Young Love Is Such Dumb Love.


Morgan Barker was fuming, absolutely fuming, she could hardly believe that she had been given a detention for something she didn’t actually do.

‘Miss Barker would you please explain why you behaved in such an unacceptable way today?’ her math teacher asked, looking at Morgan over the rim of her glasses.

‘Well, Mrs White, I didn’t do anything so no, I won’t actually be explaining anything at all’

Morgan replied, pushing her chair away from her desk and grabbing her bag from the floor, she stood on her slightly shaky legs, this was most out of character for her but she wouldn’t stand for this blatant injustice.

‘Who did it then?’ Mrs White asked, also standing, perhaps in a half arsed attempted to stop Morgan leaving.

‘Matt fuckin’ Tuck’ Morgan spat, she turned on her heal and strode from the room, ignoring Mrs White’s reply, she didn’t care, she was out for blood.
Morgan practically ran out of the school, she knew exactly where she’d find Matt and she wasn’t going home until she’d told him exactly what she thought of him.

Morgan’s cousin Jay was one of Matt’s best friends, so chances where that they would be at Jay’s house, where she knew she was welcome, even if was to confront that ignorant bastard.
Morgan was slightly out of breath when she thumped on her Auntie Jayne’s front door.

‘Hey sweetie’ Jayne greeted when she opened the door to find her niece stood there.

‘Hello, is Jay in?’ Morgan replied, no time for niceties.

‘Yeah, he’s got the boys round though’ auntie Jayne answered, standing aside to let Morgan in.

‘Wonderful’ Morgan hissed as she stalked passed her aunt and went straight up the stairs. She could hear laughter and music coming from Jay’s room, there was a skull and cross bones painted on the door with the world ‘Jason’ written in a graffiti style under it.
Morgan rolled her eyes and burst through the door, there were four boys sat in there, she knew of the all but didn’t actually know them, Jay glanced up, shock all over his small, childish face.

‘What are you doing here?’ he demanded, glaring at his older cousin.

‘I’m here to talk to him’ she spat, pointing an accusing finger at the long hair berk that had started all the trouble. Jay scoffed, Matt also smirked, raising one cocky eyebrow.

‘What can I do for you beautiful?’ he asked, licking his lips, hate boiled in Morgan’s veins.

‘You can explain exactly why you decided to blame me for what you did in class today?’ she demanded, narrowing her eyes and advancing toward the sitting Matt.

Matt simply laughed and rolled his eyes, glancing at Jay, ‘Uh, what class is this exactly?’ he asked.

‘Maths class, damn it, you wrote a load of shit about Mrs White and then threw it at her, she thought it was me and I got a fucking detention’ Morgan was well aware that her voice was getting louder with every word, she didn’t care though, he deserved all her anger.

Matt’s brows furrowed, as if he was trying to remember the incident that Morgan was accusing him off, he ran his tongue over his teeth and then eyed Morgan up and down.

‘Yeah and?’ he said finally, his words hung in the air, the others laughed nervously, Jay was looking particularly uncomfortable. Morgan fisted her hands at her sides, fighting hard to stop herself throwing a punch or two.

‘and I want you to own up to it! I want you to go to Mrs White and admit it was you that did it’ Morgan answered, no longer shouting but all the malice was still filling her voice.

‘Fat chance babe’ Matt replied offhandedly, he turned away from her and started to talk to the guy sat next to him. Morgan was outraged.

‘Matt Tuck you are a disgusting human being and I hate you in every possible way’ Morgan said, her voice was dangerously low, like a thunderstorm was brewing inside her, Matt glanced back up at her and shrugged. Morgan opened her mouth to start again but Jay grabbed her arm.

‘Boo, just back off okay, you won’t win this fight’ Jay mumbled, pulling her toward the door, the use of her childhood nick name seemed to douse her anger a little, she allowed him to pull her from the room.
Once on the landing he faced her, still gripping her arm tightly, she opened her mouth to start on him but he held his hand out to stop her.

‘Look, Matt is a stubborn as you are, he won’t apologise and he won’t admit he was wrong, just drop it and walk away’ Jay’s voice was quiet and his hazel eyes were sincere. Morgan shuffled from one foot to the other, feeling a little bit stupid.

‘It’s not fair’ she muttered, her whole body dropping with defeat.

‘I know but just lose this battle, you’re not a lesser person for it’ Jay, rubbed her arm comfortingly. Morgan shrugged and sighed.

‘Sorry Jay’ she mumbled.

‘It’s cool Boo,’ Jay replied, giving his cousin a quick hug, ‘I’ll see you on Sunday’ he added before Morgan turned and headed out of the house.

Morgan’s own home was empty, neither her parents nor her sibling where in so she took herself off to her quiet bedroom, where she soon filled the silence with some Metallica, who helped to sooth her angered heart.

She threw herself on the bed and sighed heavily, not her best day. She couldn’t believe how rude Matt had been to her but she also couldn’t help thinking of how blue his eyes had looked as he surveyed her. Morgan forcefully shook her head, stupid boys and their stupid pretty eyes.

Matt would get his comeuppance, she was sure of it.
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I have a burning passion for Mr Tuck and there's very few stories for him knocking around on this site, so I thought I'd have a crack at writing one.
Let me know what you think :D
