Status: So it begins.....

Fast Times at KillJoy High


"Where do you think you're going?" Mom asked as I was about to head out via kitchen door.

"Um I'm going to hangout with my friends."I said.

"You know your father doesn't want you around those boys." Mom said.

"Ma please, I really like them, and they like me, they're the only ones at school that do. Could you be an awsome mom and let me go please." I gave her my puppy dog pout.

"Alright go." Huh? Be kind rewind?


"Go, I'll take care of your father." I ran over and hugged her.

"Thank you mommy." I bounded out the door.

Mikey was the one who answered the door. "Hey Raney, come on in."

"Hey Mikey, is that a box of Lucky Charms?" I asled pointing at the red box on the counter.

"Yeah you want a bowl?" He asked.

"Hells yeah."We got a couple of bowls and stuffed ourselves with sugary goodness. It was when I was clearing my bowl that I noticed Gerard was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Gee?"

"Still asleep, could you go wake him band practice is about to start in half an hour." Oh yeah they have band known as My Chemical Romance, is that a bitching name or what?

"Sure where's his batcave?" I asked.

"Down the hall to the left it's the one with the Cure poster on the door." Mikey said.

" 'Kay." It was easy to find. Gerard was laying on his side sleeping like a baby. He looked so adorable it pained me to wake him up. I lied down facing him and began stroking his cheek. "Wake up Gerard. Wake up." I said gently.

"No." He groaned.

"Come on Mikey says band practice is in a few minutes. Come on do you really want to lie in here all day?" I said.

"If you're there, always." He then wrapped his arms around me like I was his teddy bear.

"Gee." I said. "Dam you for being so fucking comfortable." I said resting my head on his chest.

"WHOA!" Mikey appeared in the doorway. "I told you to wake him not fuck him." Gerard tossed a pillow at his head. "Seriously get your ass up the guys will be here any minute now."

With a final groan Gerard tossed his blankets aside. I followed him out into the hallway then went to join Mikey in the livingroom. "You know you guys looked so cute it was sickening?" Mikey shuttered.

"Dork." Suddenly there was a loud banging at their door.

"RAYNEY!" Frank squeezed me.

"Frankie I can't breathe." I gasped. he let me go and Gerard entered the room freshly showered in a Black Sabbath t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. "So what positions do you guys play?" I asked once we were down in the basement.

"I ROCK THE GEE-TAR!" Frank said shredding it up on his ax.

"SAME HERE BABAY!" Ray did the same.

"I'M THE NERD ON BASS!" Mikey played a few notes.

"I'm the dude on sticks." Said Bob banging at his kit.

"AND I.... SSSIIIIINNNNNGGGG!" Gerard belted out. "Okay boys It's Not A Fashion Statement Its A fucking Deathwish in 1,2,3!"

It was amazing. Gerard sang beautifully and Frank kicked ass at the guitar. All in all it was magical. I was stunned silent when they finished. "Um guys our only audience member has been awfully quiet, tell me did we put our little lady friend herre to sleep?" Frank said.

"N-nno not at all. You guys were great."I said enthusiastically.

"Don't scare us like that babe." Gerard said.

"Sorry I just freeze when I'm wowed like that." I explained.

After practice we took a roadtrip to the local comic book shop and not having much dinero in my pockets didn't let me splurge so I just got a copy of the new JTHM graphic novel. Gerard got a Batman comic book and the rest of the boys got us smoothies and burgers.

We had lunch at Gee's place and talked. I can now officially call them my other family. Each one was different yet the same, and no matter what we always stick together.

Frank, Bob, and Ray left early claiming they had to be home before dinner. Speaking of which so did I.

'I'm gonna head out too." I announced.

"I'l walk you." Said Gerard and before I could say anything he put two fingers on my lips and said, "I was gonna go out for a ciggy anyway." We grabbed our hoodies and stepped outside.


"GOODNIGHT RAYNAY!" He shouted back.

"Hey... I was wondering... are you and Frank... ya know?" Gerard asked nervously as we stood outside my kitchen door.

"No we're strictly bfff's, best fucking friends forever. If you ask him he'll say the same." I explained.

"Great." He sighed.


"No reason....I just.. um..." He was so nervous it was adorable. I reached up and brought my lips to his. It was warm...It was pleasant...It was so right. I pulled back and saw he was blushing fiercely.

"Goodnight Gerard."

"Goodnight Rayney." He said breathlessly.

"Remember you'll always be the one I want." I said turning to my house.

I slipped inside as my father was returning home from work smelling oddly of womens perfume.

God why me?