‹ Prequel: Pen to Paper
Status: Brand New

To Reality

Chapter Six - Alice

“So Alice? Where are you staying now?” Lisa asked across the table. To be honest, I was frozen, I mean how do you say that you are living in a hotel room out of a suitcase. You just don’t. As a way around the situation I politely smiled and replied.

“Uh… hold that though, I have to go to the loo. Please excuse me” I stood up from the chair and left the room as quickly as possible without appearing rude. I don’t want to lie so I went to the bathroom and shut the door. Turning my back to the wooden door I slid down. Small tears forming, I don’t know why. Well it could be a few things. I miss my few friends. But I think its mostly to do with how I left a okay-ish life in the UK and here I am, living out of a suitcase in a hotel. Wow. What a life there. I’m supposed to be out there creating a life. Making brilliant new articles. Selling magazines with my words printed across the pages.

I sat there with small tears falling down my face and into my hands. A small tap of the door caused me to lift my head up and let out a small voice.

“Who is is?”

“Its Matt, Alice, are you okay?” I shuffled away from the door and opened it to allow Matt in before it closed again. He took one look at me before dropping to his knees and pulled me into his chest.

“Alice, what’s wrong?” I couldn’t answer, I just let the tears fall, by head buried into his shirt.

“Do you want to leave? We can if you want” I forced a nod, letting Matt know that I want to go home, well, to the hotel. Matt stood up with me in his arms and took my face in his hands. He wiped up my tears and led me to the hall by the door. Matt grabbed my coat and placed it over my shoulders.

“I'm just going to go tell Alex and Lisa that your not feeling to good and then we can go back okay” I nodded as he walked off.

The ride back to the hotel didn’t last long, I dosed in and out of consciences. Matt guided me to my room and unlocked the door before helping me into bed. I grabbed a pair of pyjamas and changed in the bathroom before climbing into bed, Matt was just turning everything off and tucking me into bed when I took his hand.

“Stay with me?” And that he did. Matt climbed into the other side of the bed after removing his shirt and jeans and pulled me into his chest. Where I felt oddly at home
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Alice's pyjamas