Status: Updated whenever I feel like it =)

Christmas is Near

What do you want for Christmas?

Bobbing my head to music that rang in my ears. Having ear phones in playing hard rock music. Seriously this Christmas music can get annoying. Most people don't realize it playing over and over again but when your in the mall for like four hours you notice the repetitive cycle it goes in. And then you just feel like your in the twilight zone and like the world is going in abstract circles making you feel like your being hypnotized or something. And that is just freaky. Who says Christmas is good for you?

Your probably wondering why the hell have I been in the mall for like four hours or so right? Well my mom made me get a job so I would stop complaining about not having any money for presents. So she got me one. The worst one ever made. Santa's helper. AKA : Elf. Yes I'm a fucking green elf. But a bit short on the elf. Get it? I made a pun hah! Yeah never mind.

Sighing heavily leading the next kid away from the so called 'Santa' who was really just a 25 year old guy wearing a face mask to make him look old. I mean if I could fuck Santa, I so would. God I would do it in a heart beat. I seen this particular Santa putting on his suit. And all of that was all heavenly goodness that was ripped as hell. Santa ain't no fatty.

Staring at him as a kid sat on his lap telling him all his selfish wants for Christmas. I met a kid who had a list of over 200 things. How do kids come up with all those things anyway? Oh your also probably wondering why we don't have an actual old guy doing Santa. Well the mall was controlled by a woman and she wanted to see a 'Tasty' Santa this year. I couldn't have agreed more.

Grumbling a bit as another kid jumped off of his lap. I want to sit on his lap. Pouted slightly he looked over at me and gave me his best smile with that stupid stuff on his face. I think it was like nose putty people use for Halloween? And so now he looks like a really old guy. I just gave my best smile back which was practically shining. For certain reasons-

"Next ho, ho, ho." He said to me making me snap out of it. Escorting the next child up there who had a list. At least my job isn't as bad as his guh. Then again. Putting a finger to my face there was a load of glitter on it making me 'sparkle' and look 'alive' and seem 'cute'. I was just about to knock that woman off of her high chair. Makeup bah!

Another helper came and took over while I took a lunch break, looking over at Santa I saw his frosty blue eyes look up at me in longing. Yeah you got to stay there this is my pizza. Thought sticking my tongue out and slid it under to pizza to pull it into my mouth. Drifting my gaze back to him I swear I could see him pouting. Which was almost cute. It would of been cute if that face stuff didn't look so gross. Two kids then ran passed the fill in elf helper and shot into him. The kids didn't do that to me because well I think me glaring at them got them to stay put. As this filler in woman elf just kept smiling happily. Yeah in job description. But fuck that.

Lifting up my soda cup and doing a toast towards him. Wish you luck my friend it was nice knowing you. The girl now went frantic as more ran past her, the parents of the children calling them back but they wouldn't listen. I sighed heavily and looked at my pizza. Dang it. This is not in my job description!

Popping out my ear phones with one hand and grabbing the plate of pizza with the other. Jogging over behind the Santa chair where the guy was being over loaded with wants from the babbling children that tried to climb on his lap, pushing, and shoving other kids away to do so. Putting my fingers in my lips and blew out making a high pitched whistle. When it died they were all looking at me.

"Back in line!!" It fell silent in this area they all gulped.

"It's my turn." The brow on the fake Santa went upward.

"But your not a kid! Your an elf."

"And elf's cant make wishes? I mean we make your gifts all year we need a little something in return. And so does Santa. And Santa is hungry. So back in line right now or you wont get to sit on Santa's lap." They slowly went back in line I just handed 'Santa' the pizza who took it happily.

"Your suppose to sit in his lap." Pointed out one child as the parents got the rest under control with a better grip on their slimy, grimy hands. Looking over at the Santa who currently hand cheese hanging from his mouth to the pizza who also gave me a strange look.

"We elves do it a different way." Most of them crossed their arms and glared at me. Grumbling a bit before turning looking at the man. Sure I wanted to sit on him a few minutes ago but in private. This is just to embarrassing. Guh I'm gonna die. I hope they think this blush on my cheeks is makeup. He put aside the mostly finished slice of pizza and opened up. And what I mean is well I cant say anything that doesn't sound dirty so I'm just going to say got ready to hold more children. Oh shit this ain't workin' out.

Stepping closer lowering myself slowly on his lap. I'm not no 50 pound child. I'm a hundred pounds more. He put a arm around my waist and pulled me closer to the plush pillow if his that made his belly seem big.

"You owe me big." Said with closed teeth having a smile pull at my lips. He just huffed a bit.

"What do you want for Christmas my elf?" Did he just say my elf? He was so hitting on me! Right?

"Money so I can buy gifts."

"I could always give you gifts." Chuckling slightly to the words that he tried to make sound old but was really struggling with that. Apparently he isn't a deep toned person.

"Mmh oh. " Pulling out my pimped out Christmas phone and took a picture of him. He only looked confused as the kids were getting impatient. Showing him the picture.

"I want this boy for Christmas. Is that one free Santa?" His icy blue eyes shimmered and darkened feeling his hand slide down my waist more further down till it felt like he was half cupping my ass and half holding me there. Doing a soft moan only he could hear, he did a low growl.

"Perhaps." Smirking a bit to his unknown tune.

"Do you know his name?"

"Reece. Now it's the next ones turns." Sliding off looking over at the kids who had no idea what the whole phone thing was about. As for the parents well they gave me disapproving looks. Or well the dads did as the women giggled. I couldn't keep the stupid grin on my face but it didn't mean that the kids shot to my Santa. Oh yes mine. Hopefully. The rest of the time I zoned out every kind of noise only smirking. When closing came around I was still on cloud nine and now dressed in my normal clothes with all the stupid make up off and eating some dipping pretzels from the pretzel stand that was closing down.

"Mind sharing?" A soft tuned voice asked making me suppress a shiver. Looking to my side the 'Santa' sat next to me his icy blue eyes drifted from the pretzels to me.

"Not at all." Pushing the box of bite sized pretzels towards him along with cheese he took one and dipped it in, eating it with a soft moan. That was a tease wasn't it? Or he was just that happy to be eating.

"Santa got it rough ha ha. I'm so glad I'm the elf."

"The best elf yet. If not for you I would of been killed. You strike fear in children. I praise you."

"I got four brothers and two sisters all younger than me. I know my job well." Chuckled in thought of them. I was the only one who came out without a twin. That's right my sisters are twins and then my mom decided to make the rest of them twins. My brothers are actually quadruplets or whatever. Now age 15 and hell makers and they only seem to fully listen to me. My sisters are 10 and only listen to me when I start yelling at them.

"I'm the youngest of my family so I don't really got any ha ha." I turned in the spinning seat and poked his side making him giggle a bit. Aw his laugh is so cute and small.

"That and I don't think you can be that mean. You look like your fifteen. " He dipped another pretzel in and ate it before looking at me .

"I'm twenty-two." Gaping at him now just shocked. The guy really did look like he was fifteen!

"No way!"

"How old are you anyway?"


"Really? You don't look it. You go to college?" I wanted to sigh about that whole thing.

"Great I go back tomorrow. I so forgot. I'm getting my M.D."

"Really?" I was tired of small talk, pushing my seat forward grabbing his knee turning his chair.

"Hey Santa may I have my gift early? Because it's driving me nuts."He just cocked a eyebrow at me.

"So what's your name? Didn't catch it."

"Nick." He smiled wide, now it was really cute. He just screamed uke. But something else screamed seme. He grabbed me and pulled me to him in a instant. Moaning loudly as he bit down on my neck a pulse of heat forming in my lower region.

"Nice to meet you Nick." He breathed huskily while nipping at my neck.

"R-Reece." It's going to be a great Christmas. I'm starting to like this job my mom got me.
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W O R D S : 1 7 5 4

And another out! I was in between idea's for today along with titles.

It was either Santa's Helper , Christmas Desire, or the one that's currently up.

Anyway thank you for your comment it means allot to me loveismyweapon

=) Leave a comment tellin' me what cha think.