Rise of the Black Rose Fairy


When Jimmy reached his precious rose he wasn't expecting to see it already blossom. He also wasn't expecting to see a little figure in the middle of it either, but he did. This little figure, though, was completely stark naked and was hiding behind a rose petal not sure of where she was or who she was. Jimmy was confused. He wasn't sure what to do because he never encountered this before. He went and grabbed a chair and dragged it along the floor until it was in place in front of the little table by the window. The wooden chair being dragged had hurt the tiny figure's ears immensely, but she was grateful when it had stopped.

"Who are you?" Jimmy asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I-I-I don't know," the tiny voice answered.

Jimmy had to strain his hearing in order to figure out what she said. Jimmy brought a thoughtful hand to his chin and started thinking. This tiny little girl, who seemed no bigger than his thumb, needed clothes, a name, and a place to live, but he wasn't sure how he could manage that all by himself. Well, the name and a place to live was no problem. It was the clothes part that he was unsure of what he could do. He wasn't a person who knew how to sew or make anything but music. He had to go into to town to see if there was a seamstress he could find.

"Sir, excuse me sir, who are you?" the tiny voice asked.

Jimmy shook his head out of his thoughts and turned his attention back to the tiny girl. "My name is Jimmy," he grinned cheekily at her.

"Jimmy, do you have any kind of clothes that I could possibly wear," she asked.

"No, not at the moment, but what's your name," he asked, hoping that all he had to do was find her a little place to stay.

"I don't think I have one," she answered sadly.

"Well, then I'll give you one," Jimmy stated proudly. The little girl looked up him and grinned. "Since you are very tiny, maybe no bigger than my thumb, I should probably call you Thumbelina, but that just sounds stupid. I think I'm going to call you Rose, since you came from a beautiful black rose," he said with finality.

"Rose, I like that name a lot. Thank you Jimmy," Rose replied.

"No problem," Jimmy grinned.

Jimmy and Rose talked for over three hours before Rose had to remind him that she needed clothes to wear. He laughed and asked if she had a particular favorite color. She answered with red, blue, black, and green. He then wanted to know if she would like to go with him, but she said that she would wait here in her flower for him to return. So, Jimmy made sure that the little cabin was locked and then he set out for the town.


Johnny had been flying around not sure of what he was truly looking for. He was lost and confused, but he didn't want to go to his parents in fear that they would recall their original decision. He didn't want to seem as if he was incompetent or stupid. He had a general idea of what he wanted, and that mainly was because half of the female fairy population was not it. He currently sat at the edge of a lake with his tiny little feet in it.

He liked hanging by the lake because it allowed him to actually think clearly and not feel as if he was trapped within a world that he didn't belong in. He felt cold inside sometimes as if something was drastically missing from his life and he just didn't know what it was or where to look.

"What's got you down boy," a voice startled him from behind.

Johnny turned around to come face to face with another fairy, but this one seemed different.

He couldn't put his finger on it, but he was sure that this fairy was different. "Who are you?" Johnny asked, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion.

"My name is Brian, and I'm not exactly a fairy. I appear to people who are in need of my service and look like what the people should expect me to look for them. I guess you could say that I'm some sort of guardian angel," Brian answered.

"Why are you here now?" Johnny asked.

"You seem troubled young man, I want to try and help you out with those troubles. It's in my nature to help those in need," Brian answered.

Johnny nodded not sure if he should trust this guy or not. He narrowed his eyes a little to try and really see if this guy was trustworthy. He seemed to be of no harm to him. It's not like he was brandishing a fiery sword or trying to kill him, so maybe he could give him a chance, but only to see if this guy was really some sort of guardian angel for people or fairies.

"What exactly do you do?" Johnny wanted to know.

"I help people in any way possible. I have to know what's troubling you first before I can help you because it makes my job easier. I have to be able to pinpoint the problem so that I can pinpoint the exact solution for said problem. It's tricky work, but I'm really precise and I'm a huge perfectionist, so you have to be super clear with your problem," Brian explained.

"Can anyone else see you?" Johnny wondered.

"Nope, only you, but I do have a partner, but he mostly works with females," Brian stated.

Johnny thought this over. If he really wanted to find his bride himself then maybe, just maybe this guy could help him. He decided to give him a shot. So, Johnny began to tell Brian what he was having trouble with and Brian listened very closely.


Jimmy was searching all over town for a simple seamstress, but he couldn't find one. He was about to give up and head home to tell Rose that he would have to go to the next town over when he finally saw the little shop tucked into a corner of the street. He walked over to it and stood outside. It looked so damn tiny that he wasn't sure he would even fit inside the shop, but he knew that he needed to get some clothes for Rose. He entered the shop and was shocked to find that he could actually fit. He started looking around at all the fabric surrounding the walls and the tiny aisles within the story that he wasn't sure what to do with any of it. He was confused. He only knew plants.

"Can I help you," a timid voice asked from behind him.

Jimmy whipped around and almost knocked a young woman off her feet. His ninja like reflexes from drumming so much were able to catch her and steady her before she did fall on her ass. He smiled down into her beautiful brown eyes. He almost forgot why he was here until a little tiny voice told him that he was here for his new friend. "Uh, yeah, I need a few outfits made for a friend of mine," he said.

"Do you have measurements?" the young woman asked.

"No not really. All I know is that she is super tiny," Jimmy answered.

"How tiny is she?" the woman asked.

Jimmy showed her with his fingers how tiny his friend was, but the girl didn't seem fazed at all. Jimmy was deeply impressed by this. He sat and waited for the little outfits to be made. He wasn't sure if she liked dresses so that's what he had made. The young woman, who had introduced herself to him as Leana, also made matching shoes for each color she did. Jimmy wanted to make sure that Rose had enough so he had two of each color that she had told him she liked plus a couple of extras. He made sure that there was no pink though because he could only imagine the disgust on Rose's face when she held it up. It made him shudder just thinking about it.

When Leana was done and he was ready to go he told Leana that he would come back and visit. He also promised to bring his tiny friend so that she could meet her. Leana was pleased by this news. Jimmy left the story with a normal sized bag even though the clothes inside weren't at all normal. Jimmy went to his car and then headed home in order to give the new clothes and shoes to his beautiful tiny friend Rose. He hoped that she would like the other colors that he picked out as gifts.