Rise of the Black Rose Fairy


In a small little garden strategically placed in the heart of Huntington Beach's closest forest known as Big Bear there lived a young man by the name of Jimmy. He felt a bit lonely, but wasn't sure if he could trust any other human being in his life. He spent his time growing small little flowers and loved how much joy they brought him. Well, the flowers were part of the joy. Most of his joy came from being able to create music from his drum kit. The drum kit could offer only so much though. Jimmy wanted more.

One day when he was in town searching for some new seeds to plant in his special garden he came across a mysterious package. There was no label on the package so he decided to pick it up and see what it would give him. When he returned to his little cabin in the woods he immediately found a new pot and placed the right amount of soil he would need. He had become such an expert at planting in pots and of course in the ground itself. He enjoyed planting in pots more than the ground. He liked keeping the pots of plants inside the cabin because to him it gave him something to do besides his constant drumming.

He still felt alone though. He wanted someone that he could he love and cherish. He wanted to be able to find someone that he could talk to. These thoughts plagued his mind as he continued to work planting his new seed into the pot. When he knew that it was covered with the right amount of dirt he went to get the pot of water so that he could start the growing process. Most of the plants he grew weren't the best, but it allowed him to keep his mind off of being so alone all the time. He hoped that this mysterious seed would turn out as one of his better plants. He worked so hard on the plants as much as he did his music. He gave each hobby equal attention.

When he finished watering the plant he decided to call it an early night. He left on a warm light above the plant so that it got the feeling of sunlight throughout the night. He believed in keeping his plants warm even when the sun wasn't showing anymore. He turned off all the other lights in his cabin and then went to bed. Jimmy Sullivan wasn't expecting anything big from his newly planted plant, but he was going to be in for a huge surprise in the coming days.


The next morning when Jimmy woke up he did his usual morning routine. He took a shower, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and then did a little drumming. The drumming he did was in a little sound proof room that took him years to build and get right. He wrote songs, he sang, he played the drums, and he played the piano. The only thing his music was lacking was guitars. He didn't have anyone to play the guitars for him and that brought all the lonely feelings back.

When he was done with his drumming for the day he decided to go and check on his new plant. He wasn't expecting for anything to have grown over night, but he was curious on how it faired. He walked over to the potted plant and realized that there was already a small green stem poking through. He found this quite odd indeed. He watched it for a few minutes before realizing that he had other things he needed to do. He had to go and chop down some wood for evening fires. It grew rather cold up in the mountains at night and he wanted to make sure that he could stay warm as well. He also needed to buy some more groceries. He told himself that he would check on the plant when he got home from doing his chores.


While Jimmy had gone off to do his daily chores and routines for the day another being was supposed to be doing the same. It was the beginnings of fall and the fairies were starting to scramble around for the oncoming winter. One particular fairy didn't want any part of it.

"JOHNNY," the king's voice bellowed loudly, and echoed off of the palace walls.

Johnny was the prince of all fairies and his father was the king. He didn't want to have the responsibilities handed down to him just yet. He didn't feel as if he was ready. He wanted to continue to play around and hang out with his friends. He loved playing the bass guitar the most. He had an array of them in his room. Johnny was currently nowhere to be found inside the palace though, and the king was getting quite furious indeed.

"Matt, honey, don't be so hard on him," the queen's gentle voice said.

"Don't be hard on him, Val, he needs to learn to grow up," Matt huffed angrily.

"That he does, but always getting angry with him isn't going to help. He needs to be able to find his own way in his own time," Val said.

Matt gave off another heavy sigh, but listened to his wife in the end. He always did, but only because he loved her so much. Matt went back to what he had to do before he went looking for his son. He had to make sure that everything was in order for when they would do the changing of fall to winter a few weeks time. It was important business that he had to make sure went perfectly. He would deal with Johnny later.


Johnny, who had been avoiding his father, or rather his adoptive father, was flying around without a care in the world. He didn't want to have to deal with the kingdom at the moment. He wasn't ready. He didn't want to be forced into marrying someone he didn't love. His father had fallen in love with his wife after they were married, but he didn't want that. He wanted to find love first and then marry the girl. He didn't want an arranged marriage. It wasn't something he was looking forward to at all. Johnny wanted to be able to find his own bride instead of having one presented to him as if he was being served from a silver platter.

His father didn't like this idea, but his mother told him that if he could find his bride before the summer of next year then she saw no harm in him trying. His father was adamant about keeping the royal line within the family, but if you looked at the royal family in technical terms, Johnny wasn't officially a royal. He was adopted into the family. His mother had died giving birth to him and since the queen couldn't have kids they had decided to adopt him. He was grateful to know any kind of parent, but he just wished that his father would allow him to do things his way for once.

At the current moment, Johnny was in a rut. Winter was approaching fast and he still hadn't found anybody that he could actually see himself ever being with. Other fairies were throwing themselves at him when they heard that Johnny was a free man until the next summer. He didn't like any of them though. They were trying too hard to catch his attention and it wasn't very impressive in his eyes. He just hoped that he could find someone because he wasn’t sure if he could handle loving someone who tried too hard to impress him. He picked up a rock and skipped it across the large lake before taking off into the air to find a better place to think.


A few days had passed since Jimmy had planted his new seed. The green stem grew longer and was now high above the top of the pot that it was planted in. He had noticed that there was the first sign of a new bud coming in. He was really excited about it. He had gone into his little studio, but forgot to close the door to the studio. His drumming could be heard all throughout the cabin and the little bud pulsed with life. It drank in the loud music and enjoyed how alive it made it feel.

When Jimmy returned to check on the plant he was surprised to see the little bud grow a little bigger. It started to show a little color and he was shocked to see that it was a black color. He had never come across a black flower before except for the rare black rose. Black roses were supposed to be difficult to grow and to find for that matter. Jimmy was amazed at the fact that he had found one. He continued to watch the flower intrigued at how fast it seemed to grow.

Finally, it grew too dark. Jimmy had to go sleep again as much as he didn't want to. He turned on his heat lamp above the plant and then went to bed. Sometimes he wished that he had a dog of some sorts to keep him company, but he enjoyed being alone sometimes. It was refreshing to be able to not have to answer to anyone or please anyone.

The next morning Jimmy woke up earlier than normal. He did his usual morning routine and then went to check on his plant. It had grown a lot over night and he was happy to see that he did indeed find a single seed to a black rose. The flower was beautiful in his eyes. He gave it a little bit more water and then went to put a fire on because it was a bit chilly.

Once the fire was burning brightly in the fire place he went to his studio and started playing the piano this time. When the music filtered into the little living room where the plant was sitting by the window the flower finished growing and the petals started to bloom. Jimmy didn't play for very long. He wasn't in the mood. He was too excited to see how beautiful his black rose would be. He was going to be in for the shock of a lifetime when he left his studio and headed towards the living room and his plant.