Status: Updates slower then usual..sorry

One Girl In An All Boys Boarding School

The Tour

Crystal POV
So Preston decided to show me around since i didn't know this place at all. We walked down the stairs which seemed like forever. There were like millions of steps and man was i exhausted unlike Preston who was already down stars. Stupid super powers! >.<
"hurry up already," he yelled from downstairs.
I took in a deep breath showing him how tired i was.
'as you can see I'm trying!" i said gulping breaths.
Before i could blink he was right in front of me. He carried me in his ripped arms and in a sec we were already downstairs, away from the dorms.
"wow! well that was quick," i joked.
He smirked, still not letting me down from his grip. We stayed in the same position for almost 2minutes. Talk about awkward.
"Um mm..." i mumbled.
"what?" he smiled not realizing i was still in his arms.
"could you please put me down now," i laugh at his lost expression.
"oh right! sorry," he said putting me down. I could see he was blushing.
"now back to reality," i joked.
We walked down the hallway that seemed endless with thousands of door on each side until there was a glass door that led to an outside small garden with a few rock-made benches. There was pathway that let to a huge castle-like building just across the dorms.
"so this building here is our dorms and the other building just opposite it is the actual school," he explained.
"wow it's gonna take a long time for me to get used to this," i pouted. He laughed.
'well just try to remember the most important classes her that you're attending. I's better than trying to remember EVERY class," he suggested.
'sure that helps a lot," i said sarcastically.
"trust me it does. You just have to get used to it, that's all," he advised.
"i repeat, it's gonna take me a long time to get used to this," i sighed. As we continued the tour, he showed me the pool area. It practically looked like an ocean, not a pool. Preston laughed at my face expression when i gazed at the so called "pool".
Moving on, he showed me the gym. There were about 50 gyms since there are over 10,000 students. The came the library next. Of all places he took me to the library -__- the most boring place of all time. When we entered it was amazingly huge. I knew for sure that i could easily get lost here.

Preston introduced me to the librarian. He looked like he was in his mid 20's or something.
"this here is Mr.Carter but he likes being called Carter," said Preston introducing him to me, "his 45 years old,"
My eyes widened O.O 45!?!?!
"really i though you were 26 or something," i said.
They both laughed, Carter especially.
"I'm just playing with you. His 19," Preston smirked.
"19? aren't you supposed to be--"
"I'm immortal! my age froze at 19 so there's no need to go back to school again and again," he cut me off.
I smiled. "I'm guessing you have p--"
"Powers!" he cut me off again, "yeah i do. I read minds," he smirked.
"that explains it," i smirked back.
"well we better get going. She's new here so have to show her around before school started," Preston butted in.
"well you better hurry up now cause class starts in the next 10minutes," Carter said.
"What! 10 minutes," i exclaimed.
"well then i better take you to your class before we're both late," Preston said pulling me out the door.
"well bye Carter," i said being pulled out the door. He waved back with a warm smile.
"he seems nice," i joked.
We finally stopped in front of a door written "10A English"
"this is your english class. When the bell rings just wait for me here," he smiled.
"Okay!" i smiled back, "wish me luck," i joked.
He hugged me unexpectedly as he walked off.
He smells nice XD Once i got myself calmed i walked in and just like i hoped, everyone's jaw dropped and kept staring at me as i walked my way to the teacher. Talk about so uncomfortable.

Joey POV
The class was pretty quiet, like always. Everybody were throwing paper airplanes and spit balls at each other meaning we were all bored. Class didn't start until 5 more minutes so we all tried to do something in the meantime. Suddenly the door slowly opened as a girl with whitish blond hair walked in. Am i seeing right? A girl walking into a class filled with guys. I have to admit she was pretty cute. I could tell the whole class was staring which made it awkward..well for her. She looked pretty scared as she walked over to the teacher's desk. After a while Mr.Sparks stood up from his desk with a grin on his face. That was actually the first time I've ever seen Mr.parks smile since his always grumpy and an ass.
"Class! we have a new student. Her name's Crystal and she just transferred here. As you know she's the only 'girl' here so you must treat her with much respect," he announced.
The class just stayed silent.
"you can go find a seat," Mr.Sparks said to her. She smiled weakly, gazing for a free seat. Luckily there was a free seat beside me.
"there's a free seat here," i shouted.
She smiled as she walked over to the seat beside me.

Crystal POV
The introduced me to the class once i entered. All their glares and the awkward silence made it really...uncomfortable.
"you can go find a seat," The teacher said.
I was gazing around the class room to find a free seat.
"there's a free seat here," a chocolate brown haired boy with black strikes and green eyes offered. I smiled thankfully as i walked over to the empty seat which was in the middle row at the end of the classroom. I dropped my bag on the floor put my books on the table and sat down quietly, hoping no one would be staring at each and every move i made. Sadly fail.
"thanks!" i smiled.
"No prob," he smiled back, "name's Joey,".
"Hey Joey," i mumbled, "guess you already know my name,".
He laughed gently, "yeah! so why are you here?" he asked.
"I don't know. Ask my mum," i frowned.
"What?" he said confused.
"my mum sent me here to teach me some pointless lesson," i said.
"Oh. So you're a rebel then?" he smirked.
"in a way," i said.
"then that's good. We can both be reel's together," he winked.
I laughed. Was he trying to flirt with me o.o
"i think I'm better off riding solo," i winked back.
"but why this school of all school?" he asked.
"hmmm let's see, cause the school is filled with boys with super 'powers'. Is that why you're asking?" i smirked.
"how'd you find out," he croaked.
i have my sources," i smirked, "so what's your gift?"
"earth abilities and blood bending," he said.
"earth abilities?blood bending? What!?!?" i exclaimed.
"Shh!" Mr.Sparks yelled.
"sorry," I mouth to him. First class and new to this school and already got my first impression as a noise maker..great-__-oh wait! as if i care.
"have you hear of stuff like mother nature or earth gods and goddesses," he said.
"yeah?" i said trying to follow.
"I'm like them in a way except i ain't a God or Goddess," he said.
"and blood bending?"
"It's like i can control the way your body mover by using my mind to control your blood movement," he explained. Creepy!
"awesome! just don't try or do anything funny with me," i glared.
He laughed.
"I'll try me best no to," he smirked.
Suddenly came a bang from the front of the class. As i turned to see where the noise was coming from, i saw a red haired boy walk in. He had dark green eyes and a very pale skin. He had little bit of freckles underneath his gorgeous, sparkling eyes. He wore a tight black top written "Black Veil Brides", black jeans and a leather jacket. He wore them with black converse with black laces on the left and white laces on the right. Each side of the converse had a huge Punk rock skull at the end of the shoe. His hair was all messy with his bangs covering part of his eyes. He had snake bites just like mine and he was really buff. Dare i say it, he was HOT!
"you're late! again," Mr.Sparks yelled at the guy.
The guy just rolled his eyes and said, "I'm here aren't I"
Mr.Sparks sighed in frustration, "just go sit down,".
He gave him a detention slip but he ended up tearing it as he was gazing for his seat, i quickly looked at my books so he didn't think i was paying any attention to him. Slowly, i felt a cold body just in front of my desk.
"you're in my seat," he hissed.
I looked up to see who it was and it was the 'red haired' guy.
"Oh! um-s-s-sor--" i mumbled.
"move you're fucking ass of," he growled. Talk about begin bitchy. I let my stubborn side take over.
"go find you're own seat. I came here first," i hissed back.
I swear he was about to beat me off my seat until Joey grabbed his hand before he could.
"I wouldn't do that if i were you," Joey hissed.
They both gave each other evil glares until Mr.Sparks got involved.
"boys sit down! do you're shit after school," Mr.Sparks. Wow talk about being the wise one -__-
"whatever dumb-fuck," the red haired guy growled then grabbed his hand from Joey's grip. He took a seat which was right behind me. Oh why did he have to be behind me???arghhh!!!
Joey sat back down with a sigh of relief. He looked at me and gave me a warming smile.
"thank you," i mouthed to him with a warming smile.
I could feel the guy's glared burning through my head. This was really uncomfortable.
Minutes later the bell rang and it was time for the second class which was Chemistry with Preston. As i got my books ready before i reached the door. I felt someone poking me from behind. I turned around and it was the red haired guy. I was hoping this was an apology.
"next time don't sit on my seat if you know what's good for you," he hissed then walked out.
Was that supposed to be an apology? guess not.

his name's Parker. Don't worry about him. His hated by everyone," Joey creeped up fro,m behind.
'well that's good to know," i smiled weakly. What was up with that guy??

Crystal!" i heard Preston shout.
"well that's my queue to leave," i smiled.
"By Crystal" he smiled.
"bye Joey! see you later," i said as i walked over to Preston.
♠ ♠ ♠
well that was really long. Told you it was and i know the guy's such ass