Status: Active. This story will have posted chapters asap


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Arabella, mother of Kiranna, love of Eric kiranna's dead father.

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Kiranna, Daughter of Arabella and Eric. Last born child of the Royal bloodline

This story is the story of light vs dark. As Arabella is tortured in the prisons of the dead zone, Kiranna is raised outside of the raging war, completely oblivious to the fight that was instigated with her birth.

When she eventually returns, the secrets of who she is are kept from her. And as she fights for her people's safety, will she cope with the warrior she must be.

When the final battle approaches, how do you know whats right. Blindly following those she trusts could mean her life. But can she truely trust any that stand before her.
  1. Before
    shortly after Kiranna was born
  2. The Beginning
    Kiranna present day, when she meets 2 people from her world.
  3. Cool.Wait.WHAT?
    Its time she finds out a few things about her real identity. dont you?