I Guess I Need My Life to Change


It took Starr a few minutes to process everything that she had just heard. These boys, that she hardly knew, wanted to give her a makeover, and her best friend was behind it all. According to Meghan, she was hopelessly in love with the one who calls himself Faber, but does he know that? Did he over hear the conversation Meghan and she had had earlier? She stole a sideways glace towards Faber and he was looking at her. Quickly she looked back to her hands. She didn't understand, she couldn't understand, why this boy had such and effect on her. She didn't understand why she was always so speechless around him, why he made her so tongue-tied. Starr stared back down at her hands and started fidgeting, a bad habit she had become accustom too when she was nervous.

"Well" Red Bull asked her "What do you say?"

Starr looked at the eager faces around her. Starr always had pride in herself. She was one of those girls that said 'I won't change for anyone' and followed through with that. But lately Starr had been seeing things in a different light. Everything she had thought was important, everything she had held dear didn't seem to matter anymore. All the things in the school she had tried to ignore, the clicks, the discrimination, the teasing, seemed to be more apparent to her, she seemed to be more aware of them know. And she didn't know why. Ever since she saw this, Faber boy, this had been happening to her. Starr continued to stare at the table while she spoke.

"I guess I need my life to change." She said softly.

A chorus of cheers erupted around Starr but she stayed quite. Meghan gave her a concerned look.

"You don't have to do this, if you don't want to" She whispered, but Starr shook her head. Meghan understood what she meant.

"Well lets get going then!" Faber smiled pulling Starr off her seat making her tumble forward and crash into his chest. The sudden closeness made Starr feel very warm., her cheeks flushed red and she pulled away very fast. She looked over to Meghan to see her smirking.

"We're starting right now?" Starr asked nervously.

"Of course we are!" Krikit smiled walked over to Starr and placing a hand on her cheek, "If we want you to be ready for school tomorrow we have to start as soon as possible."

Starr was shocked by this comment, surly there wasn't that much wrong with her that it would take them all night. Faber playfully punched Krikit on the arm and he backed off.

"What he means is, we should get started now so you have time to sleep when we are done"

Starr nodded and went to pick us her purse from the table.

"What about him?" Meghan asked still poking the boy who was still asleep.

"Leave him here" Red Bull snickered

"That's not very nice." Meghan pouted.

"If you want to wake him up be my guest." Faber laughed "But I'm warning you, David isn't exactly the nicest person when he first wakes up."

"Hey how come he is the only one with a normal name?" Starr asked the group of boys. They looked around and shrugged. Meghan began to shake the sleeping boy.

"Hey you, kid the sleeping one, wake up! Hello did you hear me wake up!" She yelled at him, he woke up abruptly startling Meghan; he grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back. The boys laughed in an 'I told you so' tone but Meghan looked shocked.

"Who woke me up?" the boy growled.

"I-I did." Meghan stuttered. David looked shocked at this comment and quickly released Meghan's hands.

"Sorry." He mumbled. Meghan looked over to Starr, but this time it was Starr's turn to smirk. Meghan always turned into a ditz around guys whether she liked them or not, and Starr could tell, this boy had it bad for Meghan. It's a shame that she's dating Ryan. Starr thought, they would look cute together. Starr was pulled out of her matchmaker thoughts by someone grabbing her hand and pulling her through the door.

"Where are we going?" Starr asked the boy pulling her, it was Faber.

"We're going to my house."

"And how are we getting there?" Starr asked, Faber came to a stop in front of a motorcycle. "Uhm where's your car?" Starr asked nervously playing the collar of her shirt.

"You're looking at it." Faber laughed handing Starr a helmet, "Don't worry I'm a good driver, just hold on."

"To what." Starr asked getting on the back seat of the bike. Faber sat down in front of her, and she felt her face get hot.

"Me of course." He answered, and kicked the bike into gear. Starr screamed and wrapped her arms tightly around his torso. He laughed playfully, and turned the bike back into the parking lot to meet with the others. Meghan was stuck between David and Krikit in the back seat of a convertible. Red bull was sitting in the front of the car ignoring her constant complaints.

"Why can't one of us sit in the front?" Meghan complained.

"Because Red's paranoid" Faber laughed screeching to a halt in front of the car.

Starr still clung tightly to Faber waist to afraid to let go, he didn't seem to mind. She and Meghan exchanged glances but nothing was said.

"Alright so we'll meet up at my house. We have to stop off and get some things." Faber told the group.

"We?" Starr asked suspiciously.

"Well yes we, unless you want to walk." Faber laughed.

"Alright how long will you be?" Red asked Faber continuing with the plans.

"Only like half an hour or so. You have your key right?"


"Alright I'll see you soon." Faber told them "And don't forget to sterilize your piercing needles."

"YOUR WHAT!" Starr screamed, but they ignored her.

"I won't" Red Bull reassured him and drove away. Faber turned his head to the side so he could look at Starr.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

'What are you going to do to me." Starr mumbled swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Well we are going to change you hair, your clothes, your make up style and maybe give you a few piercing. It will be fine I promise. You can trust me."

Starr nodded, for some reason she had a strong sense of trust for this boy, she believed every word he said. Faber kicked the bike into gear and they speed off. Starr wrapped her arms around him once again. After a few minutes she spoke up.

"Faber why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you changing me, to prove a point to the school? I mean I thought the whole sense of individuality was not changing for someone you like." Starr slapped her hand over her mouth and prayed that he didn't hear that last comment. He was silent for a moment and Starr had a feeling she had just messed everything up.

"Well you see, it wasn't exactly my idea." He told her, "I went into the coffee shop one day, and found that Meghan girl in tears. She said that her best friend had been spreading rumors about her. She said she thought that their friendship was strong enough to defeat peer pressure, but she was wrong. See her friend isn't like us; she's form the other side of town the rich side. Some adopted popular bitch, excuse my language, who had everything handed to her on a silver platter, but is still unhappy. But anyway, she wouldn't tell me who her friend is but she said that you hang out with her, so we are going to use you to get to her. We figure that if we change you, since you guys are good friends, and if she makes fun of you, then everyone will know how cruel and black hearted she really is."

Starr swallowed the lump in her throat. Meghan had been talking about her, she knew it was wrong to bad mouth her best friend. But Meghan had always said she understood her situation. Who am I kidding, Starr thought, Only a truly horrible person would bad mouth there best friend and expect everything to be alright. Starr was struggling to hold back her tears. Faber pulled into an all night convenient store and parked the bike.

"I'll just be a minute," he smiled at her and went inside. Starr took this as her chance. She jumped from the bike and took off as fast as her legs could carry her. She wasn't that familiar with this side of town but she knew enough to know where to go when you want to disappear. She ran and ran and ran until she collapsed on the ground. Starr pulled her tears to her chin and cried. She and Meghan had always said nothing would come between them, they had always said friends forever, Now Starr questioned just how much of that was true. She had never said anything about Meghan herself, but she never denied anything anyone else had said about her. And when you are the queen bee of the group, everything was your idea. There was no way that Starr could ever face Faber and the boys again, there was no way that she could ever face Meghan again, there was no way she could ever go back to school. Starr dialed Meghan's cell phone and left a message explaining how Faber had told her, how sorry she was and what she was going to do. She didn't tell Meghan where she was going, she didn't expect Meghan to forgive her. When she finished her message she broke her phone in half and threw it in the garbage. She didn't know where she was going to go, or what she was going to do, but she knew she wasn't going to go home for a long, long time.


Meghan drummed her fingers against the table in Faber's kitchen. He had been gone for almost an hour now, and she was starting to get worried. Finally she heard the door open and rushed towards it,

"STARR!" She screamed happily, but only Faber was there soaked head to toe from the sudden downpour with a worried look on his face.

"Where's Starr?" Meghan asked him.

"I don't know."

"You lost her!"

"She just disappeared!"

"Jesus Meghan answer your damn cell phone!" David screamed "It's been beeping for like 45 minutes!"

Meghan picked up her phone and flipped it open. 'You have one new voice mail message' It read. Meghan listened to it. Fear spread across her face, she shut her phone and slapped Faber across the face.

"What did you tell Starr!" She screamed at him, while the other boys filed into the living room.

"Just what you told me about your friend."

"What did you say about that girl?"

"How she was a horrible person why?"

"Because that horrible person was Starr!" Meghan screamed at him, "I was upset and she's horrible under pressure! I told you not to tell her that why did you?"

"Because she asked" Faber mumbled!

"Well I hope your happy, I hope you're very fucking happy!" Meghan screamed at him. Everyone was shocked by her sudden mood swing and her swearing.

"What happened? Where is she?" Krikit asked.

"I don't know" Meghan sobbed collapsing on the ground, "She left, for good, and she is never coming back."