If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


3 Weeks later.

I was standing at the airport with my mother, I had two signs in my hand,
one said "Mrs Brian Dales" and the other said "Mrs Stephen Gomez". It was obvious who I was waiting for,
I was waiting for Katie and Jess, and in exactly 2 days 4 hours and 35 minutes and 20 seconds,
us girls, will be seeing our future husbands in flesh.
I couldn't control my excitement. It was going to be a dream come true.
And I also was finally going to meet Joanna.

My mother was standing next to me, with her arms crossed, she was wearing long blue tracksuit pants, and a baggy jumper,
she really didn't want to be here at the moment. But she wouldn't let me drive here by myself,
she thinks I will come home, with Jess and Katie and alot of food from the shops.
I laughed at the thought, cause she might of been right.


Soon I saw Katie standing in the distance, she had her hair out, and it was just past her shoulders,
she was wearing skinny jeans, and a flannelette shirt, and she had worn out convereses on.
This was the first time, in my entire life that I have seen my best friend in person, and I really didn't know
what to do. Was I supposed to run up and hug her? or was I supposed to just stand here, and not say anything at all,
and then have that awkward, hello?.

I started walking towards her, she looked up at me and smiled, and then started running towards me,
I screamed "KATIE!" as I ran towards her.
It was like that scene in movies, where the couples are running slowly towards each other, to hold each other, in their arms.
But we were running fast, and we weren't a happy couple.
Once we reached each other we both jumped into each other, and gave the biggest hug.
"It's so good to meet you" said Katie.
I smiled "You too" I said.

We stopped hugging and Katie, looked at my sign, "I like the sound of that 'Mrs Brian Dales" said Katie,
she started smirking, probably imagining Brian in those ugly terrible white shorts.
I laughed "Come on Katie, I'm pretty sure Jess's plane will be arriving soon" I said.

And I was right, just as we walked over to the international flight area, they annouced that the flight from Melbourne, Australia had arrived.
Katie and I got really excited, we had never heard Jess talk, and we have never met her,
and it was going to be great having her here with her amazing australian accent.

We didn't stand around for long, until we heard Jess's voice from behind us, "G'day girls" said Jess in that aussie accent.
I turned around and saw her, she had her brown hair up, and was wearing a beanie, and two hoodies,
and some skinny jeans. People were looking at her like she was strange, and so was Katie, but I knew why,
because it was winter in Australia.

I jumped at Jess and wrapped my arms around her "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE HERE" I screamed.
Jess screamed and hugged me back "I'm so excited" she said.
"When Joanna gets here, it's going to be amazing" I said as we all merged into the group hug.


John's P.O.V

We were on the road again, and I was sitting in the back of the van, watching as Brian drove past the trees,
they were like a flash and didn't really come into sharp focus,
I sighed and grabbed my iPod from my pocket, and flipped through the songs, until I found a perfect song that would lighten my mood.

We were in the middle of no where, and I seriously mean the middle of no where, Brian thought he would be smart and take a shortcut.
We were on the way to the state of Wisconsin, and I was really excited,
not because it was going to be another performance in two days, because I was going to meet Miranda,
for the very first time.

I looked forward, to see Josh looking at me, giving me the signal to take out my iPod headphones, I sighed and ripped them out.
"What Josh?" I asked really annoyed.
Josh smirked "I hope you have something to stuff your bra with" laughed Josh.
Stephen laughed "Eifel tower bro" said Stephen and high fived Josh.
I rolled my eyes "Why do you guys have to be so imature?" I snapped.
Stephen laughed "We were just kidding around" laughed Stephen.
"Well I didn't find it funny" I snapped and put my headphones back in and went back to looking out the window.

I just didn't know what I was going to do. I couldn't meet Miranda as John, I just couldn't.
I want to meet her in person, and see what she is like, the normal Miranda,
not the Miranda that is around John Gomez, the guy she is in love with.

I sighed and closed my eyes, maybe this trip will be better if I just fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess who is back?
That's right I'm back.
Sorry that it took so long, I had a busy holidays which seems like it was wasted now,
I met a boy called Dean,and I really fell in love with him, but a couple of weeks ago we broke up,
so I have been sitting at home crying my eyes out, listening to music,
giving myself therapy, and thankfully, tubs of ice cream and my best friend Ben really do help.

And I am sorry that this update wasn't worth the wait, I just wanted to add something up to let you know I'm alive.

Comments = updates :)
