Our Dreams for a White Christmas

...hope can be all one needs...

I headed down the stairs, one foot after the other. The sweet smell of cinnamon and evergreens surrounded me. The source of both of these smells was in the room I'd just entered.

During this time of the year evergreens exchanged their plain appearances for a more extravagant one. Branches held small little silver and glass balls. Each ornament reflected the light from the string of small orbs. The best part of this scene was the fact the only light source of the room was from this one tree.

I stood before it admiring the beauty. It was my second favorite image of this season.

My fingers took hold of a silver ball and seeing its perception of the room. It had such a narrow view. Part of me had hoped to see another face appear. It never did, so I let it go.

My feet led me to the window. I stared back at myself, the image of me wasn't the same as before. Was I even happy?

Christmas was always a time of hope and giving. People cared more for others and had the will to follow their dreams more than any other time. Hope for me had lost some meaning since that event. I truly loved the feeling for this time of year, but, some part of me didn't really care for it now.

Children grow up thinking the impossible can happen during Christmas. All of us feel like that at some point. We think all we need is hope.

I pulled my jacket on and put on a pair of shoes before venturing into the cold. A crisp breeze blew around me, brushing across my face as if comforting me. Despite it being a bit freezing, it was a gentle wind.

The street lights were all that illuminated the flakes descending from the skies and giving life to the blanket over the earth. Pure beauty. I wished I could capture this moment, revisit it whenever I wished. But only during this time of year could you see this.

Each step I took, walking down this icy street, led me past a house full of warmth. Families gathered outside to greet late arrivals. Drapes were open to expose the group of people inside homes. Some playing games, others singing. It was enough to make one happy, or enough to make them wish they had that for themselves.

I turned to start walking home again. My eyes stayed locked on the ground. My breath danced with the wind as I exhaled. It always faded away, becoming one with the wind. It never stayed long. One could compare it to hope. Ones breath could fade away into nothing, but it came from inside just as hope did. Hope can die just as fast.

I heard the church bells chime to signal it was midnight. Christmas was here. My thoughts were happy, but in the same instance, I was disappointed. I didn't have anything to be happy about. Nothing to truly hope for.

I turned to face my house. Stopping dead, I gazed at the one I'd missed more than anything. The one I'd hoped more than anything to have again, to see again. My favorite image. The one thing which had made Christmas better than anything in the past.

A smile spread across his face as he removed the candy cane from his mouth. We gazed at each other a moment. His arms were held open, beckoning me to come. He was really here. He wanted me.

I ran, throwing my arms around him. We fell back into the snow and laughed lightly. His arms wrapped around me, melting away all the coldness in the world. I'd missed these arms so much. I'd missed him. He was my hope. He was all my dreams.

Our eyes locked a moment before our lips molded together. The taste of peppermint was never so sweet. This was the best taste, the best feeling. No Christmas could be better than this. No moment could be more perfect.

I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift.

And the clock struck twelve,
you were here in my arms.

Hope was all that made this Christmas. Even if it seemed to fade away, sometimes it simply was spreading, with only the appearance it was gone. Hope can inspire others. Sometimes, hope is all you need to have the best time you can. Hope is what brings things to you.

Never did I think you'd return,.
Hope and love have brought. you here.
Merry Christmas, my dear.
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I hope everyone liked my short story :3
love all my readers <3