The City Of Souls

Chapter One: Limbo.

The City of Souls; a dark, desolate place inhabited by tortured spirits stuck in limbo and once a spirit enters the city, it can never leave. The souls captured in the city aren’t necessarily evil; in fact, most of them were decent people in their past life that happened to make a few bad choices. It wasn’t fair for the souls that were misguided during their life time to be stuck in a lonely limbo. It wasn’t fair for me to be stuck there. Sure, some of the spirits were more corrupt than others, that’s the effect the city had on a person. I still considered myself and the other souls to be people, we may have passed on but we have our own society now. Just like people, we still had to eat, and still had to wear warm clothes when it was cold outside. In fact, we even feel like humans, the only difference is we don’t age as humans do; we’re neither living nor dead, just stuck in limbo. You’d think we’d be lucky, but the city is more miserable than any human could ever imagine. We are the lost souls, trapped in time.

I pulled my hood over my head and walked hastily down the alley way. Screams echoed throughout the city followed by gunshots. I sighed and shook my head, people disgusted me. We could not die, if you were shot you didn’t die, you felt every second of the excruciating pain. I snuck past the gate and walked towards the back of the giant neo-classical style mansion. I crept in the back door and made my way down a dark empty hallway, soon to be stopped by a hooded figure in a long black trench coat.
“And where do you think you’re going Dearest?” his dark voice sent shivers down my spine. He backed me up against a wall and dipped his head into the crook of my neck.
“To find you…” I trailed off, biting my lip as he gently trailed kisses down my neck.
“Now why would a pretty lil’ thing like you be looking for an evil soul like me?” He smirked cockily, tilting my chin up to look him in the eye. Those hypnotic eyes that haunt my dreams every night.
                “I’m so sick of this place…” I trailed off, wrapping my arms around his built frame.
                “I know Athena, just wait until my next assignment and I’ll take you away from here.” He whispered reassuringly. I half smiled and nodded, hoping he was right.
                “Caleb, what if we get caught?...” I asked hesitantly.
                “What about it baby girl? They’ll just send you back to the city and we’ll try again.” He said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and pressed my lips against his. We pulled apart and I sighed contently as he softly ran his hands up and down my back.
                “I’ll take you home; I don’t want you getting shot again.” He mumbled the last part and kissed my cheek. I trailed closely behind Caleb as we snuck out to his car, trying to avoid the head of the Death Angels. The Death Angels were a select group of evil souls who worked for Lucifer and escorted the lost spirits from the real world into the city. Most souls in the city despised the Death Angels because they brought them to this forsaken place. Me on the other hand, I fell in love with my Death Angel. As much as I loved Caleb, it would have been a lot easier to resent him as other souls have done in the past, but I couldn’t help it. Death Angels are forbidden to associate with the lost souls, let alone have any kind of relationship whether it be friendship or more.
                Caleb opened the door to his black Lamborghini and ushered me inside. Soon after I closed the door he hopped in and peeled out. I dazed out the window at the foggy, decaying city. Crime was everywhere, from robberies, to rape, right out in the open. You could get away with anything here, there were no cops and you were stuck here forever. The city corrupted you; there was no need for order, so why maintain it? Before I knew it, we were in my driveway. I let out a heavy sigh and glanced up at Caleb.
                “You gonna be okay Darling?” he asked concerned, brushing the hair out of my face. I nodded and he softly pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away hesitantly and we said our goodbyes, not wanting to be parted again. I trudged up my front steps and into my house and locked the door behind me.