If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


John's P.O.V

"So John you have something to explain" said Chelsea, staring at me.
She looked really serious, I knew she wasn't going to like what I was doing. Since it was harsh to lie to girls,
and she was a girl, so of course she would be pissed off.

I was going to answer, but then my bedroom door came open, and Brian, Josh, Jess and Stephen walked in the room.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked.
Stephen looked at me, like I was stupid, then I remembered we were leaving for tour tomorrow,
I smiled and then looked at Chelsea "I really can't explain at the moment, I need to pack, after tour okay?" I asked.
Chelsea shook her head, and went to say something,
but Brian stopped her "Chelsea is coming on tour with us" said Brian.

Then I had a idea, if Chelsea was on tour with her, then maybe she could meet Miranda.
Hmm, I started thinking of all of the fun they had, while I watched from the distance in binoculars.
This could be a great tour.

"John" yelled Stephen, snapping me out of my thoughts,
I quickly turned to him "Yeah bro?" I asked.
Stephen rolled his eyes "You need to explain to all of us who Joanna is" said Stephen.

What? How did Stephen know about Joanna?, how did they all know.
I looked at them all confused "How do you -?" I asked not finishing my sentence.
"We have known for a while John" said Josh.
I sighed and then shrugged, and looked at my hands as I twiddled my thumbs in frustation.
"How?" I asked, not knowing that it was obvious that I had been obvious.

"You left your computer signed on once, Stephen and I were going on youtube, and then Miranda said 'Hey Joanna' " explained Brian.
I sighed and then nodded, then looked at them both, realising what they had done. "YOU READ MY CONVERSATIONS" I yelled.
Stephen looked at me angry, "John you are faking who you are to a poor girl, who thinks she now has a new best friend,
that she can talk about her obsession wtih you" yelled Stephen.
"WHAT'S IT TO YOU!" I yelled.
Stephen rolled his eyes and turned to the rest of the band and Chelsea "Guys I need to be alone with my little brother please" explained Stephen.

Everyone nodded, and said their goodbyes and quickly left.
Leaving me alone with Stephen.

Miranda's P.O.V

I was talking to Katie through Mibba, she was apparently going to come to my house for the rest of the summer.
Which would be amazing, cause then she can come to The Summer Set with me, and I wouldn't be a complete loner.

Then I had a idea, what if Jess could come from Australia to come stay, I'm pretty sure she is on school holidays right now.
I quickly wrote back to Katie.

"Hey do you think Jess would like to come over here, aswell? it would be so amazing don't you think?"

As soon as I clicked the submit button I went on Jess's profile, to see that she was online.
Thank god. I looked at her profile it was a Stephen Gomez shrine.
And of course there was that random Australia slang, like 'G'day'.

I clicked on the add comment button at the end of the page and quickly wrote.
"Hey Jess,
Do you think your parents would let you fly to the states, for my summer break?
I want you to come to The summer set with Katie and I.
Thanks :) x"

I closed out Mibba, and opened up Aim, Joanna was offline, but I had to tell her the great news,
that I was going to have my two best friends, at The Summer Set with me, if only she was going to be there.

But as soon as I started to type, Joanna signed on, I smiled and started typing quickly.

ArizonaGurl: What?
ArizonaGurl: What concert is that again?
MrsJohnGomez Wisconsin
[B}ArizonaGurl Oh em gee girlfriend, I am going there too, family holiday with my brother.
MrsJohnGomez I thought you only had a sister called Steph?
ArizonaGurl: whoops typo I meant sister.

How the hell do you accidently, write brother instead of sister. Oh well who cares.
Nothing really mattered at the moment, because I am going to be with my best friends soon.
All of them.

Stephen's P.O.V

I was sitting at John's computer, talking to this Miranda girl, while John glared at me.
I had sticky taped him to the chair in his room, and made him watch as I talked to Miranda.
I was going to tell her the truth, but then I couldn't,
she thought that she was going to meet her best friend Joanna, I just went along with this plan of John's,
but I knew how this was going to end.

I smirked at the fact, that Miranda was going to have a friend that liked me there,
I know I get girls liking me all the time, like come on I'm Stephen fucking Gomez.

I turned to John "Hey do you know much about this Jess girl?" I asked.
John shrugged "All I know is she is Australian" answered John.
I nodded.

I opened the window back up.

ArizonaGurl I will be there two days before the summer set concert, we are going to meet up okay,
I will bring my sister and her friend Brianna
MrsJohnGomez oh my god, okay this is going to be amazing Joanna.
ArizonaGurl Yes it is.

I closed off John's computer and then looked at John, "You owe me, now I have Brian and I involved in this problem, so guess what we are going to think of a plan" I said.
John rolled his eyes "You might aswell make Josh a fake girl aswell" said JOhn.
I laughed "Yeah, that won't be too hard though" I said.

John and I both looked at each other in silence and then started to laugh hard.
"So what is the plan big brother?" asked John.
"I haven't thought of that yet" I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Boxing day.
It is a big sad day in Australia right now, well sort of, I don't know if anyone else from Australia did it, but my whole family had a minute silence, to remember those who died in the Tsunami in Indonesia.

My cousin died in it, that's why my family is so depressed about it.

Oh and Merry Christmas for yesterday, my cousin got me a few summer set shirts.

comments = updates.

Jess x