Double Take


"Not who I think I am? What the hell are you talking about? How do you know my family? And what do you mean my real name?" I exclaimed staring dumbfounded at the tall bearded man in front of me, my heart sunk to the pit of my stomach, and that familiar feeling was back.

"Charlie, I've known your family for a long time. You're real name is Charla Black, you're parents changed it to protect you. There is a lot you don't know, and I'll tell you more when you're ready, but you're not a muggle Charla, you're a pureblood witch." Albus told me, and the words seemed to blend together as they spewed from his mouth. I ran a hand through my hair, before sighing.

"I don't care about this witch stuff, you're trying to tell me is that my entire life has been a lie, and act like I can just stand here and accept it. You're telling me my parents had to protect me from something, or rather someone- I can't just accept a whole new life, I'm sorry." I stated, and turned on my heel before rushing inside. I couldn't get past the living room before someone grabbed me and pulled me to sit down. My eyes had tears begging to fall.

"Charlie? What happened? What did he say?" Hermione asked cautiously. I wiped away a tear that had slipped from my eyes.

"He told me my entire life is a lie, that my name isn't Charlotte Wern, that it's Charla Black and that I'm a pureblood witch. He told me I've been living a lie, a lie…." I trailed off, covering my face with my hands. I heard gasps, and the door open and shut. I assumed it was Dumbledore entering again, I heard him usher Mr. and Mrs. Weasley out the door.

"Charlie- look at me." I heard a voice whisper from next to me, I looked up to see George and Fred both looking at me. I wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes, and pushed my hair from my face.

"I know what just happened seems like a disaster, that you're life was a lie- but think about it. You can start fresh here, you have us, you have all of us- you can go to Hogwarts without a worry." Fred spoke, and I just sighed. He was right, but how do you just accept something like that?

"If I'm starting fresh, call me Charla, Charla Black." I managed out, and at that moment they all managed to let smiles take over their faces. I knew somehow, this was a gift from my parents- that even though I lost so much, they led me to the people who would save me.

"We need to get your ready for Hogwarts, Charli- Charla." Hermione rushed, and also corrected herself. She looked around in search of something, and just as she was about to move the door swung open and Dumbledore walked in with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in tow. They looked happier than before, Mrs. Weasley had the biggest smile spread across her face.

"Looks like you'll be staying here for a while, a long while Charla, welcome home." She said, and I felt my heart melt with her words. Home, home is where the heart is, and I knew this is where my heart belonged from here out. I know I barely knew these people, but from everything that's already happened- I knew this was home.

"I don't understand how I managed to find you, how I managed to find the one family that would bring me in when I had nothing. A family that would give me a home, when I had no where to go. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you will never understand how much this means to me." I explained, and I stood up making my way to the two eldest Weasley's before pulling them into a hug, and before I knew it, I was being hugged from all around.

It's been a few days since Dumbledore told me all that news, but the Weasley's didn't give me much time to think too much. Standing in the fireplace with Fred holding me close to him, I was wondering what this was going to be like. He said we'd be using Floo powder to get to Diagon Alley to get school supplies, but I had no clue what he was talking about. He held me closer, took a handful of powder, said something and threw the powder. Before I knew it we were standing in a different fireplace, I felt sick, and I was confused as all hell.

"You okay Charla?" Fred asked, and I just nodded before stepping outside the fireplaces and into a shop that looked antique. It was beautiful, and I could spend hours just starring at the place but Fred began to drag me out of my daze.

"Let's get going, you have a lot to get and not a lot of time." He spoke quickly, and walked swiftly through the store.

Two hours later, I managed to get everything I needed. It was more like Fred got everything I needed for me, and just told me about Hogwarts, and how it would be hard the first few days. We had gotten everything, but books. We had even gotten my wand already, it was bizarre- it was my first experience with using magic. At Olivander's, it was the first wand I tried- it was beautiful.

"Books now, let's go." Fred said knocking me out of my thought, and into another amazing store. Books racked the walls, and I loved it. When it came to books, I could get a million and never get bored.

"I'm going to get our books, since you have money you can look around and get whatever." Fred said smiling at me. Dumbledore has explained that my parents knew this day would come, so they left a good portion of their fortune to me, and I could use it whenever needed, so I bought all my supplies, and even a few for Fred.

My hands ran over a row of books as I skimmed the bindings with the titles on them. Occasionally stopping to pull one out, the moving image on the front never ceased to amaze me. I was walking slowly towards another shelf when I ran into someone. I regained my posture before looking to see who I ran into.

"Sorry." I mumbled, my eyes fell on a boy with platinum blond hair, his eyes were an eery grey color, and everything about him gave me a bad feeling.

"And who are you?" He stated confidently, he was cocky, something I could never tolerate.

"Does it matter?" I stated quickly just wanting to get away from his snuck up boy as fast as possible.

"Yes it does, such a pretty girl must have a pretty name, I haven't seen you around before..I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." The boy said, and I laughed the slightest before looking him in the eyes once more.

"And I'm leaving." I muttered pushing past him and meeting Fred at the door before leaving the store, Fred stopped me just outside the door, a look of astonishment on his face.

"You're brilliant, bloody brilliant. Wait till everyone heres about this." He said, and I just laughed as we found out way back to the others. They were all huddled in a booth at a small pub like place, they sipped from oddly colored drinks and all had smiles on their faces as we sat down with them.

"How'd it go?" Mrs. Weasley asked, and I smiled at her.

"Perfect, we got everything just fine-" I started, but Fred cut in just at that instant, a huge goofy grin on his face. George wore the same grin at that moment, and I smiled- I had grown fond of the twins as my stay at the burrow continued.

"and she stood up to Malfoy. He introduced himself the casual 'Draco, Draco Malfoy'" Fred said but his impression of Draco made us all laugh, but he continued.

"and this girl right here, just said and I quote 'and I'm leaving.' before walking out…the look on his face was brilliant." Fred finished, and everyone burst out laughing before a round of high fives was given out.

"I can't stand stuck up guys, doesn't matter who he is." I said simply, and I looked up just in time to see Hermione smiling at me.

"I wish I could stand up to him like you." She whispered barely audible, but I caught it.

"Hey, Hermione- since you're a girl, if he ever bothers you- I'll stand up for you. Girls have got to have each others back." I told her, and her face lit up instantly before looking at Fred and George.

"Why couldn't you have found her earlier? I've been stuck with Ron and Harry, I'm stealing her from you guys." She said jokingly, and the twins just looked at me before laughing.

"We found her first, finders keepers!" They said in unison, and Mrs. Weasley slapped George in the chest quickly.

"She's not a toy boys, she can choose what she wants, and can be friends with whoever. Isn't that right Charla?" She said, and I smiled. She was acting like a mother, and I hadn't had someone like that in a long time.

"Exactly, there's enough Charla love to go around, even with all the Weasley's running around." I laughed which caused the whole table to laugh.

"Alrighty, let's head home." Mr. Weasley interrupted, and we all stood up. I watched as they all begin to walk towards the fire place, his words struck me for a second. I watched Fred and George disappear into the green flames, and smiled- they made this all possible.

"You coming home, Charla?" Ron asked looking at me, it was him, Harry, and Hermione left. I smiled at him, before making my way towards him.

"Yeah, home."
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Charla Black<3

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