I'm Suppose to Hate You

Chapter 5.

When I heard the car door slam, I knew Pete was mad. He was beyond mad, I could tell. I heard him storm up the stairs. I braced myself for the storm.

“I hate William Beckett,” he snarled, “With every fiber of my being,” were the first words Pete said when he stomped into my room. I nodded like I always do when Pete comes to me to vent. He showed me a gash on his arm.

“He did this to me. Can you bandage it up?” Pete asked, holding his arm out. I smiled at him.

“No need,” I smirked. I touched the gash, and it disappeared. Pete smiled and looked at it. Then, his head shot up.

“Where’d you learn to do that?” Pete snapped. Oh Shit.

“I..uh...scratched myself in the tree the other day, and it I just kinda did it. Pretty cool, right?” I asked, smiling at him. He nodded and patted my head.

“That’s wonderful,” he smiled. My heart hurt when he smiled. How I wanted to tell Pete the truth, but he’d be so so mad at me.

“Emily, are you okay? You’ve seem a little distant lately,” Pete whispered. I nodded and put up my wall. He didn’t need to see my thoughts. He growled.

“You’re lying to me,” he growled. I gave him a confused look.

“What are you talking about Pete?” I asked.

“The wall. There’s only one person whose ever thought of the wall, and I can’t believe you’d do that to me!” Pete yelled. He stood up. “That’s where you’ve been! The Dandie hideout, isn’t it?” he yelled.

“Pete, stop yelling. You wouldn’t teach me. So I found someone who would,” I said, staying calm. I knew better than to raise my temper when my brother is involved.

Get out! Now! Take your stuff and get out!” Pete shouted.

“Pete! You can’t do that! I’m your sister!” I exclaimed. He hissed at me.

“You are no family of mine,” he growled. I was ready to cry. I grabbed all of my stuff in one bag, I didn’t have that much stuff and left. I cried as soon as I got onto the dead end street.

“Miss. Wentz?” a tentative voice asked. I looked up to see Brendon.

“What?” I barked at him. He flinched.

“William heard that you were kicked out,” Brendon explained.

“How?” I questioned. He shrugged.

“I have no idea. But he’d like to talk to you,” he said. I nodded. I thought of floating and then of the mansion. I was there before Brendon and I walked right in. William was in his office, I was sure of it. The walk to the office was so different this time. I knocked on the door, and strolled in. William looked from his window to me.

“So, he found out,” he sighed. I nodded.

“I have nowhere to go now, and no family,” I mumbled. William snorted.

“You have here, and you have us,” William corrected. I smiled at him.

“William, you’d let me stay here?” I asked hopefully. He nodded. I hugged him tightly. He smiled at me and then, we were in another plush room, but it wasn’t his office.

“You’ll stay here,” he said. “Now, go to sleep,” he said. He slid the bag off my shoulder. He kissed my forehead. “We’ll talk tomorrow,” he said. I nodded and slid right into bed and fell asleep.