‹ Prequel: Pen to Paper
Status: Brand New

To Reality

Chapter Three - Alex

So that's it. She's gone. Again. I let her go. I let her leave. I destroyed another chance.

Matt's over. Going on and on about some girl that he met downtown.I nod and mutter "Mm hm" as he tells more about her.

"Alex, man, she's beautiful."

I nod, and just before Matt speaks again, Lisa walks in.

"Matt are you staying for dinner?"

"I have a date, tonight, actually."

"Oh, well. I guess you can't stay." I cut in. Using my words to practically throw him out the door.

"Why not bring your date for dinner?" Lisa suggests.

"That's a great idea, Lisa! Thanks."

"Alright man, later." I tell him.

"See you guys at six."

"Wear something other than skinny jeans, Matt." Lisa says with grin.


And that's the bell. Lisa is in the kitchen, finishing up dinner. I slowly get up to answer the door. I walk across the creaky old hardwood of the living room floor and to the door. I turn the handle slowly and pull the door open. And there's Matt, in something other than jeans, actually. A pair of slacks, that look as though they came from his grandfather's closet. And he's wearing a dress shirt and a bow tie. Guess who's clutching his arm like a lost puppy? You've guessed it, Alice. Her eyes bore into mine. She's shocked, not only that it's me, but that she's back and is eating dinner in my home. That she has to face Lisa again. More importantly that she has to see me again and has to act as though nothing has happened between she and I. She's struggling. I see it and she knows I see it. It's killing her. Burning her from the inside out, igniting all of her and engulfing her in flame.

"Come in." I say. In my head, I see the smirk I wish to give.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry. I know it's so long overdue.
I apologize sincerely for that.
I've been training for my first marathon and it's really wearing me out.
I've said this before, this time I truly mean it: I will be more active on mibba.