‹ Prequel: Pen to Paper
Status: Brand New

To Reality

Chapter Seven - Alex

Matt re entered the room. No Alice.
"I'm going to take her home, " he said "she's not feeling well."
If I wasn't thinking I would have got up and followed Matt out. I wanted to go chase Alice. I wanted to tell her everything would be alright. Lisa did it on purpose. I know she did and wanted to call her out on it. I would have, too. If I hadn't been thinking about everyone else's reaction. It was too much. I picked my plate up from the table along with the silverware. I scraped it off and put it in the sink.

"I'm going to lay down." I mumbled.

Lisa didn't bother to even look up from her broccoli. She poked into it tenderly and twirled her fork around. She took a bite and picked her plate up, taking the fork with her. She scraped her plate into the trash and gingerly set it in the sink. I need something, I don't quite know what though. Sleep definitely wasn't the answer. I kicked my shoes off and laid myself atop the bed. When I got myself comfortable, I switched on the television. There wasn't much on, I skimmed through the DVR which consisted of a few movies and some of Lisa's shows that I really didn't care for. Most of my time was spent channel surfing. I decided finally to watch the Breakfast Club because that was the only thing that was remotely interesting. ABC was having an 80's movie marathon, and I am a personal fan of Back to the Future. Now normally I would prefer to play music, but today I was feeling exceptionally lazy. I know what you're thinking, how can you be too lazy for your passion. Well stop thinking and go with it. I start dozing off halfway through Ferris Bueller's Day Off. But then Jack came in. His energy hyped me up. But not enough to get me out of the rut I was stuck in. Alice drained me. I don't know what it was. Too much damn drama in one day for me to handle.

"What's up bro?" he asked, picking up on my negative energy.

"Alice is here."

"Alice? London Alice?" he shot me a quizzical look.

I nodded my head lightly.

"Oh fuck." he said quietly.

"I know man."

"Does Lisa know about you two?"

"She has an idea I guess. I mean, I haven't told her. I think she can figure out that Alice and I have feelings for each other."

Leave it to Jack to get me to admit something I really don't want to.

"I love her, Jack." I sighed.

"So then tell her!"

"It's not just that easy."

"Pfft- what's so hard about telling Alice that you love her?"

"Uhhhh...maybe the fact that I have a girlfriend!"

"So...break up with her?"

I ignored Jack's suggestion and continued on.

"Matt's dating her."

"What the fuck? How do you know?"

"They had dinner at my house."

"Why did you invite them?"

"I didn't know. I invited Matt and his date. And he showed up with her."

"I get it. Maybe you should wait til they break up then?"

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep."

"Good night, Jack."

"Take heed, young Alex."

"Good night, Jack."

"Whatever." He said leaving the room.
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