If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


Miranda's P.O.V

I can't believe we are here, and I was about to see The Summer Set live, with my two best friends.
Jess and Katie were looking around probably to see if they could spot Stephen or Brian,
I laughed at them 'Come on you two, we know they are backstage" I said,
they both ignored me, and kept looking around hoping that they got a glimpse.

The line was massive and we were probably going to be stuck at the back of the standing area, and that's going to suck.
"We are going Stephen stalking" said Jess,
Katie smirked at her, and then at me, "No guys" I said quickly "We need to stay here",
"Why?" they both asked,
"Because I am waiting for my friend" I explained.
They both sighed and then finally decided to stay behind and wait with me, I just didn't want to wait alone, and they could probably stalk Stephen and Brian as much as they wanted after the concert was finished.

We were standing around for about another half an hour, and then I felt a hand touch my shoulder,
I turned around and saw a bodyguard standing there, he was tall and kind of tubby, and had a complete black outfit on,
and he had a badge the read "Security",
he looked down at me, like I had done something wrong "Are you Miranda?" he asked,
I didn't say anything, I just stared at the guy too scared to answer him just incase I was going to get into trouble.
"Are you Miranda?" he asked again,
I still didn't say anything, but Katie stepped forward and spoke up "Yeah she is" answered Katie,
the security guard nodded 'Are you her friends?" he asked,
He looked at Katie and Jess quickly, and they slowly nodded, he smiled and asked 'Can you three come with me please?",
we didn't know what to say, but Katie thought it would be a good idea to follow him, since well he is security and we could get in massive trouble if we didn't do as we were told.

We followed him around the back of the venue, there was no one out here, the only thing out here was a white van, and I was guessing that van belonged to The Summer Set. I just stared at it, wondering about how hot John looked inside of it,
I closed my eyes and the picture went straight through my head, his hair, his face, his eyes his body!,
it was all just so amazing.

"Miranda" yelled Katie in my ear snapping me out of my thoughts,
I looked at her "What?" I asked,
Katie pointed to the door, I turned and looked to see the security guard telling us to go inside.
What is going on?.

John's P.O.V

Stephen and Brian had just gone through the plan with me again, we were bringing Miranda and her friends backstage, so I could tell her. I was scared, because I was telling her that I am Joanna, I was acting like a teenage girl, and that I have strong feelings for her, as in John has these feelings not Joanna.
"Has the security gone to get them?" I asked,
Stephen nodded "He should be back in a second" he answered.

I gulped and started pacing around the room "What if she takes it badly?" I asked,
Brian went to answer, but I cut him off by holding my hand up "No don't answer that, I don't want to know what would happen" I snapped,
I kept pacing and then the door open, I looked to see the security guard, he turned and looked at all of us "They are just outside, can they come in now?" he asked,
I went to say no, but Brian beat me to speaking "Yeah bring them in" said Brian,
Stephen and him both high fived each other, they had thoughts that they might eventually get some action, it pissed me off they were just using Miranda to get in with her friends, I can't believe they would do that.

The girls walked in at the same time, and two of them screamed, the one that didn't scream was Miranda, she just smiled and waved at us, the other two were now crying on the floor freaking out.
"Where is Josh and Jess?" asked Miranda,
Stephen shrugged and walked over to the girls "I have no idea, but I'm Stephen" he said,
Brian walked over to them, and smiled "And I'm Brian" I said,
I walked over quickly and smiled at them all, and straight at Miranda "Hello I'm John" I said and shook their hands.


There was about 4 hours left to the show, and the girls could stay backstage until we told them to leave, and I didn't want that to happen.
Brian and Katie were making out on the couch on the other side of the room, and Stephen had gone to give Jess a tour of the 'venue', more like a tour of his pants.
I was sitting alone with Miranda, she was asking me questions about tour and what we got up to.
I didn't know what to say, I felt so bad that I was basically lying to her,
"I better go" said Miranda and stood up,
I looked at her "Why?" I asked,
She looked at me with a sad face "Because I have to meet a friend" she explained,
"Who is your friend?" I asked, I knew who she was talking about, she was talking about Joanna,
"My friend Joanna" answered Miranda.
I knew it. She was ditching me for me, that is like the first time that has ever happened to me.
Miranda got off the couch and went to walk out of the room, I didn't know if I should let her go or not, but what if I never got the chance to tell her again, "Miranda please wait?" I called,
She stopped walking and turned around to me 'What?" she asked,
I sighed "Take a seat this may take a while" I said,
She looked at me confused 'What will?" she asked.

Brian coughed "Um Katie I think we better go find Stephen and your friend" said Brian,
Katie didn't say anything she was probably too happy that Brian remembered her name,
and they left the room leaving Miranda and I alone.

Miranda was sitting on the couch behind me, looking at me with the hurry up and speak look, I had no idea how to say it though,
I took a deep breath and smiled at her and then my smile soon faded as I went all seriously,
"So it all started ages ago, when Stephen and I and the other guys had decided to read fanfictions" I explained,
I thought that line would give it away, but she hadn't slapped me,
"And your point is?" she asked, not having a clue why me reading fanfictions had anything to do with her,
"You see um" I said and trailed off "I haven't stopped reading fanfictions, and I know you write them too because I'm -"
"A reader?" asked Miranda "Alot of people read fanfictions John",
I shook my head "I'm just not any reader, I am Joanna" I said quickly,
I looked Miranda straight in the eyes, I could see the cofussion the sadness, in them.
I felt so bad, but I'm glad that I had this out in the open, "So like want to hang out after the show?" I asked hoping everything was okay. But boy I was wrong.

Miranda stood up and started pacing circles around me, "You lied" she snapped,
"Not really just about my name, and my gender" I said,
She rolled her eyes and then glared at me "It's not the fucking point" she snapped "I told you about the feelings I had for YOU thinking you were Joanna, I trusted Joanna".
"Joanna and I are the same person" I said quickly "You trust me aswell" ,
Miranda shook her head "I don't trust you, I don't like you anymore I want NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU" yelled Miranda,
She ran out of then room, starting to cry,
"Miranda please" I called as I chased after her, she didn't stop.
I picked up my speed and grabbed her arm "MIRANDA PLEASE" I yelled,
She turned around and that's when I felt the contact of her hand across my face "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" yelled Miranda and she ran off again.

Well this was just great.

Stephen's P.O.V

I grabbed my shirt and jeans off the floor and put them back on "Well that was fun" said Jess with the amazing Australian accent dripping off every single word she said, I smirked at her "Yeah it was" I said and leaned against her again,
kissing her glossy lips again, "We should do it again some time".
She smirked and then licked my lips and went to pull me down, but the dressing room door opened.

I looked over to see Katie and Brian standing in front of us, "Uh it's not what it looks like" I said,
Brian laughed "Yeah whatever dude" said Brian,
"What do you want?" I asked trying not to sound rude,
Brian sighed "He's done it, he told her" said Brian,
I nodded and then looked back at Jess "You have to go now" I said adn grabbed her off the couch and lead her and Katie out the door, and slammed it shut "How did it go?" I asked,
Brian sighed "It went terrible she ran off crying" said Brian,
"Did John chase after her?" I asked,
Brian nodded and opened the door, "But she kept running John's out in the room" said Brian.

I followed Brian down the hall and walked out to see Jess and Katie asking John what had happened, when they found out well you can guess what they did, they slapped him across the face and then glared across at me and Brian,
Katie grabbed Brian by his arm and dragged him out into the hall, and all I could hear was her yelling at him, saying this is his fault as well, because he could of stopped John and then that's when Jess looked at me.

I quickly thought of some lies in my head, and some of them would actually work 'Jess I honestly, told him to stop" I said,
"Even ask John", I pointed towards John who had his head in his hands,
"John?" asked Jess, "Did Stephen really tell you to stop?",
John looked up and looked at me, the look I gave him was the most begging look I had given him, and John knew that was actually the truth, Brian and I did suggest he stopped, but he wouldn't.
Brian and Katie soon walked into the room, and stood between Jess and I.
We all waited for John to explain the story, and he soon did "Jess, Katie please don't be mad at these two, they had nothing to do with it" explained John "Seriously they didn't, it's all me",
Katie and Jess didn't say anything but look at each other, and then at Brian and us.

Katie grabbed Brian and dragged him out of the room again, and Jess walked over to me "Call me?" she asked and grabbed my arm and wrote her number in red lipstick, and kissed my cheek, I watched as she walked away and winked at me,
"More like stalk you" I said with a smirk.
John laughed, I laughed too thinking that I was being funny, but then I realized what he was laughing at, I turned and looked to see Brian wearing no shirt, and just those disgusting white shorts, and he had kiss marks from his abs up all around his face.
"Katie said that her and Jess aren't staying they need to find Miranda" explained Brian,
John and I both nodded and Brian flashed a white piece of paper "I got her number" he said with a smirk
"I got hers too" I said and flashed my arm at him,
we exchanged high fives and acting like complete dickheads, but this wasn't a time to be serious.

My little brother was depressed and we had to be on stage in an hour and a half, I heard the door open from behind us and Josh and Jess walked in the room "What did we miss ?" asked Josh taking a suck on the straw on his drink,
"John told her' said Brian.
"Did it go well?" asked Josh.

We all looked at him, even Jess did "What do you think?" asked Jess, "Use your fucking brain", she slapped him over the head, and walked over beside John and started rubbing his back, "You alright mate?",
John looked at Jess and shook his head 'No I'm not" he said quickly,
and started to cry, my brother was crying. He is really depressed.

"I liked her, I really liked her" he said,
I sighed and sat down on the other side of him 'John after the show, we will go to her house and drop you off, you have to do the most smartest thing you can think of, I know it will be hard for you to be smart" I explained "But it's for Miranda",
John nodded "Okay, straight after the concert, I will fix this problem" I said.

"Now let's get ready to play the show" said Brian.
We all cheered except John who just stayed his depressed self.
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated longer this time, did you guys like it?
Sorry if you wanted it to become out nicely,and John and Miranda would live happily ever after and have a billion children straight away, but I have a plan for this ;)
I really hope you are enjoying this story by the way.

comments = updates as usual.
If someone makes me a banner I will update two times in one night.
So yeah get artistic ;)

thanks for reading.
Love Jess x