‹ Prequel: Secrets Will Kill You
Sequel: Killing Me Slowly

Secrets Will Kill You The Sequel

Just A Normal Day... Part 2

“You get an email from Human Resources?” Ian asked Sam.

“No. Why?”

“Damn it. Guess it's just me, then. I'm supposed to, quote, report to HR, unquote”

“They're probably finally busting you for snaking all those office supplies”

“I hope they spank me” Ian laughed and went back to his cubicle.

Sam just shook his head. “No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. Don't do this to me. Please” he heard Paul panic. He stood to look over the side, over at Paul. “Hey, man, you okay?”

“It froze”

“They're crap, Paul. They freeze all the time”

“You don't understand. When I, when I rebooted, everything was gone. A whole day's work deleted”

“Well, did you back up?”

“No, I didn't back up. I wish to God I backed up but I didn't. I'll get it back. I'll find it. It's somewhere. I'll find it”

“Paul, it's okay, man. These things happen”

Night fell and Sam and Melissa were alone in the elevator again and she sighed internally but she wasn’t annoyed now…she was curious as to what he wanted to ask. “You’re name’s Sam” she stated.

“Yea, it is…how’d you…”

“I looked up your file” she nodded.



They both knew how creepy it sounded but neither of them spoke about it. “Hey…what did you want to ask me this morning?” she asked him.

“It’s not important, I guess” he avoided her look.

“Come on, just ask”

“No, I don’t think…”

Just ask” she snapped and he jumped slightly.

“I was…I was just going to ask if you believed in ghosts…” he said, uncomfortably.

“Huh” she grunted and faced forward again, nodding. She stayed silent. “So…do you?” he asked.

“Yes. I do”

“You do?” Sam asked in shock.

She snapped her head at him. “Yea? Is that a problem?”

“No, no, it’s great!” She gave him a look. “Well, I mean, I…” he stammered but then the elevator doors opened and she just walked out.

She saw Dean waiting for her by the exit and he handed her a red rose. She smiled as he hung his arm around her shoulders and glared back at Sam as they walked out. “Hey…did that guy in the elevator…seem strange to you?” he asked her.

“Who? Sam? He’s a nice guy”

Meaning?” he questioned, feeling a ping of jealousy.

“Meaning he’s a nice guy” she repeated, kissing him.

“Did he…”

"Did he what?”

He hesitated. “Nothing…never mind” he said and she left it alone.

The next day, they all got back to the building to find out that Paul had committed suicide by putting his head in a microwave and it exploded. Dean and Melissa were side by side when a body bag was being carried out of the break room.

“Something about this seem not right to you?” Dean asked her but before she could respond, another guy in a suit was at their side.

“Uh, yeah, try the whole thing. I'm telling you, man, I'll never eat popcorn again”

“Yeah, right” Dean said slowly and him and Melissa exchanged looks.

Dean got to his office and looked up Paul Dunbar’s personal file and saw his retirement part was supposed to be in two weeks. Then, there was a knock. “Come in” he said and was quickly minimizing it all. In walked Melissa. “Crazy morning” she commented and walked over to him.

“Yea” he murmured.

She went behind him to wrap an arm around his chest and she kissed his cheek. She knew he was hiding something on his computer and she moved the mouse to click on the file that Dean had opened.

“Babe, stop worrying so much…” she said lightly.

“Yea, like you didn’t look him up” he said sarcastically and she chuckled lightly.

“Yea, well…you know me…but it is weird. Why would he do it if he only had two more weeks till retirement?” she questioned. “I don’t know” he shook his head, confused by the idea.


Sam rolled his chair over to Ian in his cubicle and he was actually wearing a yellow shirt and he was working. “Hey. Why would someone kill themselves two weeks before they were supposed to retire? I mean, Paul was two weeks from freedom. He should have been happy, right?”

“I don't have time for this, Sam"

Sam laughed. “That's very funny…what's with you?”

“I'm working. It's important.”

“HR bust your balls or something? You're wearing the shirt…did you shave?”

Then, the phone rang and Ian answered it. “Tech support, this is Ian…be right up” He hung up. “Gotta go up to twenty-two, speak to a manager” he said and went up to Dean’s office

He knocked and walked in. Dean looked up from his computer. “Hi. Ian, is it? Yeah, come on in. Yesterday you filled out a 445-T and no problem, just a few errors when we did your switch over to Vista. So I'm sure you're used to filling out the dash-R's, am I right?”

“Oh, no” Ian said as panic flooded his face.

“No, no, no. It's fine. It's fine. I just need you to redo one today so I can get the show on the road with the invoicing” Dean assured him, pushing some papers forward.

“Oh my god”

“No, it's fine. Re-file it and we're square”

“I can't believe I did this. I can't believe I—I can't believe I did this” Dean started to notice something was definitely wrong. “No, no. It affected profits. It—I screwed up. I—I can't—I can't—I am so sorry. I—how could I do that? I failed Sandover. I failed the company” “All right, why don't you sit down, Ian” he suggested but Ian ran out of the room.

“Ian? Ian. Hey!” Dean followed him.

Ian turned a corner and flew right into Melissa. She fell to the ground and wanted to snap at the guy but she saw panic was on his face as he stared at her with panic and sadness and he kept running. Dean raced to Melissa and helped her up.


“I’ll be right back” he said and quickly rushed after Ian.

Brittney was at Melissa’s side. “Ya know, I really don’t get it. That Paul guy, he was two weeks away from retirement…”

“You looked up his file too?” Melissa chuckled and Brittney smiled sheepishly as she followed Melissa while they walked in the direction Dean and Ian ran in.

“Ian, hey. Just chill out, man. Okay?” Dean tried as he confronted Ian in the bathroom.

It was just the two of them in the bathroom and Ian just stared at himself in horror in the mirror and all the faucets turned on and then so did the soap dispensers. “Ian, hey, maybe we should get out of here, huh? Come on. Ian. Look at me”

Then, Ian turned to face Dean and pulled a pencil out of his pocket and he stared at Dean for a moment but then he stabbed the pencil into his neck. Dean stared in shock as Ian collapsed and blood was spurring everywhere. He looked up to see an old man in the mirror but when he turned around, there was no one there.

“Somebody help me!” he yelled out.

Melissa heard him and ran into the men’s bathroom and saw Ian’s body on the floor. “Brittney, call 911” she ordered and her and Dean just exchanged shocked looks.

Police and paramedics got there and Dean was talking to a police officer as Brittney and Melissa were standing side by side at the desk in the middle of the corridor. Then, they saw Sam on the opposite side of the room and The four of them exchanged looks. Once the commotion died down, Melissa dragged Brittney with her to the cubicle farm and she put her hands on Sam’s small desk, standing next to him.

“We need to talk. Now” she said, seriously.

He nodded and stood to his feet. They all got to Dean’s office and he was on the phone, about to call Sam but before he could speak, Melissa walked in quickly and shut the door behind them. “I needed to talk to them too” she admitted quietly.

He just nodded and she got to his side as they faced Sam and Brittney. “Who the hell are you?” Dean demanded, looking at Sam.

“I'm not sure I know”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Sam Wesson. I started here three weeks ago”

“All right. You cornered me in the elevator talking about ghosts. And now…”

“He got you too?” Melissa asked him and Dean gave her a look and then gave Sam a look. “Now what?” Sam urged him to continue.

He hesitated. “Now, nothing. I, uh...so you started working here three weeks ago, huh?” Dean asked. Sam nodded. “So did you Brittney, right?” Melissa asked. She nodded.

“Yea, us too” Dean said and then unscrewed the cap of a bottle. “It's the Master Cleanse. You tried it? Phenomenal. Detoxes you like nobody's business” He took a sip.

“When you were in that bathroom with Ian, did you see something?” Brittney asked, suddenly.

“I don't know. I don't know what I saw”

“Wait. Are you saying that…did you see a ghost?” Sam asked.

“I was freaking out. The guy penciled his damn neck”

“You did, didn't you” Brit assumed.

“Okay, listen. What if these suicides aren't suicides? I mean, what if they're something not natural?” Sam suggested.

“So what, ghosts are real and are being responsible for all the dead bodies around here?” Melissa said, sarcastically, pulling a chair over to Dean and the four of them sat down at the same time.

“I know it sounds crazy. But yes. That's what I'm telling you”

“Based on what?” Dean asked. “Instinct” Sam and Brittney both answered and looked at each other. “I have the same instinct” Melissa admitted.

“What? And you didn’t tell me?” Dean asked. “Like you told me you have the same thing too?” she retorted. He shifted in his seat. “Seriously?” Brit and Sam asked.

“You know those dreams I was telling you about? I was dreaming about ghosts…and then it turns out that there's a real ghost” Sam said.

“So you're telling me that your dreams are special visions and you're some kind of psychic?” Dean questioned and Melissa and Brittney were keeping eye contact, having their own silent conversation.

“No. I mean, that would be nuts. I'm just saying something weird is definitely going on around here, right? So I've been digging around a little and I think I found a connection between the two guys” he pulled out papers and gave them to Dean. Melissa looked over his shoulder.

“You broke into their email accounts?” Melissa asked. “I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity” he replied, finding the right words.

Brittney started to grin, looking at Sam. She was very impressed because she did the same thing. Dean and Melissa were impressed too. “Nice” Melissa approved and held out her fist.

Sam bumped his fist with hers like it was something they always did…but it wasn’t and that was the thought that weirded them out a little. “So it turns out Ian and Paul both got this same email telling them to report to HR, room fourteen forty-four”

“HR's on seven” Brittney stated. “Exactly” Sam said, looking at her and they held each others gaze for a moment. “Should we go check this out?” Dean asked. “Like right now?” Sam questioned.

“No. No, it's getting late. You're right”

“Are you kidding? I want to check this out right now” Melissa grinned, standing up. Dean smiled up at her. “I am dying to check this out right now” Sam said as he stood as well.

“Right?” Dean agreed with Sam, smiling, excitedly. “Lets go” Brittney grinned as well and they all nodded and walked out of the office.

Sam, Dean, Melissa and Brittney reached the floor and went walking down the corridor when they heard a man yelling. Sam kicked opened the door to office 1444. “Whoa!” Dean, Melissa and Brittney all said in shock .

But he ignored them as they rushed in and Brittney, Sam and Melissa went to lift a giant shelf off the man. Then, the old man that Dean saw in the bathroom appeared behind him and flew him into the wall. He shoved Sam over, flew Melissa to the side and pushed Brittney down. His hands started to spark with lightning.

“Dean!” Melissa yelled and threw a wrench to Dean.

He caught it with ease and swung it at the old man and he vanished. “How'd you know how to do that?” Melissa asked him. “I have no idea” he said and they got the shelf off the man.

They all went back to Dean’s upper-class apartment. “Holy crap, man” Melissa said. “Yeah. I could use a beer” Sam said. “Oh, sorry, man. I'm on the Cleanse. I got rid of all the carbs in the house” Dean said.

“Hey. How the hell did you know that ghosts are scared of wrenches?" Brittney asked.

“Crazy, right?”

“And nice job kicking that door too. That was very Jet Li” Melissa said to Sam. “Yea, what are you, like a black belt or something?” Dean added.

“No. I have no clue how I did that”

“And when you threw the wrench to Dean and he caught it with no problem” Brit commented. “That was definitely a highlight” Dean said and smirked at Melissa.

“It's like...we've done this before” Sam said.

“What do you mean, before? Like Shirley McLain before?”

“No. I—I just can't shake this feeling like I don't belong here. You know? Like I should do something more than sit in a cubicle”

“Hmm I think most people who work in a cubicle feel that way”

“No. I get what he means. It’s more than that” Brittney said.

“Yea, like, I don't like my job. I don't like this town. I don't like my clothes. I don't like my own last name. I don't know how else to explain it, except that...it feels like I should be doing something else. There's just something in my blood. Like I was destined for something different”

“What about you? You ever feel that way?” Brittney asked.

“I’m not sure I believe in destiny. I do believe in dealing with what's right in front of us, though” Melissa said. “All right, so, what do we do now?” Sam asked.

“We do what we do best, Sammy. Research” Dean said.

“Okay…did you just call me Sammy?”

“Did I?”

“I think you did…yeah. Don't”



“Hey guys, look at this, I just found a great website” Melissa said as she was on the laptop and they all walked over to her. “Real ghost hunters? Nice Mel. This site looks like the real deal” Dean commented.

“These guys are genius. Check it out” Then, she clicked on a video and Ed and Harry from Ghostfacers came up, wearing lab coats.

“We know why you're watching” Ed started. “You've got a problem” Harry stated.

“A ghost problem”

“A ghost-related problem. A ghost-it's like a ghost-adjacent pr…it's like a problem that's…”

“Whatever. You've come to the right place. The only decent place, really, because the Ghostfacers know how to solve it”


“Watch and learn”

“See, the first step in any supernatural fight…”

“Figure out what you're up against” they both said.

So, that’s what they did. They found an article about the death of Sandover’s founder. It said that P.T. Sandover died 1916. He had no wife or kids and devoted his life to his work and they used to say that he was the company and his very blood pumped through the building. So he was a workaholic who was watching over the company, even killing for it and this wasn’t the first time people started killing themselves in the building. This company has had seventeen suicides before. This guy turned Paul and Ian into perfect working bees and he was so devoted to the company that they would commit hara-kiri if they failed. What made things even more interesting? The building wasn’t always that high. It used to be fourteen floors and the room they were all in, 1444 was once the old mans office.

“Once you've got that thing in your sights…” Harry continued. “You kill it” you both said.

“Using special ghost-hunting weapons” Harry said.

“First, salt. It's like acid to ghosts”

“Burny acid” “Not LSD”

“No. It's a bad trip for ghosts. Next up, iron”

“That's why the wrench worked” Sam stated.

“Pure power in your hand” Ed said.

“Dissipates ghosts instantly”

“Next little trick. We learned this from those useless douche bags…”

“That we hate”

“The Winchesters and their sexy…”



“Shotgun shell. Pack it up with fresh rock salt”

“Very effective”

“Very effective” Ed repeated.

"Winchesters still suck ass, though”

“Affirmative. Suckage major…we should call up the girls though, see what they’re doing”

“We’ll get right on that right away” Harry agreed.

Dean packed four fire pokers into a duffle bag along with some salt and other stuff. “Where do we even get a gun?” he questioned. “Gun store?” Melissa suggested.

“Isn't there some kind of waiting period?”

“I think so” Brit said.

“How in the hell…”

“I don't know. Seems pretty impossible, honestly”


“The aforementioned super-annoying Winchester douche-nozzles and the sexy, smoking girlfriends also taught us this one other thing. You have to burn the remains” Ed continued.

“Okay, this next part gets a little gross…sometimes you might have to dig up the body…sorry”

“It's illegal in some states”

“All states”

“Possibly all states”

“Sandover was cremated” Brittney stated. “What? So what do we do now?” Melissa asked.

“Now, if the deceased has been cremated…” Harry kept going. “Don't panic” Ed said. “Don't panic” Harry repeated.

“Just gotta look for some other remains”

“A hair in a locket, maybe. Fingernails. Baby teeth”

“Milk teeth”

“Genetic material. You know what we're talking about”

“Go find it”

“Fight well, young lions”


And with that, they all got back to the building with no one else being around and they got into the elevator. “Set your cell phones to walkie-talkie in case we get separated” Dean said and they all did.

“How the hell are we gonna find some ancient speck of DNA in a skyscraper?” Sam questioned.

“Well, that creepy storeroom used to be Sandover's office, right?” Melissa spoke and then pressed the 14 button. They got to the floor and headed to room 1444 and they started to look around.
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