If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


Miranda's P.O.V
Clicking the submit button after a hot summers day of sitting on the computer, is what I live for.
My name is Miranda and I write Fanfictions. Not just any fanfictions John Gomez fanfictions.
I was writing one at the moment where is stared me and John Gomez.
I was in love with him, and as I have been told a billion times, this is the only love I'm going to feel with him.
It's all fiction.

After writing at least ten chapters, one day I get a comment from a girl called Joanna her user name ArizonaGurl.
I smiled. I was jealous of her living in Arizona, where The Summer Set lived.
Sadly I lived in the state of Wisconsin.
But I guess living in the same country of John Gomez had a advantage, I would get to seem them when they come here next month.

I am actually so excited, I have been counting down the days to it. And the best bit is that I'm on summer vacation right now,
so I won't have to do any homework, so I can spend my whole summer holidays writing updates, and thinking about John.

I heard footsteps come down the hallway, I sighed. I knew exactly who it was. It was my mother.
She knocked on the door and walked in. I sighed "Yes mum?" I asked trying not to sound rude.
"Miranda, dinner is ready" explained Mum.
I nodded "I will be down on in a second" I said.
Mum looked at me, giving me the whole 'Get off the computer now, you have been on it all day look'.
I nodded, showing that I knew what she wanted me to do. Turning to my computer, I closed everything out, and switched user,
so I didn't have to load everything again.

Sitting at the dinner table, I looked at my food, and then thought "What would John be eating for dinner?".
I shook my head and started eating my food, I didn't really have to think of John at dinner,
that really wasn't normal.

John's P.O.V

"John what are you doing?" asked my brother Stephen as he leant on my bedroom door frame.
"Uh Nothing" I lied and slammed down my laptop so it was shut.
I moved my fingers through my hair awkwardly waiting for Stephen to leave.

"Um Okay" said Stephen awkwardly and then left the room.

I quickly opened my laptop up and went back to reading, the story.
Okay I have to admit this is sort of strange, but I read fanfictions.
I used to have a addiction to reading ones about The Summer Set, but now I only read two.
Right now I am reading my favourite. It's by a girl called Miranda.
I just want to meet this girl. So I can tell her how talented she is.

Once I was finished, I thought it was about time I wrote a comment,
I looked at my username it was ArizonaGurl.
Is it obvious that I'm John Gomez?
No it shouldn't be.

I didn't have a name on the site, I couldn't think of a non obvious one.
But right now I need one. So I think I will call my girlself, Joanna.

I clicked on Miranda's profile link, to see my face all over her profile page.
I laughed and then clicked on the add comment button.
"Hello my name is Joanna, I'm from Arizona.
I love your story. Please write more soon".

As soon as the comment sent, I closed off the internet.
And went to join Stephen down in the living room.

Stephen and Brian were both sitting on the couch, kicking each other with their feet.
"Hey John" said Brian when he noticed I entered the room,
"Hey" I said awkwarldy, Brian and Stephen were both smirking at me,
like they knew something I didn't know. I was really wondering what it was.
But who cares, it's just Brian and Stephen.

"I'm going to go for a walk" I said.
Stephen nodded "Okay have fun" he said and then kicked Brian's leg one more time.
Brian laughed and kicked Stephen back. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my sunglasses off the table and put them on.

Hopefully when I get back Miranda would have wrote back, or even better updated.
♠ ♠ ♠
I suck at writing first chapters, seriously I have been at this since 12pm and it's now 4.30pm.
I kept deleting it. But I gave up deleting it and just typed whatever at the hope that someone will like it.

comments = better updates.

Love Jess xoxo.