I Guess I Need My Life to Change


Starr quietly crept to the window and lifted it open. Swiftly and silently she leapt to the tree that stood by her room and climbed down. She had to see him, even if her parents forbid it, she had to. There was something about this boy that drew her in. Something that sparked her interest from the moment she saw him. He was labeled, as teenagers often are, the dark clothes, the hair dye, the rings in places that just aren't natural, the scars on his arms, the way he hardly spoke. All the things that got him out casted, all the things that got him on Starr's parent's D-list, all the things that intrigued Starr.

Starr had never met anyone like this boy before. His eyes consumed her every thought. Everywhere she looked she could swear she saw glimpses of him, but it was never true. See Starr Kennedy was not a person you would see with that type of boy. Her grades were high, her smile bright. Her curly red hair seemed to bounce with her every step. She was your typical beautiful, popular, high school student. She hung out with the right crowds, she dated the right guys, she shopped at the right stores, she listened to the right music, and she was never without a smile. Now unlike most popular high school girls, Starr was not cruel to others; she made it her personal goal to make everyone around her feel happy and wanted, something she could never accomplish for herself. See although Starr had been in many relationships she had never felt love. Her adoptive parents, a Doctor and a Lawyer, had given her, her every need and desire, but that couldn't replace the sense of abandonment. Her real mother was only 18 when she had Starr. Thinking raising Starr would be the biggest mistake but having an abortion wasn't right, her mother left her on the steps of a church, and then disappeared for good.

Starr had never met her mother, but she eventually found out that she was, what today's society would call, a groupie. A nicer term for slut, Rick her adopted father would always say whenever Starr referred to groupies. Apparently her mother has slept with some famous rock star and then Starr happened. When her mother discovered she was pregnant she took a test to discover the father. She called him and demanded child support, when he refused she took him to court. Starr's mother eventually lost, abandoned Starr and dropped of the maps.

Rick and Elsa, Starr's adopted parents, encouraged her to embrace the fact that her mother was gone and to move on, for holding onto things like that only made them worse. Despite the constant reassurance from her family and friends that they would always be there for her and help her through anything, Starr kept all the pain bottled inside. She didn't want a pity party, she didn't want choruses of people saying 'Oh how awful for you', 'I'm so sorry', 'It will all be fine'. She just wanted to feel true genuine love, even if it's only for a moment, once in her life.

When she looked at this boy, she could feel it. That feeling you get when you know everything is going to be just fine.

Starr hurried across the busy highway to the all night coffee shop where she always came to think.

"Hey Meghan!" Starr cheerfully greeted her best friend. Not that anyone knew of the girls friendships. They were from different sides of town. Starr was from the posh side, glitz, glamour, money, you name it, while Meghan was from the poorer part of town, the part of town with homeless people, run down apartments that were overflowing with occupants and gangs ruling the streets. Now usually people from these two very different sides of town didn't mix. If someone from where Starr lived went into where Meghan lived, they would most likely be beaten, robbed or shot, and vice versa. The coffee shop was on what the girl's called 'neutral ground' right in the middle of the 'border' that divided the town. It was in this coffee shop where Starr first saw him. After her first encounter she saw him everywhere. Wherever she went, he was there, it was beginning to drive her insane. He always seemed to avoid Starr, and seeing as the town had only one high school, with over 3000 students, it was easy to avoid someone.

"Interesting wardrobe" Meghan laughed referring to Starr's appearance. Pajama pants, converse high tops and a t-shirt she had designed.

"Oh you're just jealous." Starr laughed back spinning around on a stool. "So its 2:38 am do you know what that means?" Starr asked.

"Time for you Double Mocha Iced Cap Supreme with Marshmallows," Meghan replied without blinking.

"You know me better then I know myself" Starr laughed as Meghan set her drink down.

"Break time!" Meghan cheered jumping over the counter to join her best friend.

"So how's Ry Ro?" Starr asked referring to Meghan's boyfriend, The girls had always used nicknames so no one knew who they were talking about.

"He fine" Meghan replied sipping her Chai Tea. "He just started a band with some friends. You remember Brendon and Spencer right?"

Starr nodded.

"Another boy too," Meghan continued her story "I think his name is Jon. But anyway Ryan writes the songs and plays the bass. It's helping him cope with his dad I think, I'm glad he's found such good friends" Meghan smiled. "So how LB doing?" she asked Starr

"Excuse me?"

"You know LB lover boy. That kid you're always obsessing over."

"I do not obsess over him" Starr stated back and Meghan gave her a look.

"Starr, I'm your best friend. I know you better then you know yourself" Meghan lightly laughed. "Believe me you like this guy, a lot."

"What am I supposed to do Meghan? We're from different sides, we're different people entirely. He wouldn't even give me a second glace."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Meghan smirked sipping her drink again.

Starr glared at her "What do you know that I don't?"

"A lot my dear" Meghan smirked again

"About LB?" Starr snapped

Meghan giggled and pointed to the back of the store. Four boys sat around a table. A boy with long curly hair had his head down on the table, beside him was a blonde boy eating a doughnut. On the other end of the table was a boy who slightly resembled Pete Wentz, hitting the table with drum sticks. And right in the middle looking at Star with a grin was him. The boy Starr stunk out to catch a glimpse of, the boy who's voice rung in her ears, the boy who possessed her every thought, and she didn't even know his name. The nameless boy nudged the blonde one and Pete look alike and pointed in Starr's direction. She quickly spun around and glared at Meghan.

"Were they here the whole time?"

Meghan nodded.

"Oh god," Starr moaned slamming her head onto the table.

"Hey" an unfamiliar voice said to her right. Starr kept her head down "Can we join you?"

"Sure thing" Meghan responded, Starr could hear the smirk in her voice and wanted to wring her pretty little neck, but there were too many witnesses.

"Is your friend okay?" another voice said

"She looks dead." A third joined in

"She's just shocked to see us." A fourth voice said causing Starr's ears to start ringing. This can't be happening Starr thought

"Her hair is bouncy" the second voice said and Starr felt someone tugging on her hair and she slapped the hand away. "Oh feisty" The voice said.

"Krikit, shut up"

Starr finally picked her head up and looked around. Blonde boy was sitting beside her and was the one who had pulled her hair. Beside Meghan was the curly haired boy, asleep once again, and Pete Wentz was beside him. Standing at the end of the table stood him. Starr groaned inwardly and threw a glance toward Meghan who just smiled her innocent smile and continued poking the sleeping boy beside her.

"Who are you?" Starr asked no one in particular.

"Well my names Krikit," Blonde boy told her "The sleeping one is David Joshua Hinsley and the kid who looks like Pete Wentz, thats Red Bull"

Starr cocked an eye brow "I guess you get the Pete Wentz comment a lot then?" She asked and the boy nodded.

"And I am" The boy said pulling Krikit out of his seat and sitting down beside Starr "Faber"

"Is that your real name?" Starr asked a tone of sarcasm in her voice.

"No but you can call me Faber." He smiled back.

"I'm honored." Starr replied sarcastically.

"I told you she was feisty." Krikit said licking his lips. Starr looked over to Meghan and gave her the 'he scares me' look. Meghan looked to Krikit and then back to Starr and gave her the 'Just deal' look.

"What are you up to?" Starr asked narrowing her eyes and Meghan. Meghan shrugged and began to play with the sleeping boy's hair.

"Well Meghan here has hired us?" Red Bull spoke for the first time ever.

"Hired you?" Starr repeated glaring at Meghan.

"To prove a point to the school" Red Bull continued.

"The school?"

"That even though the school says everyone equal we really aren't. A different appearance means you are treated differently."

"I don't get it" Starr shrugged and Meghan rolled her eyes.

"You are so stupid sometimes" Meghan laughed.

"Well what does this plan entail?" Starr asked the group and they all smiled