If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


2 weeks later.

I was sitting on Aim talking to Joanna, that's what I had been doing for the last two weeks, just sitting here chatting to her,
she was so nice, and I was becoming her best friend and she was becoming mine.
I could tell her everything, and she told me everything, she was telling me about her older sister Stephine, and her annoying bitchy friend Brianna, were always annoying her, and had something against her but she didn't know what.

I told her that I felt sorry for her, and told her ways she could ignore them, she never mentioned if they were helping.
And this was the best part of the conversation that we really had.

ArizonaGurl: Just wondering, what else do you like about John? besides his looks?
MrsJohnGomez: I like his style, the person he is, his voice, the way he sings it makes me melt,
and the way that he is living his dream, and he isn't up himself. I wish every guy was like him.
ArizonaGurl: oh wow.
MrsJohnGomez: why do you like John?
ArizonaGurl: cause he is the most hottest guy on the planet duh!
MrsJohnGomez: haha, well I think you and John should date.
ArizonaGurl: No way, you are beautiful I think you and him should date.
MrsJohnGomez: So are a billion other girls that are in love with him.
ArizonaGurl: Well if you can't have John, I bet you will get the most perfect guy in the world.
MrsJohnGomez: HAHAHAH I doubt that?
ArizonaGurl: Why's that? D:
MrsJohnGomez: Guys are jerks I hate them all, especially ones that lie, about who they truely are.
ArizonaGurl: Uh me too
ArizonaGurl: Oh sorry Stephine what's the computer, talk tomorrow yeah?
MrsJohnGomez: Sounds good.

John's P.O.V

So I knew what she really thought of me, at least I knew she wasn't one of those annoying fangirls. She was actually sweet.
But she hates guys that lie. But why should that matter to me?

Fine the truth is that I looked at Miranda's photos, and she is beautiful.
I know it's weird to think that about fans, but I do it all of the time, I look at them like they are just friends of mine.
But Miranda was different there was something about her, that made me smile, and feel warm and fuzzy inside.
And the way she wrote about me, it made me feel like I was worth something.

But here I was lying to her who I really was. But it's not like we are going to meet right.

I closed down everything, and walked into the loungeroom, and saw Brian and Stephen hanging out again.
I rolled my eyes. Brian is so annoying lately.
He was wearing a torn red shirt, and cut off shorts, and Stephen was wearing a a random glamour kills shirt, and cut off shorts.
"What are you idiots doing?" I asked.
Stephen smriked and looked at me "Nothing, you know the usual" he answered.

For the last two weeks, when Stephen is around me, he would be smirking. About something.
It was mainly after his mac broke, he had to use mine. Until it got fixed.

"Why are you smirking all of the time?" I asked.
Stephen laughed, and then looked at Brian who randomly started laughing aswell.
"GUYS TELL ME" I yelled.
Stephen laughed even more "Just go play outside or something John" said Stephen, bossing me around like the big brother he is,
"Fine I will" I said knowing that it will probably shut him up for a while.

I walked out the back door, and went and layed in the grass,
I wonder how long I could keep this lie going. It actually felt good having someone I could talk to.
And someone treating me like I was a normal person, even if they were treating me like a normal teenage girl.

I sat up and looked at the back fence, how can I make this friendship seem more real.
I should ask for her number, and call her.
But who should I get to talk on the phone?. I don't have a girl's voice.
I know Chelsea.

I ran inside quickly, and grabbed Brian's phone "Sorry I need to call someone" I said.
Brian looked at me "Why didn't you use your phone?" asked Brian really annoyed.
I looked at him "Why didn't you use your phone" I said in a mocking voice.
Brian glared, but I ignored him, as I waited for Chelsea to answer.

"Hello" said the voice on the other end.
"Hey Chelsea it's John" I said smiling
"Oh hey John what's up?" she asked.
"Can you come around tomorrow, I need a favor" I said quickly.

Hopefully this works, and then I won't be living a full lie.
♠ ♠ ♠
was that better?
I am going to update this and One time on warped tour really often these holidays,
I'm going to spend most of my time on mibba.
Which isn't a good thing.... oh well.
Comments = updates.
