Status: For Contest

Love Kills Slowly

Out Of Nowhere

The Slayer crept slowly along the fence line, jumping forward and slicing the throat of a guard. He made a gurgled noise and dropped to the ground with a soft thud. She then continued on her way, taking down three more, unaware of her confidence building up more than it should have been. Her sneakiness and concentration began to slacken as she took down two of the stronger guards.

This is so easy, she thought. How did no one succeed before?

It was when she thought that, was her question answered.

Out of nowhere, two dozen vampires leaped out at her, hissing and baring their teeth. Her face scrunched up in disgust as she struck out at one, only to have her wrist grabbed and twisted painfully. The Slayer turned and kicked, but was tripped in return, landing hard on her back, her wrist still being held. One of the vampires jumped on her and she squirmed to get away, but only succeeded in exciting the monster more.

He bared his fangs and they glinted in the silver light of the moon. The Slayer’s eyes widened in fright as he slowly bent his head towards her neck, as if to prolong the moment. It was a bad move on his part, for she had a free hand and quickly snatched the stake from inside her belt and stabbed his heart through the back. The vampire screeched, exploding into dust on top of her.

The Slayer rolled on to her hands and knees, balancing on her palms and kicking another vampire down. One of them jumped at her, but she rolled out of the way. They came at her, but now as she concentrated more, she was able to stand her ground. She thought she could do it until even more poured out of the trees and came sprinting from the castle. Now she understood why no one could succeed in this mission.

She bent to strike a vampire’s belly, but his hand came across her face and she immediately flew back, landing on the cold, hard ground. Blood trickled from the open cut on her cheek and pain coursed through her head as if someone had brought a hammer down. The impact had shattered her cheek bone.

Once again, one was on top of her, pinning her to the ground, but this time it was a female. The vampire hissed at her and quickly went in for the kill, but suddenly, the thing was torn from the Slayer’s body and thrown a good couple feet across the yard. The Slayer looked up in shock and the met the glowing, gray eyes of a gorgeous woman. Her long, dark hair hung in beautiful loose curls and she wore the clothes of a dangerous leader. With another stroke of shock, the Slayer realized it was the Vampire Queen, the very thing she was sent to kill.

The Queen’s eyes narrowed as she studied the Slayer, her giant, sharply curved earrings shining in the moonlight. She wore a choking necklace of steel skulls around her throat and another one just below it with a metal carved demon head. Beneath that was a strange tattoo, kind of like the end of an arrow with the small feathers sticking out of the stick. The robes she wore were just barely low enough to see the tattoo on her left arm of a three headed dragon.

“I want to keep this one,” The Queen’s voice was sickly smooth and the most beautiful thing the Slayer had ever heard. “She looks delicious.”

That snapped the Slayer out of her stoop. Jumping to her feet, she leaped at the Queen, but to her surprise was stopped mid air. She froze, her feet above the ground and just inches from driving a stake through the disgusting woman’s heart. The Queen smiled smugly.

“Nice try, little girl. But I’m the Queen. You’ve got to try much harder than that.”

The Queen turned away and the Slayer fell to the ground, landing oddly on her arm. She grit her teeth, but didn’t fight when two male vampires picked her up and carried her along behind the Queen. As they walked - surprisingly at human speed - the Slayer thought about the situation she was in.

This could come to her advantage. Earn the Queen’s trust and bam she was in. She could kill the Queen.

The Slayer had to keep back the smirk that wanted to spread across her bloodied lips.
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here's chapter one out I think three, maybe four. possibly two. I'm not sure. I kinda have the story plotted out so hopefully the chapters will come quickly. For this contest :