Rise of the Black Rose Fairy


When Rose woke up she didn't recognize her surroundings. Fear started to trickle down her spine. The smell that was permeating around her was absolutely disgusting. She couldn't pinpoint what it was, but she knew that she didn't like it. Rose climbed out of her bed that was left opened. She knew that she wasn't at Jimmy's cabin anymore. She sensed it in the middle of the night, but she didn't know why this was exactly. Rose wandered around to try and figure out where she was. It seemed to be a little home, made for little people like her, but slightly bigger.

"Aw, the little girl is awake," a voice said from behind her.

Rose whirled around and stared into the darkness to see what looked like an ugly looking fairy staring at her. She jumped back a little in surprise. "Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Joel. I'm a troll with a twin brother named Benji. You're here with us forever so don't get any ideas about escape," Joel explained matter-of-factly.

Rose blinked at him. She was trapped with this troll. Her mind went straight to Johnny and how much fun she had with him just last night. Then again, because it was so damn dark she didn't know if it was even light or not outside. Joel left Rose alone for awhile and Rose went back to her bed. She curled up into a small ball. A few tears escaped the corner of her eyes. She didn't know what to do. Even if she did escape it wasn't like she could find her way around. Jimmy hadn't let her outside even after she had clothes on. He was scared that she would get lost and he had every right to be. Rose's mind went to Jimmy and she wished that she could hear his music again. She wanted to hear it. It was magical music to her. Rose didn't know how long she was there for, but Benji, Joel's brother, came and gave her some food.

Rose didn't want to eat it. She couldn't really trust these trolls. They kidnapped her and she didn't know why. She hoped that they didn't want her for themselves because that was just utterly disgusting. Rose closed her eyes because sleeping seemed to be the only thing she could do considering that there was no light to do anything else. She wanted to go home and be with her Jimmy. He was kind of like a dad since he had planted her flower, but he acted more like a goofy big brother and she loved him for that. Rose's thoughts went to Johnny. She didn't know him all that well, but when she was in his arms as he flew her around the large forest she lived in she felt something that she couldn't exactly describe. She hoped that Johnny and Jimmy wouldn't worry, but she had a feeling that they would.


Jimmy woke up and went straight to the window to see Rose. He wanted to take her to town today to meet Leana. He had gone back for the blanket and pillow and she expressed an interest in his tiny friend. He really liked Leana. She was pretty and sweet. When Jimmy got to the windowsill where he left Rose last night he stopped short. He was about to call out to her, but he couldn't find her bed anywhere.

"Rose, Rose where are you?" a tiny voice called.

Jimmy frowned. He didn't know there were more tiny people in the world. Jimmy searched the little table under the windowsill until he found a young man with a Mohawk hairstyle. He was tiny like Rose, but he was also different. Rose didn't have wings coming out of her back like this one did.

"Who are you?" Jimmy asked.

The small person whipped around and his wings fluttered some sort of sparkly dust. He had a small dagger in his hand and he looked scared. Jimmy watched as his eyes travelled up to Jimmy's large frame. "My name is Johnny. Have you seen Rose?" Johnny asked.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing," Jimmy said, narrowing his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Johnny asked.

"She's gone, I can't find her," Jimmy answered.

"Shit," Johnny muttered.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"Nothing, I just need to go talk to my father," Johnny said taking off.

Jimmy stood there completely and utterly confused. He didn't know what this Johnny person was or why he was looking for Rose, but if there was a chance for him to find her then Jimmy wasn't going to stop him. He sighed and turned away from the window. He went and took his shower and had his breakfast before playing his music for the day. Usually Jimmy's music was happy, but today it was sad. He didn't have Rose for very long and he wanted to spend more time with her. When he couldn't play anymore he decided to go visit Leana. He thought that maybe she might be able to help if he asked her nicely.


Johnny flew as fast as he could from Rose's house. He had never seen a human up close before, but if Rose lived there then maybe this particular human wasn't so bad. He knew his father was going to be pissed at him for letting a human see him, but the human had startled him. He didn't know that Rose lived with a human. Johnny's thoughts were a blur as he continued to fly towards the fairy palace. He had to find Rose. She was different than every other female fairy that threw themselves at him.

When Johnny arrived at the palace he was surprised to see that the entire palace staff was flying around in a chaotic mess. He stopped one to ask what was happening and they said that there had been some troll sightings just a few miles away. Johnny's blood ran cold. He didn't know if Rose was with the trolls or not, but he was praying that they weren't. He continued to fly towards the throne room where he could explain to his father the kind of girl that he had found in Rose. He just hoped that his father would listen to him.


Rose didn't know if it was only hours, days, or weeks that had passed. It was so dark where she was and she was starting to feel as if her eye sight was disappearing. She couldn't understand this feeling, but she knew that she had to get out of here. She just didn't know where to start. She refused to eat anything given to her only because she couldn't trust something that kidnapped her. Johnny had just taken her for an hour or two tops and then brought her home. She hoped that Johnny wasn't trying to find her. As much as she wanted to be in his arms again, she would rather him stay safe then risk his own neck to save hers.

Rose had been sitting in her bed since that's the only place she felt truly safe. Rose wanted to see the sun again. She wanted to feel the cool breeze of the night air on her face. The trolls left her alone for the most part, but Joel kept trying to touch her or kiss her. She fought him off, but every time she did he left angry. She was afraid that he would hit her or punish her in some way, but it never came. That was a relief. Rose didn't know how long she was sitting lost in her own thoughts that the voice startled her.

"Excuse me, but are you Rose?" a soft male voice asked.

Rose whipped her head around, but couldn't really see anything. It was even hard to see her hand in front of her face. That was how dark it was. Rose continued to strain her eyesight though hoping that whoever had spoken hadn't left yet.

"Rose, is that you?" the voice asked.

"Who's there?" Rose demanded fear making her voice a little uneven.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you," the voice explained.

"Who are you?" Rose asked, bringing her knees up under her chin.

"My name is Zacky. I have a partner who helps men with their problems. I specialize in helping the females out. Although this little predicament might just need the both of us," Zacky said.

"How did you find me? Can others see you?" Rose wondered.

"Every person sends out a certain unique distress call. When I get them or my partner gets them we zero in on that specific call and do our best to help them out," Zacky explained, "and no you are the only one who can see me as of right now. It's one of my specialties," Zacky added as an afterthought.

Rose was still rather confused, but he seemed to be genuinely ready to help her. She didn't like the darkness that surrounded her. When she was with Jimmy the dark didn't scare her, but this darkness did. It's like no light could penetrate it no matter what. It gave off a really bad feeling and made Rose's stomach churn with disgust. She wanted out. Just as she was about to get out of her bed again the door to wherever she was at opened and footsteps started to come closer. Rose shrank further into her little box and waited patiently.

Rose waited patiently for whomever to appear, but no one did. It must have been a different door that she heard open. Zacky looked at her and she waited for his instructions. He held out his hand and she got off of her bed and took it. The minute his hand enclosed around hers Rose felt safer. She just missed Jimmy and Johnny. Johnny made her feel safer than anything, but for the moment she could settle for Zacky's comfort.

"Close your eyes, we'll be out of here in no time," he whispered softly into her ear.

Rose buried her head into Zacky's chest and scrunched her eyes up real tight. She knew that she could get a new bed, and she wasn't worried about that at all. She waited patiently for something to happen and was confused when she heard a soft chuckle above her. Rose pulled away and looked at him confused. It took her awhile to realize that she was no longer in the darkest room she'd ever been in, in her life. The sun was blazing down on her and she enjoyed the feeling of it against her skin.

"Thank you. You saved me and I don't know how I could ever thank you enough," Rose said.

"There's no need to thank me. This is my job and I love doing it," Zacky smiled warmly at her.

Rose grinned at him before dancing away. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she would figure it out by exploring. She stopped when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Zacky following. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Why are you following me?" Rose asked.

"I'm following you to make sure that you don't get yourself into any more trouble. You are a very important person now that you involved yourself with the Prince of Fairies. The Fairy Kingdom has lots of enemies, and you were in the house of one, but one of many enemies indeed," Zacky informed her.

"The Prince of Fairies?" Rose questioned unsure.

"Oh, sorry, I meant to say, now that you are involved with Johnny boy," Zacky rectified.

"Johnny's the prince?" Rose tried to piece together the new information that she just learned.

"Yep, and by the information my partner told me, he really, really likes you," Zacky said, rocking back and forth on his heels.

Rose's eyes shot up into her hairline at the news. It only took one night and he already really liked her. Rose felt like she was barely alive for a full day and she already had a guy liking her. Rose stared at Zacky for a little while longer before she turned around and started skipping through the forest that they were in. She hadn't gotten very far when Zacky tackled her to the ground. She was about to protest when his hand covered her mouth.

"Shhh, something's coming," he whispered.

She nodded her head and stayed silent. He removed his hand and helped her to her feet. He led her into a little rock pocket nearby and they sat there silently listening. They heard voices, but they couldn't make out any of the words being said. Rose heard little buzzing wings and turned towards Zacky, but he just shook his head. Rose wasn't sure how long they sat there, but it felt like hours. Finally, the little buzzing wings disappeared, but Zacky had them sit there for a little while longer. When he felt that it was safe he took Rose's hands and led her out of the little rocky pocket.

"What was that?" Rose asked.

"It sounded like Pixies, another enemy of the Fairy Kingdom," Zacky explained.

"Are they looking for me?" Rose wondered.

"I think so. The troll brothers must really want their revenge. It sounds worse than I thought," Zacky said.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked.

"Over a thousand years ago the troll brothers used to be fairies. They were actually part of the royal guard and were considered to be the King's right hand men. They got jealous of the Prince because he wasn't blood related to the king. He was adopted because his mother died at birth, but she was good friends with the Queen who couldn't have children. The King wanted to make his wife happy, so they adopted him. The two brothers tried to overthrow the King, but he found out before they could even execute their plans. The King banished them from the Kingdom forever and cursed them to live the rest of their miserable lives as trolls," Zacky explained.

"That's absolutely horrible," Rose exclaimed.

"Yes, it is, but it also taught the other fairy guards not to mess with the King's power and strength," Zacky said.

Rose had to agree with that. The King sounded really formidable and an unforgiving kind of person. She hoped that she would never cross paths with him anytime soon. She didn't like how mean he sounded. She and Zacky started walking together not wanting to get caught by any other patrolling pixies. Zacky had said that this was their territory. They still had a long journey ahead of them according to Zacky. They hadn't been walking all that long when Zacky stopped abruptly.

"I have to go," he said.

"Go?" Rose said.

"Yeah, my partner needs my help with something, so I need to go and help him. I'll be back for you. Stay out of sight until I return," he said.

Rose nodded and watched as he disappeared before her eyes. Rose wrapped her arms around her stomach feeling a cold chill suddenly run through her body. She couldn't understand the sudden chill that came over her, but she took Zacky's advice and found some cover hidden in a clump of leaves. It felt like winter might be coming soon. Rose didn't have much on. Her dress wasn't that warm, but she tried to keep herself warm.

She wanted to build a fire, but she was afraid that the smoke would draw attention to her.
She wished that she at least brought her blanket with her before they left. She drew her knees up to her chin and waited for Zacky to come back to lead her back into the Fairy Kingdom safe and sound. She didn't know how long it would take, but she hoped that it wouldn't take forever for him to return. She liked him. He was funny, cute, but most of all, protective. She thought of him as kind of like another brother. She hadn't met his partner, but he sounded like he was a good guy considering that he helped people too. Her thoughts travelled to Jimmy and wondered if he was doing alright. She hoped that he was, but she wished that she could be with him too.

Rose tried to fight off the cold bite of the wind that travelled through the small opening. She wasn't sure how she going to stay warm with the wind starting to blow heavily, but she prayed for the best. It was the only thing she could do. She didn't know the kingdom territories or which was which. She knew that she was in Pixie territory only because Zacky had told her. She didn't know how far the Fairy Kingdom was from where she was sitting hidden from prying eyes. She didn't want to make Zacky mad, so getting up and trying to find her own way. She stayed where she was for the time being and waited for Zacky to return.