Casimir Pulaski Day

When your father found out what we did that night

Sleep fell upon me but only for three hours when I awoke, feeling as if something weren’t right. The alcohol was still in my system and I felt dizzy. I began to think of Neve and suddenly felt as if she needed me. I had grown accustomed to this feeling and felt it often when she was away from me. We were connected in ways that I couldn’t describe. I got up and put on my clothes, opening up the window and slipping out. The night wasn’t over but it was beginning to end. It was warm and I let the fresh air soak into my lungs. I jogged up the hill and over to her house where I perched myself in a spot where I could see through the window. My eyes squinted as I saw Neve’s father with a woman in their kitchen. I felt the horror vibrate through my body and as I watched I suddenly heard a loud thump and a scream from the woman in the kitchen. I ran as fast as I could to the house and opened the door, running smack into the woman who was on her way out the door. She took one glance at me and then continued in leaving, fear flashing across her face. Inside I found most of the lights to be out but at the top of the stairs I saw Neve, her hair spread out across the floor, her jaw open and drooling and her entire body limp on the ground. I was shocked. I ran to her and picked her up, taking her to the living room and laying her down on the couch. I decided on the living room because I couldn’t watch her from her room. I needed to make sure she was ok. From behind me came her father, looming and drunk. I turned on him with an unhappy expression, putting the blame on him.
After some time we both settled at the table where I sipped on a glass of water and he brooded. Then he looked at me and said
“You know if you tell… I can get you back. I know your little secret.” I looked at him questioning and he said
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know. My daughter can’t hide nothin’ from me. You and her is sleeping together. I knows it.”
I stared blankly at the wall knowing this night was far more of a disaster that I had thought.
He began to get angry when I didn’t respond and he finally said asked what he wanted to know
“Tell me one thing boy. Did you touch my daughter?” I looked at him astounded that he would think himself privileged enough to know the answer. But before my anger could get the best of me, I responded at last and said
“Yes. And last time I checked that wasn’t a crime” the man stood, like a bear protecting its cub, though I knew for a fact there was no cub to protect.
“You listen to me, the last time I checked that was a crime in my house and it still is. You better get the fuck out of here before I shoot your ass!” By now he was yelling and I stood slowly, making my way to the door. I knew she would wake and run away, but I felt the sadness grow on me as I sat and waited on her road. Surely this was the end of something grand. Or the ruin of a good night. My guess was both.