‹ Prequel: Secrets Will Kill You
Sequel: Killing Me Slowly

Secrets Will Kill You The Sequel

Mind Your Manners With Death

I was next to Cas helping him and Bobby load my truck for theirs, Sam and Brit’s trip while Brit was with Sam and Dean loading the Impala for mine, Dean and Crowley’s trip. I could feel Cas was off about something and Bobby could feel it too. “What’s your problem?” Bobby asked.

“This is what they mean by the eleventh hour, right?”

“Yea, pretty much” I told him and put a hand on my hip.

“Well, it’s the eleventh hour and I am useless. All I have is this” he said, gesturing to the shotgun in his hand. “What am I even supposed to do with it?”

“Point it and shoot?” Bobby said like it was completely obvious…and it may have been to us, but not to Cas. “What I used to be…” Cas sighed.

“You’re really going to bitch to me?” Bobby snapped, slightly. “Quit pining through the varsity years and load the damn truck” he said and rolled off.

I know I shouldn’t have but I couldn’t help but laugh a little as I patted Cas on the back and he followed me over to the guys and Brit.

Brit, Sam, Dean and I all faced each other. “Alright, well…good luck stopping the whole zombie apocalypse” Dean said to them. “Yea…good luck killing Death” Sam said to us.


“Remember when we used to just hunt wendigos…how simple things were?” I questioned. “Kind of…” Sam and Brit chuckled humorlessly. “Not really” Dean said. “Yea, me either” I sighed.

“Well…you might need this” Brit said, going to hand me the knife.

“Keep it. Dean and Melissa are covered” Crowley said as he appeared, holding some kind of hook-knife. “It’s a death zone. Kills demons and angels and reapers…and rumor has it, the very thing itself”

“How did you get that?” Cas demanded.

“Hello? King of crossroads. So? Shall we?” he looked at all of us and his eyes landed on Bobby. “Bobby, you just gonna sit there?”

“No, I’m gonna river dance” he narrowed his eyes.

“Well I suppose if you wanna impress the ladies…” he gestured to us. “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby…you really wasted that crossroads deal. In fact, you get more if you phrase it properly. So, I took liberty of adding sub-A-clause on your behalf. What can I say? I’m an altruist…so are you just gonna sit there?” he repeated.

We all just stared at Bobby anxiously and I saw how his foot twitched as he moved them slowly and then stood fast to his feet as we all stared in astonishment, I felt a smile creep to my face. “Son of a bitch” he said, in shock.

“Yes I know, completely worth your soul. I’m a hell of a guy” Crowley said. “Thanks” he breathed out. “This is getting emotional. Can we go?” he looked at me and Dean.

I handed Brit the keys. “Take care of her” I pointed my finger at her, Sam, Bobby and Sam. “You know we will” Brit said. I smiled and then walked to the Impala with Dean and Crowley.


So, Crowley led us to a big abandoned building and apparently there were a bunch of reapers around but when he popped on inside, Death wasn’t around so then he instructed us to head to Chicago…and Death was there. He was sitting in a restaurant, doing God knows what…or does he? Ya know what, that concept isn’t important right now because at this very moment, Dean and I were heading in through the back door of the restaurant while Crowley ditched us to some place else. We snuck in carefully and cautiously as the smell of death filled my nose and I got slight chills when we looked around and saw customers and waitresses, dead on the floor…all of them except for one. One man was sitting at a table, still eating with no care in the world. Death. I noticed Dean’s hand started to shake, though, as the blade started to glow red and then Dean dropped it as I saw some steam come from his hand.

“Thanks for returning that” he spoke fluently as he kept his back facing us. We looked up, then back down but we saw the blade was gone and on the table, beside Death’s elbow. “Join me Dean and Melissa. The pizza’s delicious”

felt Dean’s eyes twitch to me as I just kept my eyes on Death and he grabbed some of the bottom of my shirt to keep me close to him and even though it was just that, I still felt him emotionally pulling me closer as if I would disappear forever.

We cautiously walked over to him as he was eating his pizza peacefully with his fork and knife. “Sit down…” he said and we obeyed, sitting across from him in two chairs that faced him so only a mere tray of pizza on a table was separating us.

He looked decently old…not too old, maybe about 70 or 75...in human years anyway. “It took you long enough to find me. I’ve been wanting to talk to you two”

“I gotta say I have mixed feelings about that…” Dean said and I felt his body become extremely tense. “…so is this the part where you kill us?”

“You have an inflated sense of your importance. To a thing like me, a thing like you…well…” He took a sip of his soda. “Think about how you would feel if bacteria sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you” he stared Dean down and he shifted slightly in his seat.

I was careful not to show much facial expression…I don’t even want to know what Death does to people that give him attitude…and I couldn’t really afford to really let him know I was kind of scared and intimidated. “Eat” he said as he used the pizza server to put a slice on a plate for Dean and a plate for me. We both slowly took our forks and knives to take small bites.

“Good. Isn’t it” Death said, matter-of-factly. Well, he wasn’t lying, it really was good.

“Well I gotta ask: How old are you?” Dean asked. “Dean, that was rude” I muttered.

“It’s okay, Melissa. It isn’t your fault Dean lacks such manners”

Dean furrowed his eyebrows but directed the look at me. At least he knew better than to give Death his look. “I’m as old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg…regardless, at the end, I’ll reap Him too”

“God? You’ll reap God?” I asked, unsure if I heard him right.

“Oh yes. God will die too, Melissa”

“This is way above our pay grade”

“Just a bit”

“So then why are we still breathing, sitting here with you…what do you want?” Dean asked.

“The leash around my neck, off. Lucifer has me bound to him, some unseemly little spell. He has me where he wants, when he wants. That's why I couldn't go to you, I had to wait for you to catch up. He made me his weapon. Hurricanes, floods, raising the dead. I'm more powerful than you can process, and I'm enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum.

“Did you think…we can unbind you?”

“There’s your ridiculous attitude again. Of course you cant. But you can help me take the bullets out of Lucifer’s gun…I understand you want this” he said, showing us his ring on his finger.

“Yes…” I said, slowly.

“I’m inclined to give it to you”

“To give it to us?” Dean repeated.

“That’s what I said"

“What about Chicago?” I asked, narrowing my eyes, unsure if we should be believing this

“I suppose it can stay. I like the pizza” he said and took off the ring. “There are conditions”

“Okay…like?” Dean asked.

“You two have to do whatever it takes to put Lucifer in his cell”

“Of course” I said.

"Whatever it takes”

“That’s the plan” Dean said.

“No. No plan. Not yet. Your brother and sister…they’re the ones that can stop Lucifer. The only ones”

“Wait. You think…”

“I know. So I need a promise. You’re going to let your brother and sister jump into that fiery pit” He held out the ring. “Well, do I have your words?”

We were silent. I stared down at the table as my eyes twitched from my hand to Dean’s and I just wanted to grab it and make all of this just go away…. “Okay. Yea” he said.

I looked up at him and then I looked at Death as he eyed me, waiting for my answer as well. “Yea…” I nodded slightly.

“That better be yes, guys. You know you cant cheat death” he said and handed me the ring. “Now would you like me to tell you the plan?” We so weren’t running this ship anymore.


While Dean and I were outside, in the garage, back at Bobby’s, I was sitting on a stool with him standing beside me with the four rings on the table in front of us. I heard footsteps heading toward us and when I looked up, I saw Bobby come in.

“How’d it go at the Rockettes audition?” Dean asked.

“High kicks, fair. Boobs need work” Bobby quipped. I smiled at his small joke as he reached us at the table. “I walked up and down stairs all night for no damn reason. I’m sore” he chuckled, happily. “It feels so good…I’m scared it’s a dream…but then I remember that the worlds dying bloody so…drink?” he offered us some beers.

We both took one. “Hey, check this out” I said as I hopped off the stool and placed the rings in a certain formation.

I took one of them and started to move it toward the center of the others and like magnets, the other rings all came to the ring I was guiding. “So, Death told you how to operate those. The whole deal”

“Yea, it’s nuts…of course we got bigger problems now” Dean said and I shifted in my spot.

“Really? Like?”

“What do you think Death does with people that lie to his face?”

“Nothing good. What did you say?”

“We told him that we were cool with Sam and Brit driving the bus with the whole Lucifer plan” I said.

“So, Death thinks Sam and Brit aughta say yes, huh”

“I don’t know…yea…I mean, of course he’d say that. He works for Lucifer”

“I thought he said it was against his will”

“Well I say take his sob story with a full grain of salt. I mean, he is death"

“Exactly. He’s Death, I think he has kind of a birds eye view”

“Seriously?” Dean and I both asked. Mine was more gentle and skeptic than Dean’s grunt.

“I’m just sayin”

“Well, don’t. What happened to you being against this?” Dean furrowed his eyebrows.

“Look, I’m not sayin Sam and Brittney aint have ass-full of character defects but…”

“But what?” I asked.

“Back at Niveus, I watched those kids pull one civilian out after another, they must've saved fifteen people between the two of them. Never stopped, never slowed down. We're hard on them, guys. We've always been. But, in the meantime, he's been running into burning buildings since he was, what? Twelve?”

“Pretty much…” Dean replied.

“And Brit has had your back since, what? You were both thirteen when she started to really help with cases, all the while keeping it a secret from her parents…”

“Yea…” I said, lightly, nodding.

“Sam and Brit’s got a...darkness in them, I'm not saying they don't. But they’ve got a hell of a lot of good in them too”

“We know” I said and Dean nodded, agreeing with me.

“Then you both know Sam and Brittney will beat the Devil or die trying. That's the best we can ask for” I stared down at my hands as I played with the rings. “So, I gotta ask Dean…Mel… what exactly are you guys afraid of? Losing? Or losing your brother, your sister…and your best friends?”

We didn’t respond though…because I’m pretty sure we all knew the answer to that…or maybe we thought we did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh man guys, the next chapter starts the finale and then starts season 6! the finale persionally one of my favs! s siked! shar r excitemen wih me by commenting!! :D
