Rise of the Black Rose Fairy


Rose was alone for quite some time and she didn't know what to do with herself. She didn't want to leave the safety of her black rose, since she didn't really know where she was at.
When she was talking with Jimmy she realized how much of a good listener he was considering her voice was so tiny that it was hard to hear sometimes. She had to speak really loudly in order for him to catch anything she said.

She was happy though, but deep down she felt like something was still missing in her life even though she hadn't been alive for very long. She couldn't exactly pin point the reason for this missing piece, but she hoped that she would be able to find it soon. Rose wasn't too worried about that though. She wanted to spend lots of time with Jimmy before she would have to leave.

"Rose, are you still here?" Jimmy's voice called, after a slam of a door.

Rose couldn't help but giggle. Jimmy was funny. She wouldn't have gone anywhere since she particularly didn't enjoy walking around naked. She felt too exposed, as if everyone and everything judged her too quickly when she was naked like this. She hoped that Jimmy was able to find some stuff for her because it would take some of the nervousness that she had of leaving her flower behind away.

"Rose, where are you?" Jimmy asked again.

The table and potted plant rumbled underneath Rose as she felt the footsteps of Jimmy draw closer. The next thing she saw were two large blue eyes lowered to her level. She giggled at him and he grinned widely. "I've got you some clothes Rose. I found someone who makes them in your size. She didn't seem surprised at all when I tried to describe you," Jimmy said excitedly, holding up a large white bag for her to see.

"You're the best Jimmy, really you are," Rose exclaimed.

Jimmy chuckled, but it sounded louder to Rose. Jimmy placed the bag back onto the floor and then bent down and started to rummage through it. The loud crinkling of the plastic white bag hurt Rose's ears so she covered them the best she could. Jimmy stopped rummaging and looked back up at Rose and chuckled a little. He brought out all of the outfits and shoes for her, but hid the ones that she didn't ask for. He wanted to surprise her.

"Alright, Rose I have some dresses here because I wasn't sure what to make you or get you. I hope you don't mind," Jimmy said.

Rose uncovered her ears and looked at Jimmy. She loved dresses. She liked the feel of it swishing around her legs when she moved, so Jimmy did her a huge favor. Rose peeked over a rose petal and looked down at the table. There were four of them there and they were all in her favorite colors. There were even matching shoes to go with. She was super excited.

"Can I have the black one please?" She asked.

"Of course you can," Jimmy said, handing her the black dress and the black shoes.

Rose knew that black really wasn't a color to wear on an everyday basis, but it reminded her of her of the flower she came from so she wanted to wear that. Rose placed the black material over her head and let it slide down her body. She was impressed with whoever had sewn this dress because it fit her perfectly and hugged every curve that she had. She sat down and then placed her shoes on. She couldn't forget the shoes.

When Rose was done getting dressed she slid down the stem of the rose and then landed softly on her feet inside the dirt. She climbed out of the pot and almost fell, but instead she landed in Jimmy's hand. He brought her up closer to his face and she stood up. She was wobbly at first, but she was soon able to gain her balance. Rose touched Jimmy's nose and he couldn't help, but grin and laugh a bit from how soft her hand was. It felt like something was tickling it. Rose kissed his nose, since his cheek was too far to the left and right and she didn't want to fall.

"Thank you Jimmy, you really are the best," she said to him.

"I have a surprise for you though," Jimmy said.

"Really, already, but it isn't even my birthday yet," Rose giggled.

"I know, and it won't be your birthday for a whole year now, but I still want to give you your surprise," he said.

"Okay," Rose replied.

Jimmy set his hand down on the table and she walked off of it and then turned around to face him. He was rummaging through that plastic white bag again and the sound was really grating on her ears. It hurt. It wasn't beautiful like his drumming. The rest of the day Rose danced around while Jimmy played the piano. She loved it when he played his music. She felt more alive than normal.

That night she asked Jimmy if she could sleep by the window and feel the cool breeze blow through a crack. He didn't particularly like this idea, but he knew that it would make her happy so he allowed her to do so. He made up a little bed for her first. It wasn't much, but it was perfect for Rose. Her bed was inside a tiny little jewelry box that he had found. Jimmy fixed it up with a little doll pillow and a little doll blanket. He left Rose by the window humming under her breath.


Johnny listened to what Brian's advice was. He was now flying away from the lake. He was supposed to go home and let his parents know that he was going away on a trip. Brian had told him that he might be able to find what he was looking for, if he wasn't so close to home. He was stopped about half way home by a soft, yet beautiful humming. He flew closer to it and realized that it was a girl in a window. He was curious because he had never seen a fairy before without wings, yet this girl didn't have any.

Johnny flew closer to the window, but the girl seemed to be too busy in thought to really notice him. He found the window open a crack, so he slipped in. He wasn't sure how to approach the girl so he flew around to the back of a small box that looked like a bed. He peeked around the lid and watched as this girl continued to dance. Her eyes were closed and she was dancing as if she was the only one hearing the music. Johnny found her to be quite the girl and wanted to dance with her. He stepped away from the box and started moving towards her. Since her eyes were closed she didn't see him. She was absolutely beautiful and the color black suited her skin tone very well indeed. He moved closer to her spinning body and was able to catch her just in time as she tripped over her own feet.

"Are you alright?" Johnny asked her.

The girl looked at him. Her eyes were wide in shock. Johnny hoped that he didn't startle her, but by the look she was giving him he obviously had. Johnny wasn't sure how to rectify this situation, but he had to think fast. The girl ripped herself away from his arms and went towards the box. She hid behind the open lid, but Johnny could see her strikingly blue eyes peeking around the corner of it.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Johnny said.

The girl remained where she was. Johnny realized that he would have to show her that he wasn't going to hurt her in any way possible. He had to make her see that he was harmless and the first way to do that was to get rid of the little dagger hooked to his waist. He unclipped the scabbard and then placed it on the ground. He stepped away from his dagger and closer to the girl. She moved further away from him so that only her eyes were visible to him.

"My name is Johnny," Johnny said calmly. He knew that he would have to be patient with her. She seemed so scared and fragile and he didn't want to frighten her anymore than she already was. He just stood there, and waited.


Rose wasn't sure who this man or boy was. He looked like her, but he was still different than her. He was small as a thumb like her, but he had something she did not. He had wings coming out of her back. She was confused. She had never seen any kind of person with wings sprouting out of their backs. She found it rather odd and kind of frightening. She stayed behind the lid of her bed as she watched him detach something small from his hip.

"My name is Johnny," he said calmly. He was clearly trying to get her to trust him, but she wasn't sure if she should or not. The only person she knew was Jimmy, but he was so big and she was so tiny that sometimes it was hard to hang out with him. Sure he allowed her into his studio to hear him play his drums and piano, but sometimes he didn't because he didn't want her to get hurt. She loved his music, but she knew that living with Jimmy wasn't all that ideal for her. She was just too tiny. She took another look around her bed and noticed that he was still standing there. This Johnny person wasn't going to give up. Rose made her decision and moved away from her bed and a little closer to Johnny.

Rose continued to move closer to Johnny until she was standing right in front of him. She hesitated a little before stretching her hand out in front of her. Before she made contact with him though she withdrew her hand because she wasn't sure if touching him was safe or not. She stared at him and studied his features. He didn't look like any normal person would. He had deep brown eyes and his hair was oddly shaped. The sides of his head were shaved clean of hair, but the majority of what hair he did have stood up straight. She furrowed her eyebrows as she scrutinized his appearance. She went to stretch her hand out in front of her again, but again she stopped.

"You can touch me if you want," Johnny whispered, not wanting to scare her.

Rose recoiled slightly at his voice, but took him up on his offer. She stretched her hand out again, but this time she actually let her hand touch his cheek. She loved the feeling of how soft his skin was. She brought her other hand up to the other cheek and then she let her hands sift through his oddly styled hair. Rose moved her hands away from his face and then started walking in a slow circle around him again. She reached out and tried to touch the wings coming from his back, but he moved away from her.

"Please don't touch those," he said.

"Why do you have them?" Rose asked.

"I'm a fairy. Aren't you a fairy too?" He wondered.

"What's a fairy?" Rose wondered.

"A fairy is a magical being that helps the changing of the weather. We are so small, that humans don't see us. Some might catch us in the act, but we make sure that it's just a figment of their imagination or a trick of the light," Johnny explained.

"Why?" Rose asked.

"Our job is a sacred job given to us by Mother Earth herself, and we aren't supposed to be seen by humans. Horrible things have been said to happen if we are," Johnny replied.

"Oh, that sounds truly horrible," Rose said.

"Yes it is. What is your name?" Johnny asked.

"Rose, my name is Rose. My big, big brother Jimmy named me," Rose said, pride evident in her voice.

"Rose, that's a beautiful name and it suits you," Johnny grinned.

Rose blushed a deep red. She and Johnny sat down and talked for awhile before Rose admitted that she didn't know what flying was like. Johnny decided to show her. He helped her to her feet and then led her to the window. Rose looked over her shoulder towards the door that kept a sleeping Jimmy and hoped that he wouldn't get angry with her. Johnny took her hand and then reassured her that she wouldn't fall and that he would always be there to catch her if she did fall.


Two trolls had been minding their own business when a fairy and little human came flying by. The girl drew one of the troll's attention. He was captivated by her pale beauty and wanted her for himself. Unfortunately, his twin brother wanted her for himself as well. They knew that if either one were to have her then they would have to follow them back to wherever they came from. They set off after the two and kept to the shadows. They didn't want to be detected.

"Benji stop breathing so heavily, they'll hear us," the other said.

"Sorry Joel," Benji grunted back.

They both despised the fairy population for banishing them to dark recesses of the entire earth. They used to be fairies themselves, but when they tried to overthrow the king they were banished and turned into trolls. Now they wanted to get back at them. They knew that the prince was supposed to be finding a bride, but he looked like he wasn't getting very far. They were going to make sure that the entire royal family was going to suffer.

They watched from a distance as the prince of fairies dropped the girl off at a window of a cabin. He stayed for a bit longer. Both trolls cringed when they heard the king's voice bellowing for the prince to come home. They hated the king the most, but if they were going to make them suffer they had to start lower on the royal family first. The girl was the perfect way to do so. Joel and Benji wanted their revenge and they were also going to enlist the help of their pixie friends Billy and Paul. They even had an underground friend named Dean. He hated the sunlight, so if worst came to worst; they would ask him to help them out with their revenge.

Joel and Benji watched as Johnny left the windowsill ledge leaving a sprinkle of fairy dust behind. This was their chance to strike. They crept closer to the small cottage and climbed up the wall. They were pretty fast creatures despite their ugliness to some people. They were on the ledge and looking around for the girl. Joel spotted her first and motioned for Benji to follow him. They peered over the edge of the box that looked like a bed. The girl was lying peacefully inside and she had a smile on her face. Joel looked at Benji and with a wicked grin spreading across his face they snapped the lid of the bed closed and took off from the cabin.