I'm Suppose to Hate You

Chapter 1.

“Oh come on! Please let me come, Pete!” I shouted, following him up the stairs. He spun on his heel on the step above me.

“No! You can’t. You’re too young, and too inexperienced,” Pete said. I hissed at him, baring my white fangs. He hissed right back, showing his similar fangs.

“I can’t learn if you shield me Pete,” I said, making my argument. He sighed.

“Emily, just stop. Please. I can’t deal with this right now. I’ll teach you eventually,” he sighed. “Now go back downstairs,” he said, pointing behind me. I huffed and stomped down a couple of steps. He was gone, so I went up to the stairs. I sneaked past Patrick, and into the car. I hid in the trunk, waiting. After a little while, the car started to move, fast. I was rolling around in the trunk. Someone stopped the car short and I slammed into a wall.

Fuck!” I exclaimed. I just waited for a minute or two. I popped the trunk and slid out. Pete was standing there.

Shit,” I mumbled. He hissed at me.

“Would it kill you to listen for once?” he questioned. I hissed back at him.

“Pete, I want to fight!” I screamed, and he tried to shush me. “No! Pete! It’s my right!” I growled. He shook his head.

“Go home!” he exclaimed. He pushed me and I started to walk to the edge of town. Seriously, must we live so far away from here? I heard a pair of footsteps from behind me. I spun around to face a man I didn’t recognize. He had long brown hair, and he was wearing a Dandie uniform.

“Dude, hate to disappoint but I’m a vampire with no powers,” I sighed. He looked at me.

“All vampires have powers,” he said. I gave a spiteful laugh.

“Sure, I might have powers, but no one will teach me so I know nothing,” I sighed heavily. He looked at me.

“I’ll teach you,” he offered. He shrugged. I smiled.

“You would do that? For someone you don’t know?” I asked, smiling at him. He nodded and held out his hand. It was covered by a white glove. That meant something special, but I wasn’t sure what. I took it.

“Now hold on tight,” he said. I tightened my grip on him. I shut my eyes and he spun around. I felt like I was flying for a second. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t in the same spot. Instead of a deserted street, I was in front of a large mansion.

“Woah,” I said breathlessly. He smirked.

“And you haven’t even seen the half of it,” he said. “Who are you?” he asked.

“Emily Wentz. And you are?” I asked.

“William Beckett. Dandie King,” he introduced. My eyes got wide and I took a giant step away.

Oh my god. You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” I asked hysterically. He shook his head.

“No no! I promise I won’t. What’s going on between your brother and I have nothing to do with you. I won’t hurt you, I swear,” he said. I looked at him, and I looked in his eyes. He had an honest look in them.

“Now come on inside,” he said, putting his hand on the small of my back. He gently pushed me inside. A man on the other side of the door hissed at me. I hissed right back.

“You’ve brought food?” the man asked William. I whimpered.

“No, a guest,” William corrected. The man sniffed.

“She smells of hunter and she looks like a Wentz with the birthmark and the hair, and her eyes!” the man exclaimed. Again, I hissed at him.

“She’s harmless. She doesn’t understand our kind. She’s been shielded,” William explained. “Until tonight, I had no idea of her existence,” he added. “Miss. Wentz, this is my right hand man Brendon,” he said. Brendon bowed, although he seemed unwilling. It almost seemed like he was a puppet and someone had pulled an invisible string.

“Now Miss. Wentz, lets go to my office,” William said. We walked along an extravagant hallway into a plush office. It had dark wood furniture, a dark blue carpet and an even darker blue color on the walls.

“This is beautiful,” I said, more to myself than to William. He chuckled lightly near my right ear.

“Miss. Wentz, I feel obligated to ask before I can tell you anything. Are you Pete’s daughter or his sister?” he questioned.

“Sister,” I said simply. He nodded.

“So, where do we start?” William asked, sitting down. I sat on another chair.

“How about why my brother hates you?” I questioned. He nodded and sighed. This is going to be a long story.