Status: Fin.

Mythical Beings & Mystical Feelings


"Allia, wake up."

Slowly, my eyes lifted up and revealed Embry from behind them. "What time is it...?" I groaned out tiredly.

"It's early, five-fifty in the morning."

"Why are you waking me up so early, Embry...?"

"The Volturi are coming... today."

I sat upright as soon as I heard and stared at him in shock. "You're sure...?"

All he did was nod gravely. "Get ready. We're leaving in a few minutes." With that he hastily made his way out of the room and closed the door after he left.

The blankets flew off my body and I stumbled over towards my dresser, slipping on some shorts and a cropped top with ease. After getting my usual sandals on I made a mad dash down the stairs, running my hands through my hair and patting it down quickly.

Everyone, but Jacob, Seth, Leah, and Sam, was at the table, sitting down and having breakfast. Ever since Jacob had created his own pack and had gotten both Clearwaters to join, it seemed that this place got more and more lonesome. I didn't know exactly where Sam was at the moment, but I was more than sure that he was doing something important.

As I took another glance around the room, I realized how thick the air was with tension even though it looked like a normal morning.

"Lee, c'mon sit down." Embry patted the seat next to him.

My feet immediately responded by moving forward and I was soon sitting down beside him. Emily, who was still in her pink PJs set a plate down in front of me with the usual breakfast of bacon, eggs, and hash browns. I dug into the meal without a second thought, not wanting to waste what little time we had to get some food and energy into our bodies.

As I ate, it all seemed surreal.

It felt like only yesterday that Devin and Alice had both informed us all that they were coming soon. However, the reality of it was that it had been a little less than a month.

I had never met them before, let alone heard of them, and it was sounding more and more intimidating by the second. I knew that most of them were gifted with abilities, but I wasn't sure of what they were.

A sudden thought occurred to me...

Are they bringing my father...? I pushed away my now empty plate and shook my head lightly. Don't get too distracted, Allia. I told myself. Just worry about protecting Jacob's imprint...

"You ready, Allia?" I looked up to see Paul standing beside me.

I simply nodded and all of us made our way out of the house. Emily watched us from the porch, a few tears streaking down her face occasionally. "You all better come back home, you hear that...?!" She shouted.

We all turned to look at her and stayed quiet, no one saying a word or doing a thing. It was almost like we were telling her that we weren't making any promises.

It seemed to make her even more worried...

"I promise, we will." I answered her, not being able to help myself.

She smiled back gratefully before wiping a few tears away with a nod. "Good. You better."

We continued on into the forest and Paul approached me. "You shouldn't have said that, Allia. None of us know if that's going to be true. What happens if it's a broken promise?"

"It won't be." I replied strongly. "We can take 'em."

Deep down I was secretly hoping my prideful words wouldn't come back to bite me.

He stared me down for a few seconds before moving away to shift. I left behinds some trees and undressed, soon shifting into my other form.

For some reason, everything felt different. It was like my senses were heightened. The dirt between my toes felt more cool and moist than it usually did. The air was crisp with the morning aroma of dew and freshly fallen rain. The silence that surrounded me seemed to boom in my ears.

It's probably my nerves... I concluded.

I walked out to see a gray fur coat with the usual dark spots on the back. Embry motioned for me to follow him and I immediately did. The two of us sprinted towards the Cullen home and we were there within five minutes.

As we arrived, we noticed everyone heading out already. I could see Renesmee being held by Jacob in the front, and the parents of the child watching her closely.

All in all, I was pleased, happy to see Jacob. Even though he was holding my sworn enemy in this game called "love", I didn't mind because hadn't seen him in weeks.

I wanted to be closer to him.

So much closer to him...

Embry nudged me and motioned for me to follow and not get left behind. I then trailed after everyone along with Embry.

We came to a clearing in the forest and stood there... waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting for the Volturi to appear before us. Possibly even waiting for death to sweep over us all...

How I hoped it wasn't that last one...

"I can hear them. Here they come..." Renesmee's mother, Bella, stated tensely.

"Start putting up the shield, love." Edward said.

What are they talking about...? I thought to myself curiously.

Right after he had told her to do so, I felt a sort of feeling of security. However, as soon as the feeling came, it left just as fast. What was that about....?

Edward's head snapped towards me. "Allia, I can hear your thoughts."

What's your point?

"I'm not supposed to be able to hear you when you're inside Bella's shield." Immediately he turned to his wife. "Bella, love, are you able to reach Allia with your shield?"

"Yea, I felt her... but now I can't feel her inside it anymore..." she looked at me curiously. "Allia, are you resisting the shield....?"

I shook my head in disagreement without hesitation.

"Allia, it may be your father's powers that are restricting you from being inside Bella's shield. The powers you received from him may be cancelling out Bella's ability." Carlisle spoke cleverly.

I think that might be it.

"She thinks so, too." Edward told his adoptive father.

"You should head back home to Emily. Without a shield you'll become a huge target for them." Carlisle stated.

I shook my head violently. I'm not going anywhere.

"Please, Allia. You're father would want me to get you out of here."

"I'm afraid it is far too late, Carlisle, my old friend."

Carlisle looked away as did everyone else. "Ah... hello Aro, it has been quite a while."

"Yes, it has been."

I looked at the group of people, my eyes scanning each individual. Sure enough, he was standing at the end, his brown eyes were staring into my own blue ones, and for once in a long while, I could feel the love he had for me.

The love he still had for me.

♠ ♠ ♠
A bit of a cliffhanger, eh? Sorry...!

My internet has been down for the last few days, and so I resorted to writing the last half of this on my phone. Not exactly the easiest, or the most comfortable, thing to do. So if there are any typos or errors, please forgive me!

Also, I'm sorry, but I never finished reading "Breaking Dawn" (because in my own opinion it just got kind of... dumb, to put it nicely), and so if things didn't happen the way I'm making them happen, please forgive me for that, too!

Well, this chapter was longer than the last one, but not how long I wanted it to be. Either way, I'm still happy to get it out! (:

Thank you all for commenting, I'm so happy to see that I haven't lost readers because of my lack of updating! Please do so again if you feel the need to! (;