Status: Fin.

Mythical Beings & Mystical Feelings


“Allia Accalia?” Sam looked perplexed by my unusual name.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Mouthful,” Paul muttered under his breath.

“I hope you realize I can hear you perfectly.”

He rolled his eyes and muttered curses about me under his breath, still not caring that I could hear him calling me a “smartass bitch”. He seemed to be the most immature one out of their pack.

“You’re going to have to ignore him, he has issues.” Said one of the boys whose name I still did not know. He extended his arm out from across the table and smiled. “Embry.”

“Nice to meet you,” I gave a small smile and shook his hand.

“Why are you so nice to him?!” Paul roared in annoyance. “And I do not have ‘issues’!!” Paul looked at Embry with hatred in his brown eyes.

“He, unlike you, isn’t trying to hit on me.” I gave him an annoyed glance.

He muttered once more under his breath and I could still hear him cursing my very existence.

“Paul, be quiet.” Sam ordered.

“Well, since we’re all introducing ourselves,” one said, stretching to get himself comfortable. “My name’s Quil.”

“I’m Jared.”

“I’m Seth!” The youngest looking one said enthusiastically. “And thank you… for saving my sister, Leah.” He then got up from his seat and engulfed me in a hug, taking me by surprise.

“It’s nice to meet you all,” I said, and patted the boy’s back soothingly. “And it wasn’t a problem.”

“Where did you come from?” Sam asked, getting back on track with the interrogation.

“I have to think about that one…” I mumbled. And I really did have to. It had been years since I thought about my home. Just a little over a century even. It came to me. “I came from Italy, from a small hillside town called Pienza in the region of Tuscany to be accurate.”

“Who cares…?” Paul muttered.

“Paul!” Sam yelled. “Go patrol—now!”

“What the fuck, Sam?!” He shouted back, but got up nonetheless and went out into the rain—wasn’t like he had much of a choice though, Sam was alpha and had to obey him.

“I’m sorry about him,” Sam apologized. “He’s very temperamental. Why did you come here?”

“I didn’t choose to come here. I’ve been after a vampire for a while, probably a few years, his name is Devin. He murdered a few people in a small village that I was passing through back in Europe. I’ve been trying to avenge the people that died for all this time.” I said. “He has an ability though, he can transport anyone within a certain radius anywhere he wants in the world. As I was chasing him, he used that ability on me and I ended up in the woods here. I went walking and came upon Leah fighting that bloodsucker. When I saw that she was injured, I took it upon myself to help her out. I brought her here and well, here we are.”

“Are you apart of a pack?”

“No, I’m alone. I’ve been alone all of my existence.”

He looked intrigued by my choice of words. “How old are you…?”

I smiled. “I thought you’d ask,” I sighed out. “Obviously I have the form of a seventeen year old, but I was born on December 31st, 1896, which makes me one-hundred-fourteen.”

“Hey, when I shook your hand, your skin wasn’t hot like ours. You feel like a normal human…” Embry stared at me in confusion. “Why is that?”

“I’m not your normal shape shifter.” I began. “My mother was a shape shifter—the only girl in her pack, and my father was… well, he was a bit of a sorcerer or wizard, whichever term you would prefer to use.”

“I thought… wizards were fake…?” Quil looked confused.

“Didn’t you think supernatural beings were fake until you turned into one yourself?” I retorted with a small smirk.

“Point taken,” He nodded. “What kind of a magic did he do?”

“He could do just about anything, really. He died when he went traveling to meet a few people, and then my mother and I went traveling around. She died trying to protect me from an attacking coven of vampires when I was a child.” I explained. “Anyways, getting back on topic… My parents had me and I got many traits and abilities from them. Obviously, from my mother I got the shape shifter gene. I inherited quite a few things from my father. I can manipulate fire and it won’t hurt me in either my human form or wolf form. I seem more human than other shifters, for instance like Embry pointed out, I run the average human temperature. I do have some disadvantages though. I’m easily hurt and I take a bit longer than normal shifters to heal, but still faster than a human. And there’s also the fact that I’m not as fast as normal shifters.”

“That’s pretty cool,” Jared said, grabbing a muffin from the table, taking a large bite from it. “Can you show us a magic trick?”

I gave a small chuckle, but nodded all the same. I opened my hand and I could feel heat gather on my palm. A small flame than burst from my skin and consumed my hand. It didn’t hurt, and it in fact felt soothing. Everyone’s eyes went wide in shock at the sight and Jared wanted to use my glass of water to put it out.

“Wow! That’s so cool!” Seth shouted. “What else can you do?”

“I can put others on fire as well, and I can choose to make it hurt them or not.”

“Can you try it on me?” He asked happily.

“If you want me to,” I shrugged. “It’ll feel warm, but you won’t be burned. I promise.”

He nodded and extended his arm out towards me and I put my burning hand next to his. I then let the flames jump onto his hand and everyone stiffened, thinking that he would end up hurt.

“Woah…” He grinned. “Embry, Jared, Quil, Sam, you’ve got to try this!! It feels like I’m a heater.”

“You already are!” Jared howled in laughter.

“It feels great!” Seth yelled.

“That’s what she said.” Quil snickered.

I looked at Seth’s hand and the flame slowly died out. “Aw…” He pouted. I grabbed my glass of water and then poured a bit onto his hand. Steam rushed upwards and it felt like a sauna inside the house. “Allia, you’re my new best friend!”

“No, she’s mine!” Embry debated.

“Mine!” Seth.

“Mine!” Embry.





“Jesus Christ, just shut up already!! You both sound like those goddamn seagulls from that children movie about the fish!!” Jared yelled and hit each of them upside the head.

“‘Finding Nemo’?” Quil looked surprised. “I just watched that last night with Claire.” He smiled at the memory.

Sam cleared his throat and the atmosphere reverted back to becoming serious. “You’re more than welcome to stay with us here for the time being. You’ll be under surveillance for your stay here though.” He concluded. “Nothing personal, but you’re still a bit of a shady person.”

“Don’t worry, I understand. Thank you for your hospitality.” I nodded. “Is there any way that I could maybe thank you or repay you for this?”

“Nothing comes to mind,” Sam shook his head. “Just don’t shift without one of us with you, and stay away from the more populated areas when you are.”

“Oh! I got it!” Embry laughed. “Keep pissing off Paul!”

“I was probably going to do that anyways. He’s quite entertaining to mess with.”

Embry grinned hugely and walked over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “I like her already, Sam. She can stay forever if she wants.”

“You should put him on fire and make him piss his pants!” Quil burst out laughing.

“Dude, that’d be so fucking hilarious!” Jared howled.

“Boys, language!” The woman shouted from the kitchen.

“Oh, I forgot to mention,” Sam sighed. “Emily come out here, please,”

The woman came out smiling and stood next to Sam, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Emily, this is Allia Accalia, she’ll be staying with us for the time being. Allia, this is my fiancé, Emily Young.”

“Nice to meet you,” She said sincerely.

“You as well,” I nodded.

She hugged me lovingly and as we pulled away, she said that it was time to start preparing the guest bedroom, and so she went up the staircase, disappearing from sight.

The sound of a motorcycle was heard, the smell of bloodsucker faint—making me growl inwardly. The engine died and then footsteps made their way up the porch, the door swung open to reveal a boy who was higher than six foot, like the rest of the guys around here, and tan, russet skin. His hair was rather messy due to riding his bike and was sticking out to the sides, though it looked nice that way. He had dark, chocolate brown eyes and they seemed to be shining as they looked around the room. They landed on me and my heart fluttered. I didn’t even mind the scent of leech anymore…

Oh no… I thought. I imprinted on him.

Imprinting was extremely rare—excruciatingly rare. It was even rarer for a female shape shifter to imprint. If not rare, than it was absolutely impossible. I had always hoped to imprint one day… but… not right now—not like this. Not when I knew that it would never work out because I would have to head back to Italy—back home. I couldn’t fall for him. I had to try not to.

“Hey guys,” he greeted, and then looked over at me. “Uh, who is this?”

“This is Allia Accalia, she’s a shape shifter from Europe. She was sent here by a bloodsucker’s ability and she saved Leah from an attacking leech.” Sam explained. “She’ll be staying with Emily and I for a while.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Allia.” He gave me a small smile. “I’m Jacob Black.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Jacob.” I replied.

I swear to God my heart fluttered like a hummingbird’s wings flapping as he smiled and greeted me kindly.

“How was hanging with Renesmee?” Embry asked.

I was immediately swamped with jealousy. God, I already hated this whole ‘imprint’ thing…

“Oh, it was great seeing Nessie,” He smiled fondly. “We played tag—she caught me quickly, Simon Says, Red Rover—we had to have Bella, Alice, and Jasper join us though, and then she made me play that number game with her…” He looked deep in thought as he tried to figure out the name of the game.

“Sudoku…?” Quil looked at him questionably.

Jacob snapped his fingers and nodded. “Yea, that one,” He said. “I swear her IQ is higher than the average human’s.”

“Her IQ probably is. I mean, she was born five months ago and she looks like what?—A nine year old, already?” Seth asked.

“Not to mention they’re all teaching her different things aren’t they?” Jared asked.

Jacob nodded to both Seth and Jared. “Yea, I’m going home to get some sleep before patrol. That and I’m going to need some more energy before I head back over tomorrow.” He smiled happily, waved a quick goodbye, and then walked out of the house.

After hearing his engine carry him away, I turned to the rest of them.

“She was born five months ago and she has the appearance of a nine-year-old?” I questioned.

“Her name’s Renesmee Cullen, she’s the daughter of Bella, a former human, and Edward, a vampire.”

My instincts took over and a growl went off in the back of my throat. Realizing my new hostile emotions, I cleared my throat and looked at the floor. “I’m sorry… that was… uncalled for. It’s just—a human and a vampire? How’d the leech pull off that one?”

“Don’t worry, it’s understandable,” Sam said, dismissing my earlier behavior. “She loves him. The girl has a weird mind. She was human when she had the girl, then she almost died of blood loss so they changed her.”

“How… sorrowful… to lose your humanity…”

“She doesn’t mind it—anything to be with the bloodsucker.” Jared stated.

“There’s something you have to know.” He began. “We have a treaty with the vampires—the Cullens, our elders made it long ago. They don’t step onto our land—onto the reservation, or harm a human being, and we won’t reveal them for what they truly are.”

Emily came back from upstairs and smiled. “Sam, I’ve just made the guest bedroom,” She smiled. “You can go up whenever you’d like Allia.”

“Would you mind if I go to sleep? I haven’t slept in a few days.” I asked them.

Sam nodded. “We’ll wake you for dinner,”

“Thank you,” I smiled sincerely before walking towards the staircase. “Which room?”

“The last room on your right.” Emily said. “I also laid out a few clothes for you so you don’t have to wear the boys’. Just leave them outside on the floor and I’ll collect them later.”

“Thank you so much for doing that, Emily.”

“It wasn’t a problem, now go on and get some sleep, I’m sure you’re more than tired.”

I nodded and walked up the stairs and into the designated room. I locked the door behind me as I changed into the clothes that were on the bed—a pair of comfortable gray sweats and a loose fitting black tank top, along with a pair of underwear and a sports bra, and put the clothes into the hallway like Emily had instructed. I crawled into bed and the simple touch of a goose feathered pillow and silky smooth blankets made my muscles relax, making me more tired than I had been in months.

I have to stay away from Jacob Black… I can’t have myself making this a more difficult leave than it’s already going to be. I thought. It’s going to be a long shot, but I’ll have to try.

I’d have to go against my instincts.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got a lot of comments and that got me in a bit of a writing mood so I thought I'd post another chapter as soon as I could. I hope you liked it and I hope I'll get to keep you as my incredible readers. The next chapters will get more interesting. I promise! [:

If you don’t know how to pronounce her name, it’s: Allia (A-lee-uh) Accalia (Uh-cail-ee-uh). Just thought that I might want to clear that up… ;)