If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


The summer air was nice and relaxing as I laid by the pool.
I had my book over my face, since I wanted to get some summer reading done. I was reading Percy Jackson and the lightning thief, I had recently seen the movie, and I was in love with Logan Lerman now.
But not as much as John.

I had stopped reading, because I needed to think of update ideas, Joanna said that I needed to update,
Because it helped her out when her sister Stephanie, was mean to her.
And then I had a idea.
I shot up and threw the book on the grass, and quickly grabbed my notepad from next to me and started writing down what popped in my head. Soon enough there was a 4 page chapter written I smiled.
This chapter was all because of Joanna, if I was thinking of her and her sister, I wouldn’t of thought of this chapter, even though it’s a filler chapter, but it did help get rid of my writers block. Which was a really good thing.

I looked at my watch and realized that Joanna should be online now, so I stood up grabbed my Percy Jackson book of the ground, and my towel and walked back inside.
Walking past the laundry, I grabbed a clean shirt, and a pair of shorts, and put them on.
Since I didn’t want to be sitting in my bikini all day.

I walked up to my bedroom and turned on my stereo and pumped The Summer Set’s album,
“CHELSEA CHELSEA” sang Brian through the speakers. Katie and I had this little joke that Brian was actually singing ‘Katie Katie’ in another language, and Jess thought the same about her with Stephen.
I laughed, I wasn’t crazy like them, I knew John wasn’t singing my name in another language.

I walked over to my desk, and switched my computer on, while I waited for it slowly to load I smacked the desk and got excited to tell Joanna that I was about to update, I’m pretty sure she would be really excited.

I signed onto Aim as soon as my computer loaded and thankfully, Joanna was online.

MrsJohnGomez Fancy seeing you here ;)

There was no reply, for about ten minutes. I started getting worried, and I didn’t know what was going on.
What if it was actually her sister online, or maybe what if Joanna left her laptop signed in somewhere and someone stole it. I really shouldn’t think like that… like that would ever happen.

I closed out the conversation window, and started typing up in word. While I wait for her to reply I might as well finish writing this update.

John’s P.O.V

“JOHN HURRY UP WE ARE LEAVING FOR THE SIGNING” screamed Stephen from the living room.
I was on Mibba in the subscriptions section I was pressing refresh every two seconds, at the hope that Miranda had updated. She hadn’t, and it upset me.

Why wasn’t she updating? Did she know that I was reading them, me John Gomez. Or was she over me,
Well over me John Gomez, not Joanna who doesn’t actually have a last name yet. And she wasn’t going to get one. I wasn’t going to tell anymore lies.
“JOHNNNN” screamed Stephen again.
I sighed “COMING” I screamed back
“WELL HURRY THE FUCK UP” screamed Stephen.
I rolled my eyes and shut everything down “COMING NOW” I screamed and grabbed my phone off my desk.


I came home from the signing and signed onto aim, Miranda wasn’t on still.
I sighed and grabbed my Mac and placed it in the bathroom.
I went back to my room and grabbed some clean clothes, I really needed a shower.
I smelt so bad from the signing all the girls were hugging me, and squeezing my but.
It really did get weird sometimes, some times girls ask if they can lick my face,
That is actually the weirdest thing I will ever get asked in my whole life.

I really wonder if that is how the teenage girls work these days, do they walk over in class and go “Hey can I lick your face”. Anyway I walked into the bathroom and started to get undressed, I turned up the volume up just incase Miranda comes online and says something while I’m in the shower.

I climbed in and turned on the water, and let it run down my body.
When I grabbed the rose scent soap I started scrubbing my arms,
And then I heard a loud DINGGGGG come from my Mac.
I jumped and dropped the soap, I groaned and picked it up and placed it on the side of the shower.
I sighed I will just finish showering up and then get dressed and reply to her,
I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.

And then I remembered I had to call Chelsea.


Once I was done in the shower, and dressed I went on my Mac.
ArizonaGurl Oh my god I’m sorry, I was having a shower.
MrsJohnGomez it’s okay, I updated by the way.

She had updated. She had finally updated, that had made the whole day better.

ArizonaGurl Is it okay if I read it later? I’m having a friend come over
MrsJohnGomez Yeah that is fine.

I sighed this was the moment that I asked for her number, but how do I do it?
Do I act all smooth and be like ‘hey babe, can I get your number?’
Wait no that wouldn’t work, that only worked when I was John, not when I am Joanna.

I sighed and looked at my mac screen and started typing

ArizonaGurl Hey can I have your number? Cause I have to go now?
MrsJohnGomez sure it’s 0456278123
ArizonaGurl okay I will text you bye.
MrsJohnGomez Bye
ArizonaGurl has now sighed offline

I had saved the number in my phone, now I had to invite Chelsea over.
I went to my text messages, and clicked new message, and wrote it for Chelsea.

Hey Chelsea,
It’s John, can you please come over and do me a huge favor, it’s urgent


I heard the door bell ring and I walked down the hall, but Stephen had answered the door,
“Hey John said I need to come here cause it’s urgent” I heard Chelsea’s voice say.
“Uh yeah” said Stephen sounding really confused, and wondering what was so urgent.

I walked down the rest of the hall so I was visable “OH HEY CHELSEA” I said really excited.
I walked over and grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hallway,
“I need you to talk to someone on the phone for me” I explained.
Chelsea looked at me weird “Who is it?” asked Chelsea,
I sighed “Miranda” I replied.
Chelsea looked at me weird “Why can’t you talk to Miranda by yourself?” she asked, getting really confused about why I couldn’t talk to my own friend as myself

I sighed and sat down on my bed, and Chelsea followed,
“Because I can’t, because to her, I’m not John, my name is Joanna” I said.
Chelsea looked at me confused, and then sighed finally understanding what I was doing.
“Okay what do you want me to say?” she asked.
“I will get cardboard and write it down for you” I said smiling and handed her my phone.
“It’s under Miranda with a smile face” I said quickly, saving Chelsea the time going through all of my contacts.

At least with Chelsea talking to her, I get to hear what Miranda sounds like.

Chelsea sighed and put my phone up to her ear “You need to explain the rest after this” said Chelsea.
I nodded and then held up a piece of paper that said ‘Hello is this Miranda”
Chelsea nodded, and then soon repeated what was written down, I signaled for her to put the phone loud speaker.


We were having a decent covnoveration well Chelsea and Miranda were, I sighed and signaled Chelsea to say goodbye, and she did. Once she hanged up she looked at me.
“Okay Joanna you have a lot to explain” said Chelsea.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's longer, and it still sucks.
But as you can see this story is getting there. I think it's going to be a mini series then a sequal.
Thoughts on that idea?

as usual comments = long updates like this. and banners = 2 updates :)
