Status: Fin.

Mythical Beings & Mystical Feelings


My eyelids opened slowly, and I saw the world around me. It was still dark, and my blue orbs darted toward the alarm clock that rested upon the nightstand.

It's only 2:45 in the morning...?

I looked up and saw Jacob snoring away beneath me. I smiled remembering what had happened between the two of us. We had made love. And it was by far the best experience of my life—probably always will be.

Snap out of it. I ordered.

I carefully climbed out of the bed and walked over to my dresser, slipping on some clothes before grabbing a duffel bag from the closet. I stashed a few extra clothes inside of it and then walked towards the door. I took a quick glance back at Jacob, admiring his body and presence.

No matter what... "I'll always love you..." I breathed out.

I closed the door and walked silently down the hallway. I passed Sam and Emily's room, and decided to walk in, searching for what I hoped to find. I opened dresser drawers and looked under the furnishings, and I still hadn't found it.

"Shit..." I cursed.

Where the hell could it be...?

I walked inside the closet and looked on the rack at the very top. I saw a box buried under some clutter and got a good feeling from my gut. I pushed a chair to the closet and stood on it as I reached for the box. I maneuvered it out from under other objects without making a sound and opened it up on the bed.


There was a wad of twenties in a rubber band I snatched it quickly as if it would disappear into thin air if I didn't. I put it into my pant pocket and saw Emily's passport inside the shoe box as well. I knew that I would need a passport to leave the country, but obviously I didn't have one.

I stared at the photo of Emily that stared right back at me. I wish I could look like her... Then getting through security wouldn't be a problem.

I looked at the details of Emily's face. I took it all in: her straight jet black hair, caring chocolate eyes, sun-kissed tan skin, the scars that marred her... everything. I opened my eyes and looked at my light brown hair, holding it into my hands, playing with the strands.

My eyes widened in shock and I dropped the strands I played with as they went from chestnut to black. What the hell... I picked up my hair again and sure enough, it wasn't my imagination—my hair was now blacker than coal.

I looked at the vanity mirror that rested upon the dresser and saw that the rest of my body was now going under a metamorphosis as well. My skin went from it's fair tone to copper in minutes, my blue eyes grew darker until they were an endless brown, and across my face, diagonal lines started to become visible, turning into the scars that she carried.

"Oh my God..." I mumbled, not only had my body changed, but my voice now sounded identical to hers. I touched my face and couldn't believe this was real. This was probably one of the powers the Volturi wants to change me for...

Without wasting time, I snatched up the passport and made a mad dash towards the door, stopping when I felt guilty. I was doing something horrible to them after they had been nothing but kind to me. What kind of a person was I?

I looked at the bed and noticed that a notepad was inside the box along with some new ballpoint pens. I grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote a small message, leaving it on the dresser for them to find easily.

After that, I was sprinting down the road and hoping that the guys weren't patrolling around the area.

It seemed that tonight was my night, and I had made it into Forks without a single run-in with the guys. I wandered into the town and saw a taxi dropping someone off. I ran to the cab before it could take off and got inside.

"Where to?" The scruffy looking man inquired.

"Airport..." I huffed.

"Which one?"

"The closest one."

"Port Angeles it is."

The man began to drive down the street and I gave a soft sigh of relief. I might be able to make it. I thought. I just hope this appearance will last till I get to the airport.


"Jacob, wake up you son of a bitch!!"

I shot upwards in the bed and looked to find the entire pack surrounding me. Embry looked ready to kill and I noticed the lack of another body that was supposed to be here.


"What the hell happened?" I mumbled, grabbing my head.

"You tell us, jackass!!" Embry shouted. "You were supposed to make sure she didn't fucking leave, you dipshit, not have sex and fall asleep!"

"Embry, calm down now. I know you're upset, we all are, but we need to try and keep ourselves in check." Sam stated.

"Sam, you can't be fucking serious!"

"Embry." Sam glared at the rebelling teen before turning to Jacob, tossing him his shorts that were on the floor. "Explain. Now."

"We talked. I kissed her. It got farther than I expected it would. We passed out. That's all that I can remember." I answered, putting on my shorts underneath the blanket that covered my lower half. "Why did I kiss her...?" I mumbled, guilt taking me over as I thought of Renesmee.

This ongoing internal fight was making me go insane. I loved Renesmee one moment, and Allia the next. The cables... I thought. Most had snapped away from Renesmee and attached themselves to Allia by now.

Now only one remained...

And it was the strongest of them all.

It couldn't possibly be broken...

"Okay, seriously. Let's get out of here and start looking for her, she could be anywhere!" Embry yelled, already racing out of the room.

"Everyone out. Paul, Jared, Seth, and Leah, you stay here and search the woods for anything. Embry, Quil, Jacob, and I will go into town to see if we can pick up her scent." Sam instructed, and immediately we were all running out of the house.

"Sam!!" The pack came to a halt and stared at Emily who had dried tear stains on her cheeks. She held up a phone and held it out to him. "It's Carlisle."

What the hell does the bloodsucker want right now...?! I thought, becoming infuriated that he was wasting our precious time.

Sam stared at it in confusion, which then turned to anger before he grabbed it. "Yes, Carlisle?" He listened to the bloodsucker and we weren't able to make out what he was saying because of a bad connection. "She was? Okay..." There was another long pause before Sam thanked Carlisle and turned to us.

"Bella was driving home from Charlie's when she said she saw Emily getting into a taxi cab." Sam explained.

"But Emily was with Sue and Claire!" Quil yelled in confusion. "She can't be at two places at once!"

"Exactly. That wasn't Emily. It was Allia, you idiot." Leah barked.


"Bella said she overheard them talking and that the driver was taking her to Port Angeles Airport." Sam declared. "I still want you four to stay and patrol here just in case." He looked at Paul, Jared, Seth and Leah with authority and they then sprinted out into the woods obediently. "Jacob, you and Embry take the Rabbit and Quil and I'll take my truck. We're driving over to the airport."

"Sam," Emily called.

He turned to his imprint and looked at her curiously. "Yea, Em?"

"She left this..."

My blood ran cold as I grew nervous. What had she left...?

She handed him a piece of paper and Sam read it aloud. "You've all been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. You have to understand that this is something that I have to do and it's something I have to do alone. It's my responsibility and I'm willing to die for it. I'm sorry for everything. If we meet again, I hope you can forgive me. I love you all... Allia Accalia."

Emily began to cry softly and Sam enveloped her in a hug, rubbing her back comfortingly. "Jacob, Embry, get going." He ordered. "Who knows how much time we have..."

Without another word, Embry and I were sprinting into the trees.

Why are you trying to be the hero, Allia? I thought, shifting along with Embry and heading in the direction of my house.


"Alright, Ms. Young, everything seems to be in order. Enjoy your flight."

I accepted the plane ticket with a smile. "Thank you for helping me, Terri." I responded, noticing her name tag.

I walked away briskly and felt my stomach grumble. I looked at the current time, which was 3:25, and compared it with the departure time. I've got enough time to eat something quickly.

I headed into a Starbucks and got in line. As I reached the counter, I ordered a small coffee to keep myself awake and alert, and I also ordered a bagel to nibble on. I received both of my items within minutes and sat at one of the empty round tables. I relaxed into the cushioned chair and enjoyed my small meal as I gazed out into the crowd of people that headed to their gates and to the exits.

I choked on my bagel when I saw them. What the hell are Embry and Jacob doing here?!

I stood up from the table, not caring if I left my things, and hid behind a wall. I saw both boys separate and walk in different directions as they continued their search for what I suspected to be me.

Suddenly the airport's intercom went off, announcing that my flight was beginning to commence the boarding process.

Perfect timing.

I took a deep breath to calm my rattling nerves and soon began to jog towards my gate, trying to not attract too much attention to myself.

"There you are!" Someone yanked me back and I saw Embry there, a stern look upon his face. "Allia, what the hell? Why are you doing this?"

Play the part... I told myself. "Allia? Embry, it's me, Emily! Isn't it obvious?"

He eyed me up for a moment before shaking his head. "Allia, I'm not going to fall for this. This isn't funny. C'mon, we're going home. We'll deal with those leeches together." He said.

"Embry, Sam saw Allia going that way. Him and Jake were going to ambush her."

"Well, come on then, Emily." He retorted, pulling me along. "Let's help ambush her."


He stared at me with slits for eyes. "What is it?" He growled.

"I have to use the restroom. You can stand outside and wait for me, I mean... I've got nothing to hide."

He gazed at me suspiciously. "Make it quick."

The two of us walked towards the entrance of the womens' bathroom and he stood leaning against the wall as I walked inside, closing the door behind me.

Shit, what am I going to do now...?

The toilet flushed and a girl who looked around eighteen exited the stall, her carry on suitcase being lugged out behind her. I gazed at her through the corner of my eye, studying her. She had the skin of a porcelain doll, looking frail and damageable, her golden locks of straight hair fell neatly upon her shoulders, and reached as far as her lower back. I could see her pale green eyes from the mirror and feel the innocence that radiated off of them, and her voice was warm as honey as she hummed a sweet tune to herself.

I looked back into the mirror and stiffened as I noticed that I had transformed from Emily and into this mysterious new person.

She had dried her hands by now and turned to see me, a copy of herself. "Wh-wha..." Her eyes then rolled up into her head as she fainted.

I was able to catch her before she hit the ground and was having a mental breakdown. This was not supposed to happen.

I ended up putting her inside the handicap stall, carrying her luggage into the stall with her so no one would steal her things. I looked at my duffel bag that I still had and bit my lip.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled to the girl, even though she wasn't able to hear me.

I then began to empty her luggage and put my things into her own suitcase. I looked down at the clothes I wore, my signature cropped top, shorts, and gladiator sandals, and groaned. I'm going to hell for this...

I took one of her outfits and exchanged them quickly, slipping them on with ease. I locked the stall and crawled underneath the door, disgusted, but not willing to make a big fuss over it at the time. I fixed my new disguise and was soon walking out the door, acting confident.

A hand grabbed my forearm and I looked back to see Embry staring me down. He sighed and let me go. "I'm sorry... I thought you were someone else."

"It's... fine." I mumbled, walking away quickly with my luggage.

I power walked towards my gate and would occasionally see Sam, Quil, and Jacob pass me by, not noticing me for a minute. I was thankful that I had run into that girl, without her, I would've been caught for sure.

I looked around to see if one of the guys was around and I sighed when I noticed they weren't. I went behind a corner and envisioned Emily in my mind, and I saw the change taking place before my eyes. I did a quick look around and saw Jacob scanning the area for me. I hid as his eyes grew closer to me, and I looked back again a few moments later to see that he had his back turned to me, looking in a different area.

I sprinted towards gate and handed the stewardess my ticket. "Ah, you're lucky Ms. Young, we were just about to stop the boarding process." She spoke.

I looked over my shoulder to see Jacob staring directly at me, mouth hanging open. He had no doubt heard the loudmouth from across the room with his sensitive hearing. He didn't waste time sprinting towards us and I headed down the corridor rapidly. The stewardess closed the door behind me and I could hear her typing in the code to lock the door.

"Open it! Please! I have to talk to her!" Jacob shouted, banging on the door.

My feet came to a halt and I stopped walking to hear the conversation.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't do that." She answered.

"You have to! I need to talk to her!!"

"Sir, I'm afraid that if you don't leave, I'll be forced to call security."

"Please, I'm begging you! It's important!"

"Sir, this is your last chance. Please leave."

I heard Jacob yell in frustration as he punched the door furiously. With that, I continued making my way down the small hallway, boarding the plane without a problem. I walked towards my seat, put my suitcase into the storage above, and sat in my seat beside the window.

The plane began to back out of the terminals and towards the runways, the stewardesses explaining the mandatory safety procedures until we were ready to take off.


My head snapped towards the small window and I saw Jacob running up to the plane, which was now beginning to move forward. Jacob kept up with the plane for a few seconds before the machine slowly began to lose him.

"Stop!!" He yelled. "Don't go!!"

I frowned at the boy. "I love you." I mouthed silently, and pulled down the plastic blind to shield my eyes from his tear stained face.

Tears were now pricking at my eyes and I was wondering if I had truly made the right decision in leaving La Push, my second home.

And in leaving Jacob Black... my imprint.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know. I'm awful. x)
But you'll forgive me... I hope.

Anyways, I honestly didn't expect to make this chapter as long as it was, I thought it was going to be short... but I guess I kinda got into writing it. Ahaha, oh well, I guess that's just better for you, right? (:

And you also learned about one of the infamous new powers that Allia discovers she has. The Volturi want her for them. Let's just see what happens in the next chapter when she arrives in Italy, and see what happens with Jacob and the pack when they realize she's really gone. (;

Thank you to everyone who commented on the previous chapter. I love reading comments, they make my day and get my butt into overdrive for writing new chapters. *wink* *wink* *hint* *hint*

Getting back on topic, comments are amazing, so you should leave me one! lol Thanks for continuing to read this story! It makes me so honored!!