If I'm Romeo Then You're Juliet


Miranda’s P.O.V

Jess and Katie didn’t even go to the concert, they left. I felt so bad I knew how much going to see them play would of meant to them. I felt terrible for Jess who had came from Australia. I am such a terrible friend.

We were sitting on the couch watching Glee, while I was changed into my pjs, and hugging up a teddy bear. I was randomly going into break downs, and crying on the two girls shoulder. I was heart broken, my heart got broken by John Gomez, the actual last guy I thought would break my heart, because I always thought there was no possible way he could play with my emotions, and he did. He made my best friend fake.

I started to cry again and I hugged my teddy bear tight, both Jess and Katie hugged me from both sides “Cheer up please Miranda” said Katie and rubbed my back,
Jess nodded with agreement with Katie “Miranda, it’s okay. John is just a douchebag” said Jess.
I nodded and sobbed trying to stop crying, it really wasn’t working.
“I’m just going to go to bed” I cried,
“Are you sure?” asked Katie “We can keep watching Glee”,
I nodded “You girls can watch it, I just want to sleep it off” I answered.
They both nodded and I hugged them goodnight, and I slowly made my way to my bedroom, hoping that as soon as I hit my bed I would wake up and this day was just a nightmare, and that I was seeing The Summer Set today.
But I knew it was reality, because it all fit way into place.

I opened my bedroom door and walked inside, and just fell down on my bed and stared at the roof. I felt another tear fall down my face, but I knew I had to stop, he wasn’t worth my tears.

I felt the cold night breeze come through my room, and that’s when I realized that my bedroom window was open. I really couldn’t be bothered closing it, so I closed my eyes and fell into a light sleep.


I woke up to something hitting me in the face, I opened my eyes and looked at my clock it was 11.30pm, I groaned and looked at the object that hit me, it was a rock.
I examined it, and then felt something hard hit me in the back of the head, “WHAT THE FUCK?” I shouted.
I looked around and didn’t notice anything different, and I had no idea where these rocks were coming from. I looked towards my window and that’s when I noticed another one flying through the window. I quickly snatched my pillow and protected my face, and thankfully it worked.

I crawled over to the window and poked my head out, and that’s when I saw what had caused the rock go through my window. It was John.

John’s P.O.V
Brian and Stephen had given me the idea, to throw rocks at Miranda’s window, but I had terrible aim and they were just going through the open one, I groaned and threw my last one, and then I waited.
“This is hopeless” I groaned and turned to Stephen and Brian.
They were hiding behind a tree so they were out of sight, they wanted to know everything as it was happening, but I knew they basically wanted to watch me fail.
I turned back around to Miranda’s window, I was about to give up. Until I noticed a figure merging inside, I looked closely it was Miranda.

She stared out the window, I ran over closer “Miranda I am sorry” I said,
Miranda didn’t say anything but slammed the window shut and closed the curtains.
I groaned and turned around “Come on guys let’s go” I said and walked towards Stephen and Brian.
Stephen grabbed my shoulder “Let me try, the normal way” said Stephen.
I watched as he walked around the side of her house and climbed her fence, the same way we got in. I didn’t have a clue what he was doing, but Brian suggested that we sit down and wait for Stephen to do his thing.

Stephen’s P.O.V

Climbing over fences wasn’t my thing, but I had to do it. Otherwise I would have John being emo for the rest of the time we are around each other, which would be the rest of our lives since we are brothers.
I walked along the front lawn, and knocked on the wooden front door. It was white and had a gold door knob, it didn’t take long for the door to be opened, and that Katie girled answered. ‘Well this is weird” said Katie and let me inside.
Jess turned around and ran off the couch and jumped at me, I freaked out and screamed as I felt my body hit the floor.
"Um I'm here to see Miranda" I said quickly and lightly pushed Jess off me. "I need to tell her something",
Katie nodded "Okay I will go get her" said Katie,
I shook my head and stood up "No let me I need to talk to her" I said and walked up the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I wrote this chapter on my iPhone. So the grammar and everything is more terrible then usual.
I'm in the car going to see Hawthorn hopefully flog Melbourne in football. As in Australian rules footy for all you americans.
Comments = updates.

Ps I love you all so much for always reading and commenting.

Jess x