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I'll Be In The Sky

I Know I'll Be Okay, Though My Skies Are Turning Grey

There supposed to love us, Right? Be there for us no matter what? Keep us out of harm? Yeah right!

If so, why am I laying on the ground with blood gushing from my nose, lips and anyplace else i can think of. My parents beat me...daily. Well, let me rephrase that, my dad beats me, my mom holds me down.

Some people have reasons why their parents do this to them (not that they deserve it) but at least they know why. But me? No reason I can possibly imagine.

I'm 15 years old. Straight. I get good grades. I've never been to a party (well a legit house party, that is). I've had 1 boyfriend and the most me and him did was make out. I've never drank. Never smoke. Only time you'll hear me cuss is if I'm extremely mad. So, why me?

Its not like my parents are drunks. They only drink at "gatherings" and then its only a glass of wine. They have great jobs, high paid. Everybody thinks they are the sweetest people ever...only I know the truth.

I roll myself over and crawl to my bedroom, where I grab my makeshift med kit and go to my bathroom to asses the damages.

I lifted my shirt, only to see everything is completely bruised(covered in purple/blue). When I say everything...I mean EVERYTHING . I cant even see anymore of my ivory skin. The only good thing about this is they make sure not to hit my face, but my mom does pull hair! After placing the icy hot gel on my chest (I found out last year that it removes bruises). I rubbed my fingers through my hair and noticed that slowly, but surely, my fingers got wetter each the longer I kept them entangled in my hair. I turned on the faucet and washed the blood off my hand, making sure i cleaned the sink afterwards.

I remove the rest of my clothes and quickly take a shower, washing the remaining blood from my long random colored hair.

I keep my door locked each night , just to make sure I can sleep as peacefully as possible. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

When I get to school each day I manage to plaster a smile on my face and tell my mom I love her each time she drops me off.

But today was different...I don't know how to explain it, but it just was.

I woke up to my door on the ground(I'm not sure who, but somebody broke it off the hinges). Shouldn't I have heard that happening? Shouldn't I have woken up?

I went down to get some breakfast, where it usually waits for me on the counter top. But today, nothing was there. My mom had her head in the fridge, then counter, but never once acknowledged me when I constantly called her name. It was time for me to leave, and she was no where near close to ready. So, today I had to walk to school.

As I'm walking I notice the sky slowly turns a shade of grey that I've never seen before. It turned from a beautiful morning sky, to a stormy evening sky(just without the rain or wind). I ignore the dark look of depression that has engulfed my town and continue to walk to school.

I open the doors and it takes me at least 30 seconds to realize that everybody and everything is also this weird shade of grey.

Did i get color blind while walking to school?
Did a giant paint ball fall on my town?

I start to think more about the colorblind possibility when suddenly I focus on the people at my school talking.

They all looked normal(minus the grey) and they seemed normal, but they even sounded different. do I explain this? Picture yourself in a pool (or lake, ocean, bathtub) and your underwater. Well, you know how it sounds when the people outside of the pool are trying to talk to you? Thats how they sound. Very muffled and distant. As if there on land and I'm lost out on sea somewhere.
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Okk. so this is my new short story.
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Chapter Title: Your Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus