different on religion, and our parents didn't get along, but that didn't stop us from hanging out every chance we got. We were like brother and sister, there weren't any secrets between us. At least I didn't think there was.. When I moved away I was 10years old. I can't begin to describe how much I missed you. Your laugh, your smile, and your stubborn personality made me hold onto the memories of you.. I moved back when I was 14. It was hard to believe how much you had changed.. You were 17, taller, stronger, and less serious about life. You didn't have any interest in the things we used to do together, all you really cared about was that guitar of yours. But that boy I grew up with was still there behind that crooked smile. It was that smile that gave me the courage to finally tell you that I liked you.. I'm not sure if you were telling the truth back then but you admitted you liked me too. Our relationship soon became a secret that we kept from everyone, especially our parents.. Life was going great for the both of us until I had to move again. It was a shock for the both of us, to see me leaving so quick. I cried as I waved goodbye to you, watching you fade as we drove away. A year went by and I returned to finish hish school here. But you had already turned 18, left your parents house, and been to jail and no ones seen or heard of you since you were released. I was confused, mostly because it didnt sound like you at all.. But I couldnt do anything about it cause you had already disappeared.. I eventually moved on and got to my Junior year. And just when I thought you were gone for good this time, someone says your name. My heart raced when I learned you were still around town, and then it broke when I heard of the things you had been doing.. What happened to the christian loving boy? The one who loved music? The one who thought drugs were a waste of time? You've been to prison but that doesnt mean you have to go back.. You changed but it doesnt mean you still cant be yourself.. I guess you get a BIG THUMBS UP for not even trying..

Your Life Long Friend
♠ ♠ ♠
This is all true..