If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


I woke up to the feel of someone poking my face, I groaned and rolled over and slowly opened my eyes until my bedroom wall was completely visible and then rolled over to see who was poking me, and it was the last person that I thought I would see poking my face at around 10 am, it was Stephen Gomez sitting on the edge in my bed.

“What…” I said confused,
Stephen nodded “Um yeah I’m hungry and Brian ate all the cereal” complained Stephen,
He was basically acting like I was his mother, but he said Brian was here, why was Brian at my house I thought it was a dream that Stephen and Brian were sleeping down stairs and John and I had been on a perfect night out and everything was perfect, there was no way this could be reality it wasn’t possible.
“Um Miranda?” asked Stephen grabbing my attention,
I snapped my eyes towards him and looked him up and down he was wearing no shirt and just his black skinny jeans, now if I didn’t have this massive crush on John I would be drooling all over this right now, but I guess I just loved the Baby Gomez way too much to even take a second look at his brother, “Wait what did you want again?” I asked,
Stephen sighed “Food” he said and got up off my bed,
“Make cereal” I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and rubbed them hard enough that I would probably wake up from this dream, but as soon as it didn’t work I realized that this really was reality.
“Like I said before, Brian ate it all” complained Stephen,
I sighed “Order pizza?” I asked,
Stephen looked at me confused “For breakfast?” asked Stephen,
I nodded “Yes for breakfast, please Stephen just get out of my room” I said trying not to sound rude, and I don’t think it worked but Stephen dashed out quickly closing my bedroom door quietly behind him. I groaned and got up and slipped on my slippers and made my way slowly to my mirror and fixed up my hair and then grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe and showered up.

When I was done I walked back to my room and grabbed my phone from my bedside table and looked to see that I had 3 missed calls from Joanna and a text, I hadn’t changed John’s name into my contacts yet I just didn’t have the time or effort to do it, but I guess I better do it now, since well John apparently called me three times so he might be texting me a lot in the future, once I changed the details I went to my texts and opened the message from John:

Hey Miranda I hope you had a nice sleep,
And Stephen and Brian aren’t causing too much trouble for you,
I had fun with you and I can’t wait to see you again,
Do you want to go on an ice cream date today?
- John.

I smiled at my phone, John Gomez wanted to go on a date with me? Me Miranda, and to make it even more amazing he wanted to go on an ice cream so it wasn’t just a normal date, it was a cute date that you see couples on tumblr on, and I was going to finally have that cute tumblr date that I have always wanted with John Gomez.
I sat down at my mirror and fixed my make up before slipping on a pair of vans and walked down the stairs to see Brian, Katie, Stephen and Jess all together on the couch munching on pizza.
“Morning” said Katie turning around and smiling “Where you off to?” she asked as I grabbed my bag from the table,
“Oh I’m off to hang with John” I replied,
Jess turned around and smiled “Good luck, and have fun” she said,
I nodded “Thank you, and I will” I said smiling more and more that I felt like my mouth was about to fall off, and I quickly walked out the front door and made my way to the park.

I made it to the park and I waited around a little bit and then John finally turned up, I walked over to him and smiled as our eyes met “I thought you forgot about me” I said sadly,
John shook his head and grabbed my hands in his and started rubbing them with his thumbs “I don’t think I could ever forget about you Miranda’ he said smiling,
I smiled back “That’s so sweet’ I said.

There was an awkward silence because we both didn’t know what to say after the most perfect thing a guy said to me, “How about we go get ice-cream?” asked John,
I nodded “That sounds good to me” I said smiling,
John let go of one of my hands and linked his fingers with the other hand and I felt this chill go up my arm and make me blush, it felt like our hands fitted perfectly together, I looked over at John he looked so cute today, he was wearing his white nerd glasses, and a snapback hat, and a black tank and some grey skinny jeans and a pair of red vans.
“John you look nice today” I said,
John turned and smiled “So do you” he said and looked at my outfit.

I was wearing a baggy The Maine shirt and some high waisted shorts, with my pair of black vans I was basically dressed like a slob, but John said I looked nice so that made me get a massive self-esteem boost.

We eventually reached the ice-cream man and John went over and brought us some ice-cream he brought me and him both a paddle pop each, I smiled and said thank you as we walked over to a park bench and ate them together.

“So John?” I asked before biting into my ice-cream,
He turned to me “Yeah?” he asked,
I went to say something but I didn’t “Don’t worry”.
I was going to ask him where we were going as in relationship wise, but then I remembered that he was going to be finishing his tour off then going back to Arizona and then never ever see me again, it was just a summer romance, or well a Summer set romance.
“What’s wrong?” asked John looking at me again and grabbing my hand,
I sighed “Don’t worry” I said and linked my fingers with his, “Let’s keep walking around”,
I pulled John to his feet and dragged him around the park all day.

We played hide and seek, patted random dogs and played on the swings and rolled in the grass, this boy had me falling for him hard, harder than I had ever fallen from someone, I was starting to let my guard down and I was able to get hurt, I was just hoping that John wasn’t going to hurt me, one little bit. I wanted to be by his side forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler sorry. I am going to try and make Miranda and John the perfect couple, because honestly if Miranda did date John they would be perfect together.
Also I apologize for the update being so late and short, it's just school has been taking alot of effort lately, and there has been some major drama, I also have made friends with people. YAY FOR MAKING FRIENDS. So I basically hang with them mostly after school and on weekends, and then on top of that I have S.A.C.S due so I can pass my VCE which is Victorian certificate of education, which over here is year 11 and 12.

so comments = updates :)
I am home all day tomorrow so if I set my mind to it I can write another update, that's only if you lovely people comment!

so comment! go go go!

Love Jess x