Status: For Contest

Love Kills Slowly

Nothing Makes Sense Anymore

Daryl helped her out of the dress, back into the cream silk gown and held the longer strands of her hair out of her face as she vomited into the toilet. She was sick for only a few minutes, but her skin remained pale, cheeks chalky and her eyes almost lifeless. It was as if the life had been sucked right out of her. Daryl fed her some vitamin pills and assisted her into bed, tucking her in and placing a wet cloth on her forehead.

"Daryl?" she croaked quietly. "Are you gay?"

The vampire chuckled an gave her a dashing smile. "Yessim."

"Shame," she said and then she went unconscious.

Daryl shook his head, smiled, left the room.

Later that night the Slayer woke up to a creaking noise, her head pounding as soon as she opened her eyes. Light streamed in through her open door, blinding her. She rolled out of bed, staggered across the room, shut the door then plopped right back into bed. Lying on her back the Slayer saw the tiniest movement, but it still caused the hairs to rise up on the back of her neck.

"Daryl, is that you?" She spoke into the empty darkness, only hearing silence in response... Then a skittering like multiple legs on wood. A rat? No... This place is far too clean for rats. "Daryl, are you tryin to scare me? Ima kick your ass if you keep doin this -"

"You got a thing for my stylist, Rose?" Suddenly the Queen was on top of Rose, straddling her lap and merely inches from her face.

The Slayer's eyes widened. N-no. We're just friends."

"You're easily startled for a slayer, Rose."

"I am not!... You just caught me off guard is all."

The Queen hummed triumphantly, running a finger along the Slayer’s chin and playing with a strand of her hair. The Slayer swallowed, looking up into the silver eyes of the Queen.

“What do you want from me, Vandala?” She asked.

The Queen pulled back a little, her eyes seemed to fill, but a second later the tears were gone. Her face, which had been struck with seriousness turned to lust and stone. Vandala looked down at Rose, her eyes hot and caused shivers to run down Rosalyn’s spine. Rose jumped when she felt the Queen’s hand run up the inside of her thigh and tried to get away, but one frantic look at the Queen’s face and she was hypnotized.

“Rose... I’m not trying to hurt you,” the Queen whispered,a small smile slowly forming on her lips. “I simply know what you are to me... before you become it.”

The Slayer tried to ask questions, but her throat was closed and her mouth felt like glue. She gazed into the eyes of Vandala, her mouth falling open as the Queen’s hand continued its journey to the Slayer’s core.

From there, the Queen pleasured the Slayer like she’s never been pleasured before. As the final shudders of orgasm came, the Queen nipped Rose’s neck and licked the two beads of blood that had rolled down to her shoulder. Meeting Rose’s eyes once more, the Queen glanced at her lips twice before ducking in and crushing their mouths together, holding the back of the Slayer’s head. Rosalyn didn’t know why, but she kissed back. It felt like instinct, it felt perfect.

And then she remembered what she was kissing.

She tore away from the vampiress, catching the Queen off guard just enough so she could escape. She had made it two feet outside the door before she ran into Vandala, falling to the floor. The Slayer scrambled to her feet and ran down the hall, only to be stopped and fall there too. Rose screamed and turned again, but Vandala grabbed her shoulder.

Rose cried out and round house kicked the Queen in the stomach, making a run for it from there. “Daryl!” She yelled, hoping he could help her. But why would he help her? Most of all, why is she asking for his help? He’s a vampire for God’s sake.

The vampire appeared, but his expression told her he could be of no hope. He grabbed her arms and held them tightly, almost too tightly. His face appeared to be made of stone and he stared off into the distance over Rose’s head.

“Daryl, let go of me! Let go! Daryl, please. DARYL!”

The corner of his eye twitched, but that was the only movement whatsoever. Rose felt tears well up in her eyes and she couldn’t even wipe them away. Slayers don’t cry, slayers don’t cry.

But she was.

“Please, Daryl. I am begging you. Let me go... I - I just want to go home. I’ll never come back, I promise. Just let me go home... please.”

The vampire looked down at her and she could see that he wanted to by the sadness in his eyes. He wanted to let her go home, so that they could both be safe. But he couldn’t. He didn’t have the authority.

“I’m sorry, Daryl.”

The vampire only had enough time to furrow his brows before the Slayer kneed him in between the legs, brought her elbow down on his back, punched him in the gut, then shoved him into a wall. He slumped to the floor, barely conscious. The Slayer kicked it into high gear and ran.

Why the Queen hadn’t already appeared, she didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to wonder. This was her chance. She could already feel freedom, smell it in the air. She was so ready to be home.

Suddenly, she was stopped, this time by a dozen or more vampire guards. They snarled, bared their teeth, hooked their fingers into claws, bent at the knees.


“I don’t want to fight you,” Rose said and she found to her dismay that she spoke the truth. “I just want to go home.”

They snarled in response and Rose knew she wasn’t going to get past them without a fight. She sighed and stood straight, head down. The vampires looked confused, but one of them lunged at her. The Slayer’s training kicked in and she knocked it to the side. The others were no longer confused and joined the fight.

The Slayer was knocked to the ground by one, his claws caught her on the neck, all the way down to her left breast. She cried out, rolling over twice, hooking her arm around the vampire’s throat and jerked at an angle, snapping it. Pushing the body off of her, she jumped to her feet and attacked another one. They went quickly and easy. The Slayer was surprised that it merely took five minutes to defeat a dozen vampires, especially with a wound like hers.
Rose staggered a little and pressed a hand to her neck, pulling it away to see her hand coated in blood. She closed her eyes for a moment, opened them and saw Daryl.

Daryl looked like he just got the crap beat out of him, worse than it probably was, but it still made the Slayer feel guilty. She didn’t understand why she felt these emotions of guilt and sadness towards a vampire. Why her walls have fallen so quickly. It had to be some kind of spell, some weird vampire voodoo. But then, if it was so powerful that it messed with her feelings, wouldn’t it erase any question she would have of herself? It would be pretty useless if she questioned herself.

“Please don’t leave, Rose. We need you, so much more than you know or understand.” Daryl looked up at her slowly, his eyes filled with tears. One slipped from the duct and trickled down his pale cheek. “You have so much to learn, Rose. Please...”

Rosalyn looked down at the floor, seeing a small pool of her own blood at her feet. She felt herself nod very slightly, saw blackness fill the corners of her eyes and then she saw the beautiful snow covered floor rushing to meet her. And then she was no longer aware of anything. Didn’t feel any pain or relief. She just felt like she was floating...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

“Is she alright?” Asked a tragically beautiful voice which was full of worry.

“She’ll be alright,” Daryl said, his own voice strained, as if he was holding back something.

“What is it, Daryl?” The voice said, now frustrated and pushy.

“You didn’t have to send them after her.”

“What else could I do? She ran from me.”

“It was completely unnecessary! Look at her now! You’re lucky she isn’t dead from how much blood she’s lost!”

“Don’t talk to me in that tone.”

Daryl scoffed. “I may be your stylist and your servant, but I am also your friend and as your friend I advice you try better tactics to win this slayer’s heart. As of now, you’re not doing so hot.”

There was silence, and then a door shut, indicating someone had left. Who, the Slayer didn’t know, but she was hoping it was the Queen. It had been her who sent the vampires after her. It had been her who caused the wound. She was the reason Rose ran away in the first place.

She found that she couldn’t open her eyes, even though she tried very hard. Her lids were glued shut and her body was numb, disobeying her demands to move.

Rose felt a soft hand run across her forehead and she knew that it was in fact the Queen who had stayed behind. She felt herself tense up, but her body didn’t move an inch. Inside she was frantic, screaming get away! Get away! It was frustrating that she couldn’t move
“Oh, Rosalyn, there’s so much to tell you and so little time to do it,” Vandala spoke softly and her voice was as beautiful as ever. “I have no idea whether you can hear me or not, but I have high hopes that you do.” Rose liked that her voice had a slight Ukrainian accent. It added to the natural beauty of the vampiress’s vocals. “You see, I have lived the lives of hundreds, I have lived a millenia and have seen, heard, felt, touched, smelled more than you could ever imagine. I watched man turn into what it is, I’ve watched vampires, demons, angels, werewolves, wizards, etc. become scared of your people.

“Have your people ever tell you the true stories of why we are enemies? Why the mythical is sought out as evil. Because truly Rose, we are not evil. We are the puppy that has been kicked too many times. We are the the tree in the shadow of the bigger trees. We are the hunted. And your slayers, my dearest Rose, are the monsters.”

Rose wanted to sit up and slap the woman. She wanted to deny every word, she wanted to stab her in the chest with a stake for saying such things. But she also knew that the Queen wouldn’t say just anything. The Queen hasn’t lied to her yet. Granted, there was no reason and they rarely spoke. But why start lying now? For all the Queen knew, Rose couldn’t hear her.

So why lie?

“When I was thirteen, I was engaged to a very handsome, strong young man named Victor. He was everything my parents needed for me and everything I needed for a normal, happy life. He could provide money, food on the table and children. But shortly after the engagement, I had no father and no husband to marry. They had both died while on a hunting trip. My mother became extremely ill, several other women in the village did as well. Men began disappearing only a few months after my father and Victor’s death. Nobody could explain anything.

“I couldn’t sleep. I was too afraid. One night, a creature entered my place. It was a woman... it was Scarlet’s mentor actually, before she made Scarlet, she made me. She came into my home, pleasured and drank from me for many nights.

“I believed that I was in love with her. I believed that she cared for me, Rose. Especially when she spoke of running away and taking me to her palace. She treated me like a princess, Rose and to her that’s exactly what I was.

“I was her apprentice. Her heir to the throne. I had no idea what I was to become. I had no warning for the curse that was to be cast upon me, the burden placed on my shoulders. I never asked to become a blood drinker.

“When she finally did take me to the palace... Oh, I was in Wonderland! The Land of Oz! Heaven, if you may. It was everything I had expected and more! I was pampered more than a spoiled queen, I was treated with care and love. Sure, I was curious about the extra sharp teeth on all the servants and they’re unordinarily smooth, perfect skin. But I never payed too much attention. I was so happy, everything was just perfect. Until the night of the change.
“Angela, the vampiress who brought me to all of this, came into my room that evening and seduced me, drank from my neck until I almost passed out and then convinced me to drink from her. The blood, Rose... oh, the blood was fantastic. It was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted. And if it tasted like that as a human, imagine what it would taste like as a vampire.

“After drinking her blood, I fell asleep, only to wake up to the most excruciating pain. My body felt like it was on fire, the vampire blood was eating away at my human cells, making the transformation. Every night, for three nights, I had to drink from Angela so that the change wouldn’t revert. After experiencing that agony for an hour, I didn’t want it anymore. The taste of the blood wasn’t worth the pain. But she convinced me, she soothed me.

“And I became a vampire.”

Rose didn’t know why the Queen was telling her all of this, but she wasn’t complaining. It was intriguing, it had her full attention. She wanted to hear more.

“Once I was a vampire, I had the thirst for blood. The yearning was overpowering, I could hardly stand it and I would kill every victim. Believe me, slayer, I regretted all of them. I never wanted to be killer, I never wanted to be such a monster. I wanted to go back and change it all, but I couldn’t. I was stuck where I was and I had to deal with the consequences of my choices.

“As I learned to control my thirst, Angela taught me the ways of being the Vampire Queen. She taught me how to fight, with a weapon and hands. She taught me how to do everything. Angela was a wonderful teacher, she taught me all that she knew. I appreciate her more now than I did then, because of course, I didn’t want to be what I was.

“But as the years passed and I became queen, I became a woman and I learned that being a vampire wasn’t so bad. I learned to control my thirst completely and now, I only need a few sips a day. The thirst doesn’t even bother me anymore. But the taste is still the same. Blood is life and to be able to have that on your tongue is truly living.”

Rose felt a cold snake slither down her spine and suddenly, she was able to open her eyes. The Queen’s eyes widened when their gazes met, but Rose sat up and, to her own shock as well as Vandala’s, kissed her. The vampiress made a soft noise and cupped the Slayer’s face, kissing her back passionately. Their tongues swept each other’s, lips and tongues moving in perfect sync.

The kiss died down and the Slayer slowly began to realize what she had done. She just kissed the Vampire Queen...

What in bloody hell is happening to me?

Rose looked up at Vandala a little sheepishly. “Are you going to make me into a vampire?”

Vandala smiled softly. “No. I wouldn’t give you such a curse. You’re far too precious.”

Rose’s brows furrowed. Why was the Queen so nice to her? Why did she spare her life at all? It didn’t make sense to her... nothing made sense to her anymore.

“Why did you keep me alive?”

“Because I recognized you.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, what -”

Vandala placed a gentle hand over her mouth. “Hush. It is for me not to tell and for you to find out.”

Rose’s eyes narrowed and she bit Vandala’s hand, but to her dismay, it looked like it turned on the Queen. She slowly pulled her mouth away, her gaze on Vandala’s face.

“Did I just -?”

“Yes,” The Queen spoke huskily and her silver eyes blazed. “Yes, you did.”

There was a few moments of silence. “Am I going to be your sex puppet?”

Vandala laughed. “If that’s what you call it, maybe.” The Queen looked her up and down and smirked. “Why? Do you want to be?”

Rose swallowed hard. “I - I like... kissing you.”

Vandala leaned closer. “Really?” Her breath blew across the Slayer’s face, smelling of something sweet. Almost like flowers.


Vandala smirked again, letting the tip of her tongue to sweep across Rose’s bottom lip. She trailed butterfly kisses along her jaw, caught her earlobe between her teeth and gently pulled. Rose arched her neck and the Queen attacked it with sensual kisses and tongue sweeps. Rose moaned, arching even more as warmth grew between her legs. She spread them so that the Queen could settle there, her hand running up and down one thigh, driving Rose crazy.


Vandala smiled against her skin, trailing down to her chest, pulling back the gown a little and taking one pink nipple into her mouth. Rose gasped and arched, Vandala’s hand going up to grope the other breast. Rose grabbed the Queen’s chin and crushed their lips together. Catching a hold of one of Vandala’s wrists, she dragged it down and placed it on top of her sex. From there, the Queen took control.

After much teasing, she finally entered a finger, pumped for a while then added one more. Rose was too tight for a third. Rose’s gasps and screams turned high pitched and the vocals caused the vampiress to orgasm with her.

When it was over, the Queen licked her fingers, gave Rose a gentle kiss, said good night and left.

Rosalyn lied on her back and thought about what had just happened.

What in the bloody hell am I going to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! Long chapter! I am sure there's only going to be one more chapter, but there'll be a lot in it. thanks to those who have read and subscribed! I really appreciate it!
And I know it's annoying, but it would LOVE if you commented.
It makes my day sometimes ^_^