‹ Prequel: Pen to Paper
Status: Brand New

To Reality

Chapter One - Alex

I was sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang, jolting me from a mindless daze. I still think about Alice everyday, it's been almost four years and I cannot get her out of my head. I'm with someone now, feeling so pathetic that I never went back to Alice. I'd been back to London many times since that particular night. Every time I go, I want to see her. I know she'd want to see me too, but somewhere in my heart I don't think the world wants us together. Somewhere, I have doubts that I can't dissolve.

"Alex, sweetheart, get the door. Please?"

I go to the door and open it. I am greeted with a face that is all to familiar. I double take.
"Alice?" I gulp. She nods, lightly.Holy fucking shit.

"What are you doing here?"

"I moved here." she replies.


"Yeah, I've got a job in the city."

"Oh that's cool. I guess." No it isn't. Damn. Why did she wait so long to come back? Why didn't she tell me?

Then, there are footsteps coming to me from behind. It's Lisa, she comes to the door and snakes her arm around my waist.

"Who is it?" she whispers.

"This is Alice." I say "Alice, this is my fiance, Lisa."

"Nice to meet you, Lisa." Alice says, in a tired voice.

"You too." replies Lisa, taking Alice's hand and shaking it.

"Come inside." I tell her, moving out of the doorway.

She comes inside, I notice she is pulling a suitcase behind her and there is a large bag on her arm.

"So, where are you staying?"

"I haven't got anywhere yet. I'm staying at hotel right now." she tells me.

She pauses and looks around the house. "It's just you two living here?" she asks.

"No. My friend Jack is lives here too . But he's not home at the moment." I say.

"Oh. That's cool."

"Excuse me. I've go to go the bathroom."

Lisa and Alice nod. "I'll be right back. You two get to know each other"

Once in the bathroom, I begin to panic. What am I supposed to do? Tell her to leave? No, I can't do that. Then what do I do? Ask her to stay? That'll work. I can ask her to stay for dinner. Maybe show her around Baltimore. So it's settled. Alice can stay. For dinner, at least. When I return from the bathroom, Lisa runs up to me.

"Alex, I was talking to Alice and I go to thinking, since she doesn't have a permanent place right now, why don't we let her stay with us for a while?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I mean, it'll just be until she gets back on her feet."

"You talked it over with Alice, right?"

"Mm-hmm and she's willing to pay us, when she starts her job."

"That sounds good. I guess. I mean... are you really sure?"

"Baby, it's fine." she says kissing my lips.

"So..uh..this your room." I say, guiding Alice through the doorway of guest room.

I watch Alice, go over to the bed and look over it.

"You only brought two bags?" I ask, trying my hardest to make conversation with her.

She shakes her head. "They lost a whole bunch of my things on the plane."

"That's sucks." I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

Then, it's a long silence for a while. Alice breaks it.

"I haven't got a letter from you in ages."

"Well..you know..I've been busy. With engagements and wedding plans and stuff."

She nods. Fuck. I'm caught.[/i

]"For this long?"

♠ ♠ ♠
The sequel is finally here!
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